Aliexpress - the best electronic and rechargeable screwdrivers

Household products

In this article we will discuss the best models of screwdrivers on Aliexpress.

Previously, the screwdrivers were sold on Aliexpress in a very small quantity, but today the catalog has already become quite impressive, so we decided to tell about several models recognized as the best. So, proceed.

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The best models of electronic and rechargeable screwdrivers on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Depending on the power, we allocated several models of screwdrivers on Aliexpress.

18 volts (20V)

The Chinese have a long time to call all 18-volt models with 20-volt. In general, the right to it they have, of course, is. The fact is that the cells of 3.6V, of which they consist, with full charge give 4.2V, and if you multiply this indicator by 5, then it turns out to be 21B. It is worth noting that such a solution creates a big confusion.

At the moment, such screwdrivers on Aliexpress not a lot and everyone has about the same characteristic. But two models deserves special attention.

  • DEKO GCD18DU2.


This model has a low cost, she has a connector USB To charge different devices, backlight and battery indicator. A huge advantage is the possibility of ordering goods from a warehouse in Russia, so in the case of which it can be returned without any problems.

Works tool on power 18V. With a battery having a container 1500 mAh.. Torque is 38 N · m. There are two speeds of work on 450 and 1600 rpm.

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  • WX176


This model is released by a German brand, but it is not officially supplied to Russia. WX176 notable in that it has a rotary double cartridge, which makes it possible to quickly switch from bits on the bit. As a rule, it is regarded as an expensive gift or something exotic.

The characteristic of this screwdriver is almost the same as the previous one. The only difference is that his torque is 50 N · m, and in the second speed it gives 1500 rpm.

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14.4 Volt (16.8V)

With such tension on Aliexpress also not so many models. At the same time, for example, a screwdriver from Fogo. occurs under several brands - Nenva. or G-Craft, as well as in different bright colors.

With batteries there is a similar situation. All models have a marking not 14.4V, but 16.8V. In addition, it became fashionable to use larger batteries, where not 4, but 6 elements have been installed. And they have labeling as 25r. In this case, the power does not differ from the models with a simple battery.

It is possible that inexpensive motors for 25V or voltage control circuit are installed in them. The only advantage of such a solution is longer work due to an increase in the number of elements in the battery.

There are another moment that you must consider when purchasing many 14-volt screwdrivers - if the battery is placed in the handle, and it does not sleep below, it may seem somewhat thick.

  • Longyun 16.8.

Longyun 16.8.

This screwdriver is considered one of the best options. It has a battery on 14.4V., works with torque 35 N · m, and the speed of bots make up 350 and 1350 rpm.

This device has hundreds of good reviews and practically no bad, which is very good. In addition, he is one of the leaders, it is also waterproof.

Tell me Longyun 16.8. with a full-fledged model 18V., then here at the same power somewhat lower turnover and weaker battery, as it has not 5, but 4 elements.

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10.8 Volt (12V)

In this segment you will see all the same brands as presented above. In fact, the choice is worth stopping on the screwdrivers Longyun. and Deko..

  • Deko 10,8.

Deko 10,8.

Apparatuses OT. Deko. Somewhat more powerful, have more turns and cost cheaper. At the same time, they have many good reviews, and negative you can hardly find. Another advantage is delivery from a Russian warehouse, which saves time and makes the return even easier.

The tool battery has power 10.8V. During tanks 1300 mAh.and torque is 25 N · m. Working Deko 10,8. Also at two speeds - 400 and 1500 rpm.

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Electronic and rechargeable screwdrivers for Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Best sellers and shops for Aliexpress

Best sellers and shops for Aliexpress

Find a screwdriver on Aliexpress it's not so difficult, and also choose a suitable model, but since one product meets with many sellers, it is still an additional question about choosing a store. How to choose to choose a seller to buy, we told in the article "Store rating for Aliexpress". Just below, we present you several stores where you can buy a high-quality screwdriver:

Electronic and rechargeable screwdrivers on Aliexpress: reviews

As we already talked about the screwdrivers on Aliexpress respond very well. Here is what people say:

Reviews about Deko GCD10.8DU3

Reviews about Deko GCD10.8DU3

Reviews of Longyun 16.8 in

Reviews of Longyun 16.8 in

Reviews of WX176

Reviews of WX176

Video: One of the two ... Great screwdriver with Aliexpress

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