AlExpress - Gasoline Catalytic Warmer For Hand: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, photos, sale, free shipping, Best sellers and shops

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In this article we will discuss which gasoline catalytic burners for hands can be found on Aliexpress.

Tourists, fishermen, and just lovers always be warm, very useful, there will be a gasoline catalytic warmer for hands. This device has a simple principle of operation, economically spends fuel and can produce heat for a long time. Buy this convenient device can be on Aliexpress at a bargain price.

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Gasoline catalytic warmer for hands on AlExpress: Catalog, photo

Gasoline catalytic warmer for hands on Aliexpress

Gasoline catalytic warmer for hands on Aliexpress

By itself, the catalytic warmer consists of a metal case, which is similar to the size of a large mobile phone. Inside there is a container under gasoline, a catalyst for evaporation and cover on top.

Inside the tank is placed wool, which is impregnated with gasoline while refueling. The latter is oxidized on the catalyst and heats the device. The catalyst is platinum. The fibrous material is placed in the grid, which is fixed on the neck of the container of gasoline. This part is additionally closed with a lid with holes through which air passes.

Judging by the design, the principle of operation of such a burner is that gasoline pairs are oxidized without flame formation. Moreover, gasoline is decomposed on safe materials, so it does not harm health. If you use high-quality purified gasoline for refueling, then you will practically do not smell. And the amount of water formed is extremely small.

During the operation, the ground is heated to 60 degrees. You can not touch such a hot warmer with bare hands, so a special case is provided in the kit. Moreover, it is able to protect the heating from cooling, as when in the cold, work may cease due to the lack of evaporation.

A similar feature determines the spheres of gestures. Despite the fact that with its help you can warm in frost, it should not touch the cold air. The most popular ways of use are the room under the clothes, for example, in the inner pocket, warming the hands, drying shoes, accommodation in sleeping bag for warming at night.

Catalytic burners are distinguished by convenience and economy. They consume 1-2 grams of gasoline within an hour. So, if you go hiking for a week and plan to enjoy the warming at night, then you will need about 50-100 grams of gasoline.

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Gasoline catalytic warmer for hands on Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Every newcomer should know that Aliexpress it is important not only to choose the right product, but also the seller. Article will help you to cope with this task. "Seller's rating for Aliexpress". Just below, we collected several stores where you can buy high-quality arm harvester without risk:

Gasoline catalytic warmer for hands on Aliexpress: reviews

Ivan: I often go hiking. This heater saves in cool nights and in winter when it's cold outside. Made qualitatively, one refueling is enough for a long time, so you can easily use any problems. Delivered quickly, I did not even expect. Thank you!

Anton: Warmer is not bad. Heats hard, so keep only in a case. I miss the day, but not constantly. I work on the street for the most part, so it saves me very much. I am satisfied!

Peter: Fast delivery, in reliable packaging. The Gloor is excellent, one refueling is equal to hours 9 work. This is a completely decent indicator. I take with me hiking, fishing, and so in frosts to the street.

Video: Catalytic Warmer with Aliexpress

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