Smart House Xiaomi on Aliexpress - Temperature Sensors, Movement, Lighting Management, Smart Alarm Clock, Video Surveillance, Retail, Gift Set, Set, Smart Socket: Browse, Price, Catalog, Reviews, Photos, Sale, Best Stores

Household products

In this article we will discuss which devices technology smart home from Xiaomi can be found on Aliexpress.

Electronics every day is increasingly improving. Today it is developed so much that it can even be managed by its home. Such a system is called "Smart House". You can buy everything you need to create security on Aliexpress. Let's discuss with you which components from the company Xiaomi. here you can find.

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Xiaomi Temperature Sensors for Aliexpress: Catalog, Photo

Xiaomi temperature sensors for AlExpress

Xiaomi temperature sensors for AlExpress

Comfort in the house largely depends on the temperature in the premises. To monitor this parameter, it is worth using a special sensor.
This is a compact round gadget with a diameter of 9 cm and 3 cm in width. Weighs the sensor is only 85 grams. The sensor is capable of measuring the temperature at 20-60 degrees. Additionally, he controls the humidity. The error is not more than 0.3 degrees, which is considered to be a very small deviation.
In real-time, the sensor transmits information to your smartphone and all indicators are visible on its display.
When the parameters go beyond the borders of comfortable, a beep will immediately be filed. The device is easy and convenient to use. It will allow you to regulate the temperature and humidity, and this is important, especially if there are small children at home.

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Devices for controlling Xiaomi lighting on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Xiaomi lighting management

Xiaomi lighting management

It happens that there is a need to control light in separate rooms. So for the bedroom you can buy a lamp with a control panel.
Its round shape and protection against dust penetration provide additional reliability.
Inside it has 240 LEDs, providing comfortable and bright light. The device is designed for 25 thousand hours of operation. His kit includes a control panel, which allows to reduce the glow.
Moreover, the lighting control is possible from the smartphone, which is very convenient. There is also a moonlight option, that is, the chandelier can work like a night light in the nursery. Installing the device is very easy, you can sufficiently spend 5 minutes and everything will be ready.

Table lamp with two light sources

Table lamp with two light sources

By the way, you can manage not only the main devices, but also additional. For instance, Xiaomi. created a lamp with two light sources. It can change its shape, or rather, bending 180 degrees. The power of light is selected and controlled through the smartphone. It is very convenient and the users such a device will definitely like.

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An alarm clock Xiaomi on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Alarm clock Xiaomi.

Alarm clock Xiaomi.

It's not easy to get up every morning. In this case, the alarm clock is always annoying and spoils the mood. If you, as many, it is hard to wake up, then you should surely buy a smart alarm clock.
This is a small round-shaped device with a dynamics. You can set the signal convenient to you. Works alarm clock on a battery with a container 2600 mAh.. This is enough 360 hours of workAnd then you can charge it in 2-3 hours.
Works gadget in a radius 10 meters.

When machining on the speaker, the time will appear and the set signal will play. With such an interesting device, you can wake children on time, even if you are at a distance.

Smart alarm clock

Smart alarm clock

It is also important to take care of the safety of the house. This will help you the device that consists of a control unit, as well as window and door sensors. They will react if the stranger tries to penetrate your home. In addition, they serve sound signals together with the observation system.
Such protection will never be superfluous, and you will always know what is happening at home if you connect the system to the smartphone.

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Xiaomi video surveillance systems for Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Xiaomi video surveillance system

Xiaomi video surveillance system

To maximize their accommodation, you can install the surveillance system. Company Xiaomi. gives such an opportunity to its consumers.
For example, a small house camera with lens 4 mm. The angle of its review is 110 degreesthat is very good. Resolution of the picture is 1280x270 pixel. This is not the highest, but not the worst indicator. The main thing is that it provides a high-quality image. In addition, the gadget has a function of night shooting.

Weigh the camera just 280 grams. Its fastening is carried out on the wall or ceiling with a special bracket. The device can work with Windows OSSo you can see what is happening even from the computer screen. To increase memory, you can install memory Card up to 32 GB.

When installing such a device in the house or outside on the site, you can monitor children and monitor the situation in the house even at a distance.

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Xiaomi Motion Sensors for Aliexpress: Catalog, Photo

Xiaomi motion sensors for aliexpress

Xiaomi motion sensors for aliexpress

This is another component to set up security in the house. These small sensors can be placed in any convenient location, and they will simply not be noticeable. Working occurs when someone passes by. Immediately on the device, conjugate with the sensor receives a signal. They can be used separately or with other devices for "Smart Home".
When using them, you can not worry about the safety of the house, and when you have a dangerous situation, immediately contact the appropriate service.

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Pow for smart home Xiaomi on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Pow for smart house Xiaomi on Aliexpress

Pow for smart house Xiaomi on Aliexpress

System "Smart House" Easily manage using the remote. Catalog Aliexpress it has many similar systems. They just use it, and the interface is intuitive. Usually there is a base in such devices, and the connection is carried out through Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to smartphone or tablet.
The remote control allows you to control light, temperature, as well as air conditioning and TV.
The automatic control function is very convenient when the operation of the instruments is adjusted by specified in advance parameters.

Advanced flow system

Advanced flow system

There are more serious systems. Their composition includes several components:

  • Small scoreboard with display and control buttons
  • Temperature and motion sensors
  • Keychain management

Such a system is able to work with all devices in the house, and a convenient scoreboard allows you to configure the parameters. So your home will be fully controlled by an automated system. You can manage the house at a distance via a smartphone or a special key chain.

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Gift Sets Smart House Xiaomi on Aliexpress: Catalog, Photo

Gift Sets Smart House Xiaomi on Aliexpress

Gift Sets Smart House Xiaomi on Aliexpress

If you want to hand the original gift to a friend for your birthday or another holiday, you can purchase a gift set of system "Smart House" from Xiaomi.. It includes 5 items:

  • Remote Control
  • Sensor for about and doors
  • Switch for devices
  • Motion Sensor
  • Network Overload Protection

Any interesting gift will be glad anyone.

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Smart Socket Xiaomi on Aliexpress: Catalog, Photo

Smart Xiaomi socket on Aliexpress

Smart Xiaomi socket on Aliexpress

In the device for "Smart Home" Also included and outlets. For example, that in the photo has 3 USB Port for charging different devices and connecting multiple sockets with various forks. Moreover, the device has a special overload protection.

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Management System Smart House Xiaomi on Aliexpress: Sales, Discounts, Shares

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Discounts aliexpress

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Management System Smart House Xiaomi on Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Brand Xiaomi. very popular on AliexpressThere is even an official store of this electronics. To buy you exactly like and all the components "Smart Home" were high quality, the order should be done with a reliable seller. Undoubtedly, the most reliable of all is the official store Xiaomi.But there are other no less reliable sellers:

By the way, it is important to learn to choose a seller to commit successful purchases. How to do it we told in the article "What seller is better to buy on AlExpress?".

Management System Smart House Xiaomi on Aliexpress: Reviews

Andrei: Recently completed the house and decided to set up a smart home system. I heard a lot about her, but somehow did not dare. I purchased the entire set on Aliexpress. Received the parcel quickly. Packaging reliable, nothing bothered. The system itself, as it turned out, is configured easily. It is necessary to install and enable, nothing more. I am satisfied, thanks!

Victor: I decided to configure myself a smart home system with a control panel. In special stores, the cost of them is very high. I decided to look at Aliexpress. I found everything you need from one seller and ordered. The parcel went somewhere for a couple of weeks. Everything came as much without damage. Works system perfectly. Although, the devices have less dimensions than I thought, but still satisfied. Good product, I recommend!

Video: Review. Aliexpress Mobile Home

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