Money Tree game on Aliexpress on a computer and in a mobile application: how to create how to play? Promotion Money Tree on Aliexpress: Rules of the game, reviews. Why does not a money tree open on AlExpress?


In this article we will talk about the game "Money Tree" on Aliexpress.

Aliexpress continues to constantly develop and relatively recently in the mobile application a new game has appeared "Money Tree". If you do not know yet, then at the very beginning there is a mobile application Aliexpress there was one chip - the cost of goods is lower than in stores, but a little later, games began to appear, allowing to earn coins to exchange them at a discount or free product. Let's figure it out what kind of application "Money Tree" And what needs to be done in it.

If you are still new to Aliexpress, we advise you to read you an article "How to make the first purchase on AlExpress?".

What gives a money tree to Aliexpress, why is it necessary?

Money Tree for Aliexpress

Money Tree for Aliexpress

«Monetary wood« on the Aliexpress it is a mini-game implemented in a mobile application. Everything here needs to be done is to care for the tree and grow it. Your task is to drive pests and water your plant so that it gave and gave you gifts in the form of coupons for seats and bonus coins.

By the way, for watering and protection against pests you will need coins that are made simply for the daily visits to the application. How to do it, read in the article "Mobile Bonus on Aliexpress".

In other words, the purpose of this game is to motivate users often use the mobile application and receive pleasant gifts for it.

Rules of the game "Money Tree" for Aliexpress

Rules of the game Money Tree on Aliexpress

Rules of the game Money Tree on Aliexpress

As with any game, this has its own rules. Let's talk to what.

  • For landing the first tree on Aliexpress you will need only one coin
  • When the tree starts blooming, the prizes will appear on it. It is worth noting that they have time limited, so come to the application more often
  • Each tree has a scale of experience that is filled in as departing (from 50 to 1000)
  • When the tree flources completely, you can plant one more

These are general rules of the game, but there are also certain features of the wood care. We will talk about them further.

Quests of the day for money on Aliexpress: Where to see?

As such special daily tasks for wood are not given, but you can do the following:

  • Daily once you can water the tree
  • Throughout the day, it is allowed to water it up to five times, while watering will cost one coin
  • If the pest settled on the tree, then 2 coins are required to scare it. For this you will give 6 experience points
  • Watering the tree is impossible until the pests will be removed from it
  • If you do not care for a tree, it will warm and start
  • So that the tree returned to life again, you will need 10 coins

How you can see, regulations at all not sophisticated. Top more, if you constantly Come in the app and make purchases in it, then you have an additional stimulus start collecting and coinsTo get even more discounts.

Mobile aliexpress bonuses in the game Money tree: How to use?

Bonuses on Aliexpress

Bonuses on Aliexpress

When the tree reaches a certain growth stage, you will be offered to play the game called "Lucky Card". It all depends on good luck here, but usually come across coupons and free coins.

You can spend coupons, respectively, to buy. To do this, place the order and please select the use of the coupon. The order amount will immediately decrease on the nominal coupon.

Concerning coinsYou can change them for coupons and goods by paying for them only 1 cent.

Video: New Function - Money Tree on Aliexpress / Lucky Forest Aliexpress

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