What is Mall on Aliexpress? Mall on Aliexpress in Russian in rubles: sale, delivery terms, reviews


In this article we will discuss what is the section "Mall" on Aliexpress.

Aliexpressconstantly developing and tries to make the site the best for its customers. Relatively recently appeared section called "Moll". What is his features and how to get into it? Let's wonder.

If you have not had time to evaluate all the benefits of shopping on Aliexpress, we recommend reading the article - "How to make your first order for Aliexpress?".

What is Mall on Aliexpress in Russian in rubles?

Aliexpress Mall

Aliexpress Mall

Word itself "Moll"initially appeared in English. It translates as a shopping center or many stores under one roof.

On the Aliexpressthis section is created specifically for Russian residents. This is a kind of shopping center with moderate low prices and excellent service quality. Indisputable advantage is the possibility of warranty service on the territory of the country of all goods that are available in Molla.

Another feature of the section is that only brand goods are presented here that are sold on the territory of the Russian Federation.

As we said, only proven legal entities can sell goods here. Therefore, buying here you can make calmly and not be afraid of losing your money.

This section is constantly verified by the site administrators to the quality level of sold things. In addition, management periodically conducts control purchases to monitor the quality of goods and service.

Here you will not find fakes or frankly not high quality goods, so you can't find prices in a couple of dollars here, since the main emphasis is on quality.

How to go to Mall on Aliexpress?

To get into Moll, especially do nothing. It is on the main page of the site Aliexpress.



Once in the section, you will immediately see a list of categories, about the same as on the main page of the site.

List of categories Molla

List of categories Molla

The subcategories with novelties, bestsellers, discounts and sellers from Russia are located just below.



Even below are brands with discounts and customer reviews that have already acquired things in this section.

Discounts and reviews

Discounts and reviews

Aliexpress Mall: phones

Find phones in this section will not be difficult:

  • Mouse over the category "Electronics"
  • Now click on "Cell phones"
Cell phones

Cell phones

  • Also as in the usual search below, you can choose a specific brand under the search bar, and the filter is on the left of the characteristics
Mall filters

Mall filters

Mall on Aliexpress: When are the sales?

Sales B. Mollayou can meet every day in the section "Discount of the day". Every day products are exhibited with discounts, which change every two hours. Offers are limited, so if you want to buy something, then you should have time.

Discount day

Discount day

In addition, sales are held periodically. These can be phones, some particular brand or product category. Usually, sales are reported in advance on the main page. Aliexpress.

Sale in Molla

Sale in Molla

Mall on Aliexpress: Delivery Terms

  • Almost all goods that are offered in Molla Send from Russian warehouses, respectively, the speed of receiving the goods increases. Some things are departed from China, but are delivered as soon as possible.
  • Any product seller is obliged to send within 72 hours after payment.
  • If the purchase leaves from Russia, then you should get it maximum in 15 days. It all depends on how far the warehouse is from you.
  • If the order is selected from China, then the term is a maximum of 22 days.
  • If you decide to return the goods, you can do it without problems for seven days after receiving the parcel. At the same time, the goods you must send not to China, but to the Russian warehouse. Money is returned within 5-18 days.

Mall on Aliexpress: reviews

Russian users have long dreamed of the appearance of such a section, because when delivering from a warehouse within the country, the goods can be obtained by a maximum after 14 days! And moreover, completely free. Moreover, the goods can only be exposed to reliable, according to Aliexpresssellers, so shopping here at all without risk, just choose and buy. So, on the Internet, only positive feedback is mostly found.

Video: Sale under the sign of quality! AliexpressMOLL. A small announcement

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