Vacuum cleaner Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum, Xiaomi vacuum cleaner, smart vacuum cleaner


In this article we will talk about the Xiaomi Vacuum Cleaner vacuum cleaner, presented on Aliexpress.

In the "smart" vacuum cleaners, new devices from different manufacturers appear daily. One of the most remarkable is the model from Xiaomi. entitled Vacuum Cleaner.. Let's wonder what it has features and characteristics.

Acquire Xiaomi Vacuum Cleaner possible at a bargain price Aliexpress. If you didn't have to deal with this site before, we recommend learning you an article "How to make the first purchase on Aliexpress?".

Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum on Aliexpress: Catalog, Photo, Overview

The vacuum cleaner comes in a fairly large box with a handle, where the vacuum cleaner itself is located, docking station and a filter brush.

Box of vacuum cleaner

Box of vacuum cleaner

It is difficult to name the design of the vacuum cleaner outstanding in contrast to competitors, but the branded handwriting is visible, which has all products Xiaomi.. It looks like a flat plate of white with a diameter of 35 cm and a height of 10 cm. A housing is made of high quality plastic.

Set of xiaomi vacuum cleaner

Set of xiaomi vacuum cleaner

When the device is first turned on, it is difficult to guess how it works. In reality, many sensors and schemes correspond to automatic cleaning:

  • Laser rangefinder
  • Removal sensor
  • Dust detection sensor
  • Compass
  • Gyroscope
  • Accelcrometer
  • Speedometer
  • Fan rotation speed sensor

All these bums are managed using three processors:

  • Texas Instrument LDS.
  • Allwinner Arm Cortex.
  • Stmicroelectronics.

All electronics hides in a white round plastic body with three wheels. One of them is responsible for turns.

Cleaning is performed quickly and easily. First you need to decide on the place where the docking station will be located. And it is definitely not to put it into the angle, since the sides should be at least a half-meter of free space, but in front - meter.

Power button

Power button

You can enable the device even without connecting to the branded application, but the main features are hidden there. If you use a vacuum cleaner without a smartphone, then you need to just click on it the power button and cleaning will be launched. First, the vacuum cleaner will go to the walls, look all the corners and turns, and then start vacuuming zigzag. It looks like this process fun.

For the fact that the device will do in the furniture can not be worried, as special sensors discover surrounding items are built in it. Although, before cleaning it is better to remove from the floor all too much so that the vacuum cleaner did not pull anything.

Xiaomi vacuum cleaner in work

Xiaomi vacuum cleaner in work

If you need cleaning in a house that has staircase overlaps, then overcoat them with some obstacle just in case.

After completing cleaning or at the end of the charge, the vacuum cleaner is sent to the docking station. This process is also very interesting, so you can observe him. All garbage can be removed from a small plastic container. Removed and cleaned it very simple.

Application MI HOME.

Application MI HOME.

As we said, manage Xiaomi Vacuum Cleaner can be using a mobile application Mihome.. It can be installed on iOS. or Android. Connect very simple and takes no more than two minutes. You need to raise the lid from the vacuum cleaner, clamping two buttons and wait for a sound notification, after which the icon will light up Wi-Fi.

Find the vacuum cleaner in the application and connect. At the moment, the official version of the application is made only in Chinese and English, but the Russian version can be found on the Internet.

Autonomy Robot provides a battery with a capacity 5200 mAh.. This is enough for 2.5 hours of cleaning or 250 m.kv.

See catalog

Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum on Aliexpress: Sales, Discounts, Promotions

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Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum on Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Technique Xiaomi. on the Aliexpress it is not difficult to purchase. First of all, this can be done in the section "Moll" and "Lightning". Both of them work with Russian sellers, who, before setting up goods, pass a thorough check.

It is worth noting the fact that Aliexpress there is an official brand store and several others, but they have similar names and they are considered reliable:

You can buy a vacuum cleaner Xiaomi. and in other stores, both in Chinese and Russian:

If you decide to find a store yourself, then you should study the nuances of his choice. This will tell you our article. "What seller is better to buy on AlExpress?".

Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum on Aliexpress: Reviews

Boris: The parcel came after 12 days, the courier delivered right to the apartment. After unpacking and connecting to the database, the vacuum cleaner connected to Wi-Fi and the phone and sent a message through it, and also updated. Initially, the vacuum cleaner speaks Chinese, but in the settings you can put English. Russian, unfortunately, no. The vacuum cleaner came half charged, so I sent to get away immediately. When charging reached 19%, then the vacuum cleaner itself went to the base. Obstacles and rugs circles carefully. It was very surprised that two containers were collected for two sites.

Svetlana: Cool vacuum cleaner, it is a pity that only the garbage does not take place. The description corresponds completely, bought with additional filters and brushes. The official application works only in English, but on the Internet you can find a Russified. To connect to Wi-Fi, the vacuum cleaner is first connected to Bluetooth.

Igor: The vacuum cleaner bought a friend on the advice. The goods brought the courier. Packaging quality. Inside lay a small gift. Little tinned with the connection, as the Chinese instruction. Tried a vacuum cleaner in business. We have a cat at home with long wool, so it was what to clean. I collected a lot of wool vacuum cleaner, even the carpet as if it became brighter.

VIDEO: Review of the Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum vacuum cleaner (Review) | where can I buy

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