HUD projector on the windshield of the car on Aliexpress


In this article we will talk, how to find and buy a HUD projector on the windshield of the car on Aliexpress.

Hud projector The windshield is a special device designed to display information before the driver's eyes. It can be the most different information, for example, engine speed, battery voltage, driving speed and much more.

More advanced models show navigation and show the driver path to the destination. With the help of such a device, you can save a lot of time and not distracted from the road, as it is not necessary to turn away anywhere to obtain the necessary data. Acquire Hud projector For windshield can be on Aliexpress at low price.

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HUD projector on the windshield of the car on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

HUD projector on the windshield of the car on Aliexpress

HUD projector on the windshield of the car on Aliexpress

The cost of modern projectors on the windshield on Aliexpress always at an acceptable level, so everyone can afford them. The device looks like a small display with LEDs. It is installed under the dashboard author.

Each car brand has a connection method may differ. Some HUD projectors connect with the onboard system, and for information analyzes the indicators of standard devices.

Another connection can be carried out using a cigarette lighter, and sensors are embedded in the device itself to obtain the desired information. Some devices hold communication with satellites, which makes it possible to set the most accurate speed of movement. If you are the owner of a new car with a guarantee, then it is better to acquire just the last type, since it will not allow you to part with it.

HUD. deciphered as Head-Up-Display, and in Russian it will sound like a "display of the head of the head." It was this technology that pushed the creation of projectors for windshield.

It is used since the 50s of the last century and at first installed exclusively in military aircraft so that the pilot promptly received all the necessary data. By the way, there are models of projectors for motorcyclists who are installed in the helmet.

Helmet with HUD projector

Helmet with HUD projector

Before the purchase HUD projector for car, It is worthwhile to ask him functionality. Therefore, carefully read the description for each model you are interested in.

To properly select the projector on the windshield, find out what way it displays notifications. Some devices have a color alarm, while others are sound. But the best option from all is the combination of these two types with the ability to adjust them. It is very convenient, since it is worth one characteristic exceeding the allowable value that can be installed manually, the driver will immediately be notified with the corresponding signal.

As you can see, this system does not simply indicate information. But also notifies if you need to reduce the speed or do something else. A similar solution will allow you not to deal with many problems and not distracted by the road. The device will show on the glass and notified the deviations from the temperature of the cooling fluid temperature, the battery voltage, and will also show information about the inclusion of dimensions.

Modern HUD projectors For windshield, the car will make a trip more convenient, and will also increase safe. In addition, they contribute to the reduction of traffic rules. With such a device, you will focus as much as possible on the road, and when you deviate from a normal state, you will immediately receive up-to-date information.

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HUD projector on the windshield of the car on Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Probably not to explain that buying on the Internet is always a risk, since it is impossible to look at the first time, and even more so to touch the goods. Therefore, when choosing a suitable thing worth paying attention to feedback and description to it. Equally important and correctly choose the seller. With the last item you will help to figure out the article "Seller's rating for Aliexpress", and below you will find a list of shops for buying quality HUD projector:

HUD projector on car windshield for AlExpress: reviews

Leonid: Finally got his purchase. Immediately connected to the machine. Instructions in Russian no, so I had to search on the Internet. They brought the parcel home by the courier, at the specified address. I am satisfied with everyone! In the kit there was a projector, a rack, a rug for a rack, wires with a switch, as well as a special film on the glass. From the disadvantages, it is distinguished that shines dull, so that the sun is unlikely to be visible.

Peter: It came, set, immediately tried. The settings have not yet delve into the settings, but on the first impression the device is interesting. If you do not glue the film, then everything will double. It is necessary to stick very carefully so that there are no bubbles, otherwise it will be to rush into the eyes. Automatically issues speed with a statement per unit. A regular computer shows 2, and the projector - 3. The speed corresponds to the speedometer.

Andrei: Buy good. With a voltage in the car there was a problem, so the projector is either not turned on, or does not turn off or there are problems with the settings. In general, I am satisfied with the commodity, it remains only to mash well and you can use without any problems.

Video: Projector on the windshield | Products with Aliexpress

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