Mobile bonuses on Aliexpress: how to get, exchange, spend? Where are mobile bonuses in Aliexpress, how to go to them, how to use them?


In this article we will discuss what mobile bonuses are - how to get them and how to use?

Aliexpressit is a trading platform where you can not just find and buy interesting things, but also take part in a variety of promotions and get pleasant bonuses. Such innovations allow you to receive decent coupons or to buy some product for 1 cent.

This is done to attract a larger number of buyers to the site. In this article we will talk about mobile bonuses on Aliexpress- What is it, how to get them and how to use?

If you have not had time to register on the site, we recommend reading you an article - "How to make the first purchase on Aliexpress?".

Mobile bonuses on Aliexpress: how to get, how to earn?

This action found its audience, as well as those who consider it at all necessary. What advantages give mobile bonuses?

  • When you draw a sufficient number of coins, you can spend them on a discount or even a full-fledged product.
  • The process of collecting coins is very simple and you do not need great effort to receive them.
  • The interface of the section is a bright decoration that, undoubtedly, attracts
  • This innovation is convenient to use, as it is implemented only in a mobile application.

Make money and get coins can be for the daily visits to the application or for the game in "Guess the card".

Game Guess Map

Game "Guess Map"

With a daily visit, a certain amount of coins is issued:

  • For the first day - 1 coin
  • On the second day - 5 coins
  • The third day brings 8 coins
  • Fourth - 10 coins
  • 12 coins are issued for the fifth visit
  • For the sixth day - 14 coins
  • Seventh day gives 15 coins
  • Starting from the eighth day and further, 16 coins are issued

It is worth saying if you miss one day and do not go into mobile bonuses, then from the next day the count will begin again.

How to win in mobile bonuses to Aliexpress?

The game "Guess the card" Not difficult. It can win coins or coupons by $ 1. As we have already said, this action is available only in a mobile application.

Meaning of the game:

  • This is a small board with nine cards.
Game Guess Map

Game "Guess Map"

  • One game costs 5 coins, and it is possible to get for it much more, so you are no problem with a sufficient amount to buy a coupon
  • To "Guess the card"started working just click on the button "Play for 5 coins" and you can choose two any cards


How to book mobile bonuses on Aliexpress?

When visiting a section with mobile bonuses every day, about 433 coins will be copied in a month, and this is almost enough to purchase a coupon by $ 5. As we have already said, if you miss one day and do not take a bonus, then the count will begin again, so if you want to acquire some kind of coupon quickly, then take the coins booked for you every day.

Getting a daily bonus

Getting a daily bonus

By the way, the coins are still given to spelling the recall or that you share a link to the goods in social networks.

Where are mobile bonuses in Aliexpress, how to go to them?

To assemble a mobile bonus or play a good luck wheel, first of all, you need to install the application Aliexpress. About how to do this, read in detail in the article - "How to install an aliexpress mobile application?".

  • On the main page, find the icon like a coin and click on it.
Mobile bonuses

Mobile bonuses

  • At the top you will see another same coin
Bonus Received

Bonus Received

  • Tap it again and you will immediately get a bonus
  • Immediately you can find the rules of participation and game card

Mobile bonuses on Aliexpress: what to do with them, how to exchange?

The exchange of coins on coupons is carried out in the same section. The number of coupons is though limited, but they are always enough, so it should not worry that some of the coupons will not be available. By the way, they are updated hourly.

So, you decided to acquire a coupon for coins. How to do it?

  • Click on the coupon you are interested in.
Select coupon

Select coupon

  • The system will ask if you are confident in your purchase
Shop confirmation

Shop confirmation

  • Click "Yes"
  • Coupon acquired
  • To see it you need to choose three stripes on the left above
Menu Applications

Menu Applications

  • Next, select "My coupons"
List of existing coupons

List of existing coupons

Remember! That every coupon is valid for several days, so have time to make a purchase during this time.

In addition, there are certain rules for acquiring coupons for coins:

  • Per month you can get a limited number of coupons
  • You can only get a coupon if there is a sufficient number of coins for its purchase
  • Coupons are added regularly and they are only available in mobile application.
  • Each coupon has a limited validity period, which is 7 days

How to use and spend on goods Mobile bonuses on Ali Spress?

In addition to acquiring coupons for coins, some products can be obtained for them. Although it is not considered to be purchased, but the exchange of coins on the product is not a purchase? Any things at adequate prices are instantly disassembled, but something interesting is still possible.

Coin products

Coin products

Also, as well as for coupons, certain rules apply in this situation:

  • Coins are written off when ordering
  • During the exchange, you must give the right amount of coins and $ 0.01 additionally
  • Any product is allowed to extend only once
  • When placing an order without payment, after a while it is annulled. In this case, coins will not be returned
  • Be sure to contact the seller to clarify the details of the order

Video: How to receive goods for free Aliexpress - Mobile Bonuses

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