Aliexpress - Hot goods: Sale in rubles. Burning sale for Aliexpress: how to buy?

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In this article we will talk about the section "Burning goods on Aliexpress.

Every day on a popular trading platform Aliexpress new products are added. In addition, the platform is constantly developing and new sections appear. We will talk not about a new but very popular section "Burning goods". Here you will find things at a discount of up to 90%. So let's find out what it is for the section and how to make orders in it.

If on Aliexpress you have just passed the registration or even did not even do it, we recommend reading you an article "How to arrange the first purchase on Aliexpress.

Aliexpress - Last Minute Products, Discounts 90 percent: Full Russian version in Russian

What are burning goods?

What are burning goods?

Undoubtedly Aliexpress it is a competitor of other similar sites, where promotions are also often held. They are needed to attract new users to the site, and sellers to attract attention to their shops.

Sold things B. «Burning products« according to the principle of group procurement. A certain batch of goods is put up for sale and after it is implemented to send to customers. The price is installed wholesale, since, again, a whole party is implemented.

By the way, today section "Moll" actively develops and advertised, and therefore even in "Burning Products" A lot of things exactly from there.

Although, it is not particularly important to buyers, since it is more so that you can get additional benefits here and significantly save, having learned in a regular sale.

Among the range "Burning Goods" You can find products from any category.

How often on Aliexpress Updated section Burning goods "?

Last Minute Products on Aliexpress

Last Minute Products on Aliexpress

If a  guided by  official  rules  placesthat Product updates are carried out 4 days a week. To  not  skip  start  sales  you You can Install a mobile application  Aliexpress and Get starting notifications Sales.

If you didn't like anything in the catalog, you just wait for updates, maybe there you will find everything you need. In addition, you can even see which goods will be presented in following Once and if something likes something, remember that the sale begins at 10 am in Moscow.

Products that participate in shares are diverted very quickly, literally in a couple of hours. So hurry and do not forget about the start of the action.

What are the "burning goods" differ from "almost free"?

Almost for an aliexpress

Almost for an aliexpress

Both  these  section are new but the price of goods in them is very different. IN "Almost free" things  sold  not  more expensive  2$,  but If you wish to buy even cheaper, you can visit the Special Page from  goods  by  0,99$.

Under the terms of purchase, the sections do not differ. Here everything is as usual, But at the same time you need to buy very quickly, until everyone is disassembled.

If a  near  having liked  product You see the inscription  « Sold«that  sohave to Back to another time.

Hot Products, Shopping, Prices, Discounts, Hot Sale Aliexpress In Russian in rubles: how to have time to order, buy?

To have time to purchase a suitable thing on Aliexpress "Almost free"You must decide in advance what exactly you want to buy and track when the promotion starts.

As soon as you saw the key "Buy now", Quickly press it and make an order. It is better to do it from a mobile application, because you don't have to enter captcha And then the purchase will come faster.

If you want to see how much the goods are put up for sale, then make one cunning thing. To do this, replace the word in the link "GROUP" on the "GAGA" And you will display the necessary data.

Replace link

Replace link

Video: Last Minute Products for Aliexpress - Discounts up to 90%

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