High heel shoes for Aliexpress


In this article we will talk, what high-heeled shoes can be found on Aliexpress.

Each woman loves to walk on heels. Sometimes, when you see how girls are going on a high heel, it seems that they are very comfortable. In many ways, this is actually so, but not everyone knows that such shoes becomes due to its correct choice. Today in the shoe market you can find a lot of interesting models of high-heeled shoes, including Aliexpress.

If this is your first purchase on this site, we recommend learning you an article "How to make the first order for Aliexpress?".

High heel shoes for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

High studs without platforms

High studs without platforms

If you are a lover of studs, you know exactly how to choose high-heeled shoes. If you only decided to join them, then you should pay attention to many moments that will allow you to wear shoes in the future with convenience.

Good shoes necessarily has an derived center of gravity, the right weight, it has rounded out sole, invoice and rounded nose. A clear characteristic that would suit everyone can hardly succeed, as it all already depends on the characteristics of a woman and her legs. As a rule, the posture, gait, height and weight, as well as your center of gravity is significantly affected. If you will know exactly all these characteristics, then correctly determine what exactly needs to be demanded from shoes and which one can be its maximum height.

Heel shoes 20 cm

Heel shoes 20 cm

Regarding the shoes itself there are several uncomplicated rules that will allow you to unmistakably understand whether the model needs you in front of you.

You should not buy shoes with a smooth sole, since with the surface of their contact is minimal, respectively, you can slip. And in such a shoe, it is often scary to walk.

Blue High Heel Shoes

Blue High Heel Shoes

High-quality shoes regardless of the presence or absence of heel differs from fakes weighing. Its design, even with massive design, allows you to stay light. Usually this parameter is indicated in the description to the product or you can ask for a seller. It is also worth reading other people's reviews where girls talk about gravity.

The higher the heel, the, respectively, is better. It greatly lengthes his legs and makes a shape slim. On the other hand, you become much higher and becomes scary to fall. So that this does not happen, carefully inspect the shoes. As a rule, if the shoes have a high heel, then she has a platform that makes it comfortable.

It often happens that the platform and heel do not correspond to each other, which leads to not the best consequences. The most optimal is considered the difference between the platform and the heel at 5-7 cm. But a similar combination is rare. Often the platform also has a specific structure. It can be flat and make a walk awkward. So be sure to pay attention to this feature.

High Heel Sandals

High Heel Sandals

On the Aliexpress you can find many excellent and high-quality models of high-heeled shoes, but the most popular among customers are:

Red Bow Sandals

Red Bow Sandals

High Resistant Heel Sandals

High Resistant Heel Sandals

Pink High Heel Shoes

Pink High Heel Shoes

See catalog

High heel shoes for AlExpress: Sales, Discounts, Promotions

Shoes on Aliexpress you can buy not just at a low price, but also with a discount. This feature is available thanks to the sale. Daily on the site offers discounts for different goods, and at regular sales even have our own sections. These include "Fast transactions", "Liquidation of brands", "Discounts of the Day in Molla", "Almost free" and "Burning goods". There are a lot of other shares. They can be traced on the main page Aliexpress in a special block:

SALES on the main page Aliexpress

SALES on the main page Aliexpress

The biggest sales are carried out not often, but they should be known about each newcomer. We talked about them in detail in the article. "Schedule SALE FOR ALIEXPRESS".

Installing Aliaxpress Mobile Application Allows you to receive additional discounts on the site only for buying from the phone. You can here in the section Mobile Bonuses collect coins and grow "Money Tree"and in return to receive coupons and discounts on goods. If you visit the section "Freebie", you can participate in the drawing of good goods for which you pay only 1 cent.

It is worth noting that Aliexpress provides additionally the possibility of obtaining cachek. It can be obtained through special services. We talked about the most profitable and popular in the article. "Top 6 Cacheback Services for AlExpress".

High heel shoes for Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

As you already understood, you should choose shoes very carefully, but no less carefully you need to choose the seller. What exactly to pay attention we talked in the article "Seller's rating for Aliexpress".

Just below, we have collected several stores in which you can buy high-quality high-heeled shoes:

High heel shoes for Aliexpress: reviews

Maria: Bought high-heeled shoes from suede. I bought on Aliexpress for the first time shoes so I was looking for an option to cheaper on the sample. There was a parcel about a month. Shoes are spacing in the box as in the store, on top of the sheath from the puzzle. Suede, of course, the highest quality, but given the price, this is normal, and with proper care there should be a little longer. They are not bad shoes, glue does not look anywhere. It is convenient to go to them, even though heel and thin, but they are stable. Although, if you are not used to heels, you can hardly go for them.

Anastasia: I like shoes very much. Made from Dermantine, but it will not get shorter quickly. The decorations are traditionally reliably, so after the first socks do not fall off. They seem to be glued normally, but longer than the season is not enough. In general, given a small price, not bad.

Valeria: Gorgeous shoes! I bought them for a wedding evening. The whole day was going on and the legs were almost not tired! They are incredibly comfortable and beautiful. Countries are glued reliably, I did not fall off. I will wear further, and then I stop yet!

Video: Women's shoes with Aliexpress. High heel shoes. Review and fitting

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