Aliexpress - Molla brand elimination: overview of goods, catalog, prices, photos. What are the discounts in the section Liquidation of brands Mol?


In this article we will talk about the section "Liquidation of brands" on Aliexpress.

Aliexpress To promote sellers from Russia, created a new section called «Liquidation of brands«.

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How long does this section exisure, so far it is unknown, but if it is popular, then, of course, it will exist.

To date, the section presents many popular brands with high discounts.

BOSH technique in liquidation of brands on Aliexpress

BOSH technique in liquidation of brands on Aliexpress

Although, as in the case of goods «Almost don«, the number of things here is very limited. Agree, if one product wants to buy several thousand people, and only 50 pieces are put up, you will have to try hard to catch it. Although there is also a significant difference from "Almost free" - The goods are not sold for a penny, but on average one thousand rubles.

What is sold to the liquidation of Molla brands?

Products in the liquidation of brands on AliExpress

Products in the liquidation of brands on AliExpress

Today, depending on the brand of the participating in the sale, you you can purchase Household appliances, accessories, electronics, clothing and much more.

How to find out how much product is available?

Until the moment, until the sale starts, find out how many goods are sold - it is impossible. Although it immediately becomes clear that it is better to buy that product that the seller provided more than 40 pieces.

Replacing the word group.

Replacing the word group.

Watch the number of goods participating in the sale is quite simple.
In the title of the page address, replace the word Group. on the Gaga..

In this section, as in "Almost free" It will not work, so you will have to hope only for good luck.

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