Aliexpress - gel varnish Feline eye and magnet for varnish: review, price, catalog, palette, sale, reviews, best sellers and shops

Products for beauty

Magnetic gel varnish "Feline Eye" is currently at the peak of popularity among girls. You can buy it on Aliexpress.

The enormous demand and popularity of gel varnishes have caused the appearance of a wide variety of coatings on the market with interesting and original effects, as well as color solutions. Although among all gel varnish "Feline eye" It occupies a leading position, since it can be created with an extraordinary coating with a beautiful shimmering gloss.

Where to buy a feline eye gel lacquer profitable?

Reflect on where you can buy a magnetic gel lacquer "Feline eye" at a bargain price? On the Aliexpress you will find the largest assortment of products to enjoy any store. Prices are the lowest, as well as free shipping. To order, it is enough to choose the appropriate option and pay for the purchase.

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Feline Eye Gel Varnish on Aliexpress: Catalog, Photo

Genillac BlueSky Feline Eye

Genilac BlueSky "Feline Eye"

Any high-quality varnish is distinguished by beautiful shine and radiance. This characteristic was emphasized and somewhat improved, and a new direction appeared - magnetic gel lacquer. It is already clear from the name, on which the technology is based - it works on the principle of attracting brilliant metal particles. This coating allows you to create a flickering effect and overflowing surface. Therefore, such a novelty immediately liked even the most demanding customer.

Elite99 - magnet lacquer

Elite99 - magnet lacquer

Despite the fact that the effect of the lacquer gives a stunning, it is applied very easily and for this it is not necessary to spend a lot of strength and time. The only condition is the use of a special magnet, which creates a drawing.

Your task is to simply apply a coating, bring a magnet for 10-15 seconds and consolidate the result. As you can see, everything is very simple! Moreover, the magnet allows you to blackmail and invent the original interesting manicure. The fact is that sparkles change their location depending on the angle of applying the magnet. Therefore, the design will definitely not be monotonous.


Modelones Varnish "Feline Eye"

It is also worth noting that gel varnishes are very economical. Due to the fact that they have a dense consistency, one layer is enough for you to get the desired effect. Thus, a 10 ml bottle provides 25-30 procedures. And if you still consider a low price, then the benefit is obvious.

See catalog

Magnet for gel varnish on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Thanks to a special neodymium magnet, you can create an effect called "Fine eye". If you lost a magnet or you want more convenient, you can buy it on Aliexpress. For example, this is a chopstick magnet allow you to create interesting drawings with convenience:

Magnetic wand for gel varnish Cat eye

Magnetic wand for gel varnish "Feline Eye"

There is still a comfortable magnetic handle:

Magnetic handle for gel varnish Cat eye

Magnetic handle for gel varnish "Feline Eye"

With its help, even more interesting drawings are obtained.

See catalog

Gel Varnish "Feline Eye" on Aliexpress: Sales, Discounts, Shares

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Gel Varnish "Feline Eye" on Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

The best aliexpress sellers

The best aliexpress sellers

On the Aliexpresslakkov is presented a huge amount, as well as many shops are engaged in selling them. Unfortunately, not all work honestly, so, before you do shopping, you need to learn how to choose shops for shopping. This will help our article. "What seller is better to buy on AlExpress?".

Below we made a selection of stores that are very popular on Aliexpress And they trust them, and therefore they can be purchased high-quality gel varnish:

Gel Varnish "Feline Eye" on AlExpress: Reviews

Maria: Varnish is quite decent. Although I had to wait for a very long time - there were some problems with the customs, so I made a re-order, returning money for the previous one, but I asked the seller's re-seller. Varnish falls smoothly, looks beautiful. I ordered a brick color. There is no black substrate.

Anastasia: The quality of the varnish is excellent! Packaging is neat, and even the napkins put as a gift. The parcel went for a long time, and the tracking did not always work, but the seller is good and it is worth buying. So I will order more!

Veronica: Good quality varnish. There was no tracking from the parcel - it shows where it shows, that is not. But the most important thing is that everything came. The color is unrealistic steep, although the dark. It is better to apply on a black gel.

Video: Feline Eye Gel Varnish with Aliexpress 89r. Test


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