Equipment for Smart Home on Aliexpress - Smart Sensors, Smart Lamps, Control Panels, Search Gadgets, Smart Lighting, Extensions, Sockets, Switches, Automation Modules: Browse, Price, Catalog, Photo, Sale, Reviews, Best Stores

Household products

In this article, we will find out what equipment for a "smart home" can be found on Aliexpress.

A couple of dozen years ago smart home appliances were just a fantasy. But today there is a system "Smart House", allowing to manage resources at home and provide comfortable and safe accommodation in it. Purchase everything you need to create a similar system you can Aliexpress.

If you do not have shopping experience yet Aliexpress, we recommend to study you an article "How to make the first purchase on AlExpress?".

What is a smart home system?

System Smart Home

System "Smart Home"

System "Smart House" or Smart Home. It is an intelligent home management system - its lighting, gas, heating, and so on. Thanks to special devices, you can even manage the gate, water the lawn, open the curtains and make many other useful things.

If you wish, you can even adjust the lighting, floor heating, ventilation, and so on. Options to each other can be combined and create a specific appliance management scenario. By the way, the design of devices can be selected depending on the style of your interior or territory near the house.

System "Smart House" It has the following features:

  • Lighting control
  • Setting the air temperature using air conditioning control, heated floors and so on
  • Multimedia Control Function
  • Improving the level of security in the house due to video surveillance and special sensors
  • Fire and alarm, independently turning off in a critical situation water or gas
  • Security alarm allows you to adopt the protection or police, as well as the hosts when penetrating the thief.

In chapter Aliexpress"Smart House" You can find both separate devices and entire systems.

Sensors for a "smart home" on AliExpress: catalog, photo

Sensors for smart home

Sensors for "Smart Home"

In the catalog with sensors you will find more than 4.5 thousand different products. Here are multifunction Wi-Fi sensors for guarding the houses from attackers and prevent fires, floodings and gas leaks.

Your choice here are presented:

  • Security Sensors
  • Air sensors
  • Household appliances work sensors
  • Sets of sensors
  • Also here can be purchased:
  • Magnetic sensors reacting to opening, movement and hacking
  • Infrared sensors work on heat
  • Temperature and humidity sensors
  • Alarm warning sensors - gas leakage, fire, smoke, flooding

In addition, there are models without wires and wired, as well as they differ depending on the location of the location, for example, ceiling or wall.

See catalog

Control panels for "smart home" on AlExpress: catalog, photo

Control panels for smart home

Control panels for "smart home"

These devices are located in a separate section. They allow you to customize various sensors and other devices. One universal remote control allows you to control how one separate device and all the equipment, as well as receive data via Wi-Fi to a mobile phone. Design and functionality of controllers can be selected for the interior or personal preferences.

See catalog

Smart Search Gadgets for Aliexpress: Catalog, Photo

Smart search gadgets for Aliexpress

Smart search gadgets for Aliexpress

Catalog SMART FINDER you can buy various models of search trachers. These are small devices that are easily attached to the keys, wallet or other important things. With their loss, you can find them from the signal obtained through Bluetooth by keychain.

In addition, such trackers can be put on domestic collars so that the pet is not lost. If you are too far from the desired object, you can find it using the Internet through the Pixie application on other users sensors.

See catalog

Smart Lighting on Aliexpress: Catalog, Photo

Smart lighting on Aliexpress

Smart lighting on Aliexpress

In the catalog with smart devices for lighting, you will find lighting devices and lamps for "Smart Home". There are various models of modern smart lamps for lighting at home inside and outside. They have high energy efficiency, stylish design and many functions. You can also purchase:

  • Replaceable light bulbs
  • Smart lamp
  • Multifunctional devices

Depending on the location of the location, you can choose wall or ceiling lamps, as well as desktop lamps, brother and night lights.

Each model of such a lamp has a built-in Bluetooth The module that makes it easy to manage, as well as adjust the level of lighting, as well as the time of operation.

See catalog

Extension cords, switches, sockets for "Smart Home" for Ali Spress: Catalog, photo

Extension cords, switches, sockets for smart home to Aliexpress

Extension cords, switches, sockets for the "smart home" to Aliexpress

With arrangement "Smart Home" For all the rules, be sure to take care of fixtures, such as sockets and switches. As practice shows, goods from Chinese companies are characterized by functionality, energy efficiency, as well as reliability and security.

Moreover, they have modern design and easily fit into any interior. On the Aliexpressa variety of devices are presented, starting with cables that have different connectors, and ending with adapters and adapters.

See catalog

Automation modules for "smart home" on AlExpress: Catalog, photo

Automation modules for smart home on Aliexpress

Automation modules for "smart home" on Aliexpress

The directory with modules has more than 13 thousand sentences for more convenient home management. They are needed to collect data from all available smart sensors and view them on the display. In addition, products allow you to control safety sensors, lighting and so on.

Wireless modules are capable of working as weather stations and instruments for taking into account water resource consumption, electricity and heating. Models have a different design - with a housing, without it, with sensors inside or without them, as well as with basic or complete features.

See catalog

Devices for "Smart Home" for Ali Spress: Sales, Discounts, Shares

Discounts on aliexpress

Discounts on aliexpress

Aliexpress it is a place where you can buy cheap items. But not everyone knows that it is possible to buy more profitable and with a discount. This is possible thanks to the sale on the site.

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Mobile app Allows you to buy many products with an additional discount. To do this, you just need to place an order from the phone. In addition, here you can participate in draw "freebies"when the goods give for 1 cent in exchange for a detailed review, as well as collect coins And raise "Money Tree"that give the opportunity to receive Coupons and discounts on goods.

There is also the possibility of obtaining cachek for purchases. It is provided by different services, but the most popular of them are described in the article. "Top 6 cachek services for AlExpress".

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Devices for "Smart Home" for Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

On the Aliexpressthere are so many stores selling devices for "Smart Home". We present you the most reliable of them:

By the way, when buying any product it is important to be able to choose the seller correctly. How to make you tell our article "Seller's rating for Aliexpress".

Devices for "Smart Home" on Aliexpress: Reviews

Leonid: I bought sensors to the cottage. Completely normal goods, no complaints. Connect easily, they work debugged. The invasion is warned properly.

Anatoly: I purchased two sets a month ago. Immediately set. I bought 15 - 12 of them still work, one began to work uncontrollably, and two do not react at all. Batteries have to change every a year and a half or turn off protection. The range is more declared. In general, the purchase like.

Dmitriy: The seller is a good and socket quality. Delivery exactly three weeks. No complaints. But inside the simple network it turned out to be configured, and on the Internet so far it does not work. So I will understand further. I advise goods, but in advance the best features to clarify the seller.

Victor: The order was not quite successful. I ordered three lamps. One instead of seven worked only 4 colors. And her sound is bad. The seller was honest, instead of returning simply sent a new lamp. Although otherwise I have no complaints and I am pleased with the order. So thank you very much!

Video: Browse a set for smart home Xiaomi Smart Home Suite

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