Laser cut of plywood - Machine on Aliexpress

Household products

In this article we will talk how to find and buy a machine for plywood laser processing on Aliexpress.

For woodworking shops on the market there is a huge amount of diverse equipment. Laser technology is becoming increasingly popular in this area.

And those who want to develop their enterprise and expand the scope of services, you should think about buying a laser machine for processing plywood. Even despite all the high cost of the device, all costs quickly pay off, and on Aliexpress it can be purchased at a very favorable price.

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Machine for laser cutting plywood on AlExpress: Catalog, photo

Machine for laser cutting plywood on Aliexpress

Machine for laser cutting plywood on Aliexpress

Devices that work with laser radiation are capable of treating almost any wood. Machines allow you to get an interesting feature, engraving or ornament for a very short time. They can be used not only in the woodworking workshop, but also, for example, to create beautiful souvenirs.

There is a laser machine for cutting plywood due to the supply of a powerful light of light from a gas tube. When contacting with the surface, the latter heats up, which makes the particles of the tree evaporate.

Thus, there is a contactless effect on the phaneur and therefore, the process for the employee becomes easier. Cutting edges are smooth, which is very important for decorative processing. That's just the color of the seams will be dark, since the laser is charred - consider it if you want to modernize your equipment.

Laser engraving machines possess the following advantages:

  • Can handle parts of different shapes and sizes.
  • Works are high accuracy
  • Small maintenance and installation costs
  • Access to the device is easy

Even when buying a small compact machine, you will receive a reliable unit that will make it possible to create good souvenirs, carved backrests for beds, beautiful engraving on decorative boards and even circles.

If you decide to purchase a laser cutting machine on plywood on AliexpressYou should pay attention to their purpose and power. There are several types of machines:

  • Desktop
Tabletop Machine for Laser Cutting Plywood

Tabletop Machine for Laser Cutting Plywood

Have a power level up to 80 W. These are small aggregates that are designed for home use or small production. The cost of equipment is not so high, which allows him to be the most popular. Desktop laser machines have a small working surface, which is enough to work with small products.

  • Professional
Professional Machine for Laser Cutting Plywood

Professional Machine for Laser Cutting Plywood

Machines of this level are distinguished by the capacity of 80-195 W. Such equipment can be engaged in example, serial production of souvenirs. Without it, no furniture production can actively work, where it is constantly necessary to cut sheets according to the specified parameters.

  • Industrial
Industrial Machine for Laser Cutting Plywood

Industrial Machine for Laser Cutting Plywood

These are the largest machines with a capacity of 3 kW. They are huge complexes and are intended for large enterprises where products are produced by huge parties.

It makes no sense to buy small and medium-sized enterprises to buy large manufacturing plants, as their cost is very high, and you can not even use half of the functional.

The capacity of the equipment also affects the speed of metal cutting. For home, machines will be quite suitable at work speed of 5-15 m / min. Industrial is characterized by a higher speed of work, so it may even need a certain skill.

It is worth noting that many manufacturers produce universal models of machine tools that can work not only with wood, but also stone, and metal. Such devices are more expensive, so if you are planning to work only with a tree, then you should not waste extra money.

The aggregate control system is equally important when it is selected. Work will be much easier if you choose a CNC model. The software makes it possible to set up the equipment, and the whole process will be carried out without the participation of people. It is enough to make a sketch of engraving and get started.

See catalog

Machine for laser cutting plywood on Aliexpress: Sales, discounts, Free shipping

On the Aliexpress machines for laser cutting plywood can be purchased with an additional discount. Undoubtedly, such equipment is difficult to find with free shipping, but it is worth trying. To search, in the directory with goods under the search string, select Filter "Free shipping":

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Machine for laser cutting plywood on Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Since the laser cutting machine plywood is expensive equipment, then it should be thoroughly approaching. It is important not to just explore a detailed description and reviews, but also the seller itself.

High popularity Aliexpressattracts fraudsters and even though the administration is actively fighting with them, yet the risk to run into such a seller is available. Therefore, you should carefully examine the article on the right choice of the seller - "How to choose the seller to aliekspress?".

Below we present you a list of stores where you can buy a high-quality machine for laser cutting of plywood:

Machine for laser cutting plywood on Aliexpress: reviews

Oleg: For a very long time I was afraid to buy this unit on Aliexpress if only because the price is too high. You never know what. I decided to try to buy, after all, the money is in the case of what will be returned. I must say that the seller did not let me down. The machine acquitted all my expectations - high-quality, all functions of workers! I recommend!

Victor: Very upset seller. Yes, the goods sent, but the machine is broken. It is said that it seems nothing serious, but still unpleasant, because it stands completely at all. Although, in general, it seems to be decent, carefully. The seller returned part of the money compensated for repair. So all satisfied.

Ruslan: The machine is excellent, has already tried a little in work, I liked everything. The seller is an excellent guy, everything explained in detail, until receiving the order communicated with me. I recommend!

Video: Laser cutting and engraving plywood: casket

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