Aliexpress - Flashlight Schoker and Charging for Flashlight Electroschoker: Browse, Price, Catalog, Photo, Reviews, Sale, Free Shipping, Links. How is the POLICE electrical lantern switch?

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In this article we will talk about the flashlight-electric shock and charging for it, which can be found on Aliexpress.

Each of us is worried about their safety, and not only girls, but also men. Undoubtedly, the flashlight with the electric shock the day is completely useless, but at night he will be a faithful assistant in the lighting of the road and your Savior, if you suddenly attack you. Few people know that electric shocks are embedded in the lanterns, so this small secret will only play your hand. You can buy such lanterns on Aliexpressat competitive prices.

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Flashlight Electrchoker on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Flashlight Electrchoker on Aliexpress

Flashlight Electrchoker on Aliexpress

On the Aliexpressthis type of goods is presented in assortment. Flashlights with electric strokes are very popular due to their originality.

The flashlight is completely small and easily placed in a female handbag. The mobility of the product is its main advantage. Models are more expensive there is even a built-in blade. But do not think that it is necessary for killing. It can be used to circumcise the rope, for example. Moreover, the blade is difficult to see, the more the one who sees such a thing for the first time. At first glance, you have an ordinary flashlight in your hand.

If you are a lover to walk at night or you often come back late from work, but terribly encountered dishonest personalities, then such a mobile product will help you feel more confident and protect against unpleasant consequences.

Included with a flashlight can go different little things. Say, which is difficult, since each seller has its own set. For example, it may be additional protection tools.

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POLICE flashlight switch device with Aliexpress

Flashlight electric shock in disassembled form

Flashlight electric shock in disassembled form

Let's deal with how such a thing is like a flashlight-electrosker.

    • First of all, it is made of metal and has a significant expansion from the handle to the lens.
    • It is performed in black colors, the handle has a riflation so that the flashlight is more convenient to hold.
    • Electrodes are located on the crown of the crown around the lenses.
    • The flashlight handle and the LED unit is divided by a conical radiator having five massive disks. By the way, it provides a good heat dissipation.
    • From the opposite side of the lenses there is a small strap so that the shocker can be put on hand.
    • It is worth noting that the charging rectifier is embedded in the housing, and therefore turn on the shocker or flashlight during its charging is strictly prohibited.
    • On the back of the device there is a special switch that turns off the flashlight completely.
    • The connector for the charger is located near the switching key and it does not have.

Charger for Electrchoker on Aliexpress: Catalog, Photo

Battery charger

Battery charger

Each electrosker needs a charger. Basically, he always goes complete, but he can break. In addition, due to the enormous diversity of electrical shocks, more and more chargers appear, and their characteristic can differ significantly.

What are the charges for electric shocks? Of course, there is no point in the external design, so we will give a classification depending on the internal device.

The first type of charging devices are non-transformer. Their main advantage is a small size. Often such devices are included with the cheapest electrical shocks. Today, these devices are already expanding and more modern devices are displaced.

An excellent alternative is the universal chargers. They can charge not only shockers, but other devices, for example, smartphones or laptops. They are recommended to use for batteries with a large capacity.

Of course, it is good when you can use one charge for all gadgets, and universal models gradually displacing the classic. But still for some devices, a special transformer charging is needed.

It is characterized by the fact that she has a transformer having a voltage from 6 to 12 volts. It is recommended to use for batteries that are very sensitive to voltage drops. By the way, if such batteries are charged with non-transformer charging devices, they will not last long.

If you buy an ordinary flashlight-electrosker, then you will find a universal charger, which is charged not only it, but also other devices.

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Flashlight Electrchoker on Aliexpress: Reviews

Anton: Flashlight cool, I liked it. I often go through the night streets, so the flashlight is needed in dark places, and the fact that there is also a good electrosker in it - you never know what. The device works without problems, shines brightly. Thank you!

Peter: The parcel was waiting for almost three months. It's horror how our post is working. Well, at least a whole came on Thank you. Flashlight put a firm five. He is very bright, so you can see anything in the dark. And the electric shock gives a good discharge, I tried it on myself, I would no longer want to experience this. Thank you so much for the quality product!

Maria: I am a girl not the biggest physique, and I work at night in the store. The flashlight perfectly helps in the morning in winter, when it is still dark, but the shocker can save from all night hooligans. The purchase has not yet tried in the case, but it is reliable.

Video: Torchelectroschoker for 11 $ (check for yourself)

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