Spark plugs on Aliexpress


In this article we will discuss how to find and buy automotive spark plugs on Aliexpress.

In each car engine, one of the most important is the ignition system, especially if the structural ignition is used in the design. Candles are designed to create a spark - contact, non-contact and electronic. The ignition candle is a ceramic tube with a conductor in the center and a metal electrode on the side. Buy spark plugs for a car on Aliexpressat a bargain price.

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Automotive spark plugs for AlExpress: Catalog, photo

Automotive spark plugs for AlExpress

Automotive spark plugs for AlExpress

On the Aliexpress you can find a huge catalog of ignition candles for cars. But before making an order, you must learn about the features of their choice.

If you choose spark plugs correctly, as well as use high-quality fuel, they will serve you for a long time. On average, they are enough for 30-60 thousand kilometers, and if they are made of iridium or platinum, then the service life is doubled. That is why it is important to know what to specifically pay attention to when choosing a spark plug, so that there are no problems in the future.

The most important criteria for choosing products are sizes and a caliper. In addition, it is important to look at the number of electrodes used and manufacturing material.

How to choose spark plugs for the car?

How to choose spark plugs for the car?

First of all, decide on the right caliling number. It is responsible for ignition, or rather the sink feed. As a rule, a suitable grade of candles and their calic number is written in the car documentation. Try to follow these recommendations. If you make the wrong choice, then the consequences may not be the most pleasant.

There are three types of candles depending on the value of the parameter under consideration:

  • Cold candles - 20 or more
  • Hot - 11-14.
  • Average - 17-19

By the way, the calil number allows you to determine the maximum working temperature of the candles. What it will be more, the higher the maximum operating temperature will be.

Candles with a large value of a calil number perfectly feel in hard conditions and at high temperatures, and with lower - candles are often heated, which is strongly reflected in the duration of work.

Spark plugs on Aliexpress

Spark plugs on Aliexpress

In addition to the calil number, another important parameter is the design of the candle. It is important to take into account a few moments:

  • Diameter of thread
  • Keyhead sizes
  • Thread length
  • Clearance between electrodes

As a rule, the ignition candle dimer is 14 mm. It is standard, and therefore used for all parts. But the length of the candle can be 12 mm, 19-20 mm and from 25 mm.

The length of the threaded part should be selected depending on how powerful you have. Accordingly, the higher the last indicator, the longer there should be a candle. The 16 mm head is most often used, a little less than 14-18 mm. The gap between the electrodes is usually varied in size from 0.5 to 2.0 mm, but 0.8 or 1.1 mm is most often used.

Usually all parameters are applied to the candles themselves or packaging in the form of marking. Each manufacturer has its own, since the generally accepted is missing.

Spark plugs and manufacturer materials. As a rule, it is a copper or nichrome-nikiliye core and a shell of steel. Such a solution allows the engine quick and reliable launch, as well as a quick heat removal when working, as steel heats up quickly, and copper displays warmly.

Copper spark plug

Copper spark plug

But for greater resistance to corrosion and, increasing service life, such a layout is diluted with attacking the central electrode from the steel alloy or expensive material, such as platinum, iridium, and so on. As for the option, the core can be fully made of another metal.

There is some difference in spark plugs and by type. For example, classic options are two-electrode (central and lateral).

Spider candle two-electrode

Spider candle two-electrode

Multielectrode (several side) began to appear a little later. Such a conscourcing makes them more reliable and durable.

Less popular torch and forkar candles, as they have a high cost.

Form spark plugs

Form spark plugs

In addition, according to the material of the manufacturing, as we have already said, several types of candles are distinguished:

  • Platinum and iridium. They are distinguished by a long service life. They have a slightly different form of the central and side electrode, as they are commonly used in more stringent conditions and give a more powerful spark.
Platinum spark plug

Platinum spark plug

  • Copper or nickel. They are able to work up to 30 thousand kilometers, and their cost is quite commensurate with the service life.

See catalog

Candles ignition automotive on Aliexpress: Sales, discounts, Free shipping

On the Aliexpressa huge catalog of low-cost car spark plugs is represented. At the same time, any model can be purchased even more profitable - with a discount. Let's deal with what you can save.

First of all, always choose free shipping. Yes, on Aliexpress different delivery methods are used and not all of them are free. To display the catalog with only ignition candles that have no shipping fee, you need to select the appropriate filter under the search bar:

Free shipping with Aliexpress

Free shipping with Aliexpress

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Ignition Candles Automotive on Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Among the shops selling automobiles on AliexpressSeveral:

In each of them you can purchase high-quality spark plugs. If you found another suitable offer for another store, then you need to check it on reliability so as not to get a bad product. Make it will help you our article "What seller is better to buy on AlExpress?".

Candles of ignition automotive on Aliexpress: reviews

Basil: Normal candles stand their money. It seems to be high-quality, I don't know how much enough, but I think it will work out.

Anton: I order not for the first time, as always all at the highest level. Candles are high-quality, grabs for a long time. The price is generally small, so I recommend.

Maxim: Candles came quickly, the packaging is reliable, so everything is inside without damage. I haven't tried it yet, and I can't say anything about the service life, but it seems to be normal.

Video: Ignition Candles NGK FR6EI MN163236 SALIEXPRESS / NGK SPARK PLUG

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