Arduino Nano 3.0 pinout on Aliexpress


In this article we will talk, how to find and buy a pinout Arduino Nano 3.0 on Aliexpress.

Nano. is a multifunctional small device performed on the basis of a microcontroller Arduino Nano 3.0. It is adapted for use with rocket fees. According to the functionality, the device resembles ARDUINO DUEMILANOVE, and differs from it by size, the absence of a power connector, and also uses another USB cable type. Arduino Nano 3.0 can be purchased on Aliexpress at a very favorable price.

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Arduino Nano 3.0 on Aliexpress: Catalog, Photo

Arduino Nano 3.0 on Aliexpress

Arduino Nano 3.0 on Aliexpress

Arduino.  Nano.  3.0  this  very  interesting  for  many  deviceIt  it has  next  characteristic:

Characteristic Arduino Nano 3.0

Characteristic Arduino Nano 3.0

Now let's talk about the functionality of the device in more detail.

  • Food

Food Arduino Nano. comes from external sources through the connector MINI-B USB. By the way, certain requirements are presented to the latter. With stabilized voltage, its level should be 5V., and with unstable 6-20V.. The device automatically selects the most optimal option, but usually it is the one that has more tension.

  • Memory

The microcontroller has built-in memory on 32 KB, 2 of them uses the bootloader. In addition, the RAM has been built into it 2 KB and 512 byte EEPROM. (The relevant library works with it).

  • Inputs and outputs

Model Arduino Nano 3.0 has 14 conclusions working as enter exit at inclusion some functions - pinmode (), digitalWrite () and digitalreaf (). Working voltage is 5V., and the greatest current consumed - 40A.. All conclusions are connected to resistors inside having a nominal 20-50 com. In addition to the main Arduino Nano 3.0 Other functions are performed:

  • Interface sequence
  • External interrupts
  • Shim
  • SPI interface
  • Light-emitting diode

Among other things, the device has 8 analog outputs capable of producing an analog voltage in the form of a 10-bit number with 1024 different values.

  • Connection

Arduino Nano 3.0 It gives a lot of opportunities to communicate with PC, another same controller or other. The model has a receptionist UART.which makes it possible to communicate through serial interfaces through digital conclusions.

Thanks to the microcircuit Ftdi FT232RL The connection of the transmitter and the USB port of the PC is ensured. By the way, if you connect Arduino to the computer, it can decide as a virtual COM port.

Software provides a special program that allows you to read and send simple text information to the controller.

Programming a microcontroller, too, using a special program.

See catalog

Arduino Nano 3.0 on Aliexpress: Sales, Discounts, Free Shipping

Aliexpress it is the largest Chinese playground with the lowest prices for goods. Moreover, free shipping is available on most of them. She, although not so much, but still saves. Although, you will have to sacrifice speed. Yet if you decide to buy a microcontroller Arduino Nano 3.0 without shipping fee, then in the search results directory, select the filter "Free shipping":

Free shipping with Aliexpress

Free shipping with Aliexpress

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Advertising on the Aliexpress main page

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Arduino Nano 3.0 on Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Find microcontroller Arduino Nano 3.0 on the Aliexpress you can in different stores, but the best of them are:

If you decide to place an order from another seller, we advise you to read the article "Seller's rating for Aliexpress"To understand how to choose the right shop to purchase.

Arduino Nano 3.0 on Aliexpress: Reviews

Always before buying   Arduino Nano 3.0 on the Aliexpress and other goods, study the reviews about it. Here is what buyers about the microcontroller you are interested in:

Reviews of Arduino Nano 3.0. Photo 1.

Reviews of Arduino Nano 3.0. Photo 1.

Reviews about Arduino Nano 3.0. Photo 2.

Reviews about Arduino Nano 3.0. Photo 2.

Video: high-quality Arduino Nano, from China

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