Aliexpress in Russian - "burning goods" and "almost free": how to buy? When is the "burning goods" are updated for Aliexpress?

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In this article we will talk that the section on Aliexpress "Burning goods" and "almost for nothing."

Many sellers on Aliexpress In order to promote your store or separate item, sell it in limited quantities almost free. This one is because competition on the site is huge and attract buyers in your own store is not so easy. To many customers are known about this and therefore they have long been using such an opportunity. In this article we will discuss what they are «Last Minutes«.

Aliexpress in Russian in Rubble "Burning Goods", Discounts up to 90%: Conditions Sales

Goods are sold for nearby Aliexpress in two sections - «Last Minutes« and "Almost free". If in the first case the goods with a discount is fashionable to buy on any day, then in the second - only on certain days.

As a rule, prices here do not exceed two dollars. Therefore, only the true connoisseurs of Shopping on the Internet are looking forward to the start of the sale and enter the site long before it began - they look at the products and prepare for purchase. It is difficult to buy such goods, so it's lucky here only experienced and successful customers.

Section almost for nothing

Section "almost for nothing"

To get to the SALE section you need:

  • Open the main page Aliexpress
  • Further choose «Last Minutes«
  • Here you will see all goods with low prices and not only
  • All products are allowed to buy at any time if there is no note "The goods ended"
  • Immediately you will find and category "Almost free"

Aliexpress in Russian - "burning goods" and "almost free": how to buy?

As we said, «Last Minutes« You can buy at any time, as well as ordinary. Although there is one nuance - payment must be paid within a day from the moment the order was issued.

If you don't know how to make a purchase on the site correctly, it is especially for you. "How to arrange the first purchase for Aliexpress?".

New products appear here daily at 10:00 Moscow time. And a few hours before that you can already see what it will be available.

But to buy goods from the section "Almost free" It is necessary in the first few for a couple of minutes to find the purchase of interest to you and click "Buy now". It seems that everything is simple, but the account goes literally for a second, because there are a lot of those who want to make a profitable purchase. Therefore, you need to try to have time in time.

Product Sold

Product Sold

If the product image has a mark "Sold"This means that you did not have time and buy the product you can, but without a discount.

When is the "burning goods" are updated for Aliexpress?

Base «Burning goods« Replenished daily at 10:00 in Moscow. Things here are always in limited quantity. Such goods are sold very quickly.

Category "Almost free" Appears on the day the sales itself. As a rule, it is monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Aliexpress - burning goods, selected vendors, free shipping: how to have time to buy

There are several tips, how can you have time to buy "Almost free":

  • Choose interesting products in advance.
  • As soon as the active key becomes "Buy now", immediately press it and place an order.
  • Shopping is most convenient to perform through a mobile application, because you do not need to write "Security code"Therefore, the order is made much faster.

Act quickly and everything will turn out!

Videos: How to have time to buy almost free on AliExpress / section almost free of sale aliexpress / shock Last Minutes

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  2. ivan. 08.04.2019 17:11


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