Polishing clay for body cleaning with aliexpress


In this article we will talk, how to find and buy polishing clay for car body Aliexpress.

Polishing clay for body cleaning It is a truly important tool for the beauty of the surface. In a different way, this process is called children. So, clay came up for him for a very long time. Most motorists simply heard about this product, but never tried. And in vain. You can purchase clay for polishing a car body Aliexpress. And it costs it quite inexpensive.

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Polishing clay for cleaning the body of a car for Ali Extress: Catalog, photo

Polishing clay for cleaning the body of a car for Aliexpress

Polishing clay for cleaning the body of a car for Aliexpress

The main purpose of polishing clay with Aliexpress is cleaning paintwork and car windows. It is designed to effectively remove the adhesive and dirty dirt from the painted surface and glass. If you correctly enjoy the product, it almost does not touch the paint surface, and it will slide through it with a thin layer of lubricant.

The advantage of coding clay is that the whole process is much faster with it, and the more the painted surface is not damaged. Chemicals and abrasives are usually added to other cleaners, which lead to wear and thinning the painted surface during continuous use.

The use of clay for cleaning will not eliminate the defects of varnish and paint, and also does not save from chips and scratches, but it will clean the surface and polishes it.

There are other advantages of this product. For example, it gives painting smoothness after use. In addition, after using clay in the future, protective processing will be simpler and more efficient. The wax slides perfectly and polished after handling the body of the clay car.

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How to use polishing clay for cleaning body with aliexpress?

How to use polishing clay for cleaning body with aliexpress?

How to use polishing clay for cleaning body with aliexpress?

Polishing clay S. Aliexpress for children, it is very easy to use. Before starting polishing, rinse the body well. Do not leave the car under the right sun. It is better if the processing place will be somewhat in the shade so that the special spray did not have time to immediately evaporate. Moreover, clay when exposed to high temperatures softened, and its effectiveness is lost.

Before use, spray a little lubricant and wipe the surface of the surface. It is not necessary to put pressure. Your movements should be light. As soon as the lubricant starts to dry, it should be sprayed again. Remember that clay should slide and do not adhere.

After a few rubbing, spend your hand over the purified surface. It should be smooth. If you feel that there are pollution, then repeat the cleaning. When the process is completed, remove the remnants using the microfiber.

It should also be noted that periodically clay should be checked on pollution and dirt particles and, if possible, remove them.

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Clay for cleaning the body of a car for Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Not always the goods bought through the Internet brings joy, and all because the seller can be dishonest and send marriage or not to send anything at all. Aliexpress no exception, since the high popularity of the site attracts fans of profit.

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Clay for cleaning the body of a car for Aliexpress: reviews

Georgy: Everything fully complies with the description. As a gift, the seller sent a second piece of clay and a piece of a special sponge. In work, so far did not have time to try.

Victor: Before Moscow, delivery took just a couple of weeks. Came an order in the usual yellow Chinese package. The clay was a little crushed, but it is not scary, because there will still have to mive. A piece of decent sizes as in the description.

Evgeny: The product corresponds to the stated characteristics. Delivered somehow very fast! Glina Super! The color of the car was updated, stains and black dots disappeared. The polishing effect is also present. It is better to pour water to the clay place at first. I recommend

Video: "Miracle Clay" for polishing a car with Aliexpress for 304 rubles

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