What seller is better to order on Aliexpress? Seller rating for Aliexpress: Icons. What is better to Aliexpress by the seller rating: diamonds or medals, crown or diamond?

Seller rating

In this article we will find out how to find the best sellers on Aliexpress.

On the Aliexpress successful deal depends not only from buyer, but and reliable seller. On the very business, one and tOT same product offered many vendors, but determine, w. whom buy it is better not so complicated, as can seem.

Huge interest users to Aliexpress attracts fraudsters, though administration from nimi actively fights, but risk disappear on the dishonest seller there is always. By this cause choice reliable store is an one of important criteria successful order.

Worth it to tell, what if a you yet even not tried whatthat buy on the Aliexpress, that you additionally worth it explore article. «how issue first order on the Aliexpress. we same talk about tom, what that rating seller and who it is better do purchases.

What kind sellers on the Aliexpress reliable?

Aliexpress tries, to everyone user was satisfied purchase. therefore for reduce risk be deceived was designed system rating, allowing put forward forward reliable the shops. it allows buyer decide, worth it lie buy w. togo or other seller.

Advanced buyers often divide naughty shopping and tips in video or blogs. TO nIM and truth worth it listen and reverse attention on the some moments:

  • Rating seller. Good indicator is an level rating from 96%. If a is he make up 99100%, that first not lish will be look general number orders w. seller, so as them can be total two and because opened such rating. It is better choose such score, U. whom rating slightly below, but sales in dozens time more.
Seller rating and quantity of orders

Seller rating and quantity of orders

  • number orders concrete product. If a thing oK buy, that this is indicates on the confidence seller and quality product.
  • Rating product.
Rating goods and the number of reviews

Rating goods and the number of reviews

After receipt purchases everyone buyer can estimate her. SAMI high evaluation5 stars. AND here again same important look how much units it was sold, so as than more ratings, top objectively can judge about product.

  • Reviews. So as purchase performed through the Internet, that opinion others buyers special important, because what this is will allow receive objective opinion about product and work seller in whole. By the way, if a seller it has lot completed transactions without reviews, that, possibly, before you fraudster, which the hits its own rating.
  • Period shipping. how rule, time shipping parcel make up 7 days and is an standard. If a same specified period far more, that here available trick in plan receipt product samim seller.
  • Conformity prices in ribe. product and details order. For registration purchases seller can change price, to example, for provision discounts. therefore before payment worth it specify this moment. If a final cost hollow, that you caught dishonest seller.

Unknown sellers on the Aliexpress

Unidentified sellers aliexpress

Unidentified sellers aliexpress

If a you liked it whatthat thing, but she is there is w. couple. sellers, and prand it is price strong varies and inclined in favor unknown seller from a few reviews or at all without theythat not worth it immediately close page and do purchase w. seller from big rating, so as bad reviews also not and it is impossible to tell immediately, what you caught fraudster.

Everyone seller on the site. from whatthat yes begins, but because, to stand out among competitors and earn reputation, strong learn prices. Thus way, some time the shops lock buyers, working slightly lie not to myself in lesion. Often, turning to thus sellers you you can acquire profitable product.

how estimate unknown seller on the Aliexpress?

To risk nick not forbid, but everythingtaki available method estimates level responsibility seller. For start contact from nIM and discuss about product. Correspondence touch so, to in each message was not one, but 23 new question. If a you will be actively and patiently respond, so such. man can trust.

If a for seller important long-term cooperation, that is he will be hold on per eVERY client and try to do so, to is he was satisfied. BUT here fraudster already through coupletroika such messages simply stop coming respond sanked customer. Here from such people to contact not worth it for sure, so as you not you can be sure in neat packing and timely dispatch, yes and at all not fact, what product will come and will be qualitative.

Thanks compliancethese simple soviets you find good seller and to avow superfluous costs. Not forget, what for missing product claimed characteristics, always can open dispute and return money.

what mean iconscrown, diamonds, medalkas and almaziki w. sellers on the Aliexpress?

In time search product on the contrary names store can see icons. it maybe be medalkas, crown or diamonds. what same they are mean? Everything highly simply. Thus way administration Aliexpress marks rating seller. Than above rating store, top more interesting icon w. it will be, but that and not one. To you it was clearer, on the what rating indicate those or other icons, explore special table.

Rating sellers and buyers AlExpress

Rating sellers and buyers AlExpress

Besides togo, relatively recently on the site. appeared yet one icon under title «Reliable brand«. It means, what score deserve confidence administration Aliexpress. By the way, for it is not before w. store will be tall.

Reliable aliexpress brand

Reliable aliexpress brand

how to find and choose good seller on the Aliexpress?

Search good sellers on the site. not complicated. For of this there is some methods:

  • If a you looking product through search system, that for displays sellers from high rating at first use suitable filter:

Seller's rating filter

  • For checks sellers there is also special extensions for browsers. TO example, from help Sellercheck. and Alibonus. you will be able to check reliability seller and determine, worth it lie from nIM at all to contact. By the way, last service will allow you receive additional discount in video cashbeck.
  • Yet as per option, if a you looking products through catalog site., that looking through his contact attention on the availability icon «Reliable brand« under title store. If a is he there is, so can buy product and not be afraid deception.
  • Besides total oooer, on the site. there is section Moll, where collected products from delivery of Russia. Everything sellers, working here passed careful check and different high reliability.
Aliexpress Mall

Aliexpress Mall

What seller on the Aliexpress most best?

Complicated to tell, what seller is an best, so as in each categories goods their the shops. we here some popular categories goods and best the shops.

Women's clothing:

Men's clothing:

Baby clothes:



Household products:


Video: How to choose a seller on Aliexpress? Aliexpress.com Ratings and Reviews

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