How to buy a gyroscur for Aliexpress?

Sports goods

In this article we will talk about what gyroscurists can be found on Aliexpress.

Gyro carcakes are greatly popular. These means of movement do not surprise anyone, and it is not so expensive. It is advantageous to buy a gyroscur on Aliexpress, and savings may be essential.

If you encounter this platform for the first time, we recommend learning to study you "How to make the first purchase on Aliexpress.

The principle of operation of a gyroscutor, how to manage?

A few years ago a new transport was created, called sigweem.. It consists of two wheels and control knobs. The gyroscur, in turn, is a copy of this transport. It also consists of two wheels and foot platforms, that's just the control handle is missing.

How is the gyroscuter?

How is the gyroscuter?

If you carefully look at the name gadget, it will become clear that it works on gyroscopic sensors. They allow him to be balanced.

If you take your smartphone and turn it out, the picture itself will configure under the screen. According to such a principle, there are also gyroscurists.

In addition to sensors, the electric motor and an electronic controller are built into the transport. The sensors are sent to the brain of the device, and it analyzes it and gives the command to the electric motor that leads the wheels into action.

Proper movement on a gyroscuter

Proper movement on a gyroscuter

Since without energy a gyroscutor cannot work, the battery is installed in it. He looks like those that put in smartphones, but it has large sizes and, appropriate , capacity.

Many people think to manage gyroscur It is difficult, but in fact it is easy. If you are well posted in your vestibular apparatus, then learn how to control this means of movement literally in a couple of minutes. To move forward, press on the "board" socks, and for driving in the back, the stop must be done, respectively, on the heels. For rotation, the weight is transferred to the appropriate side of the board.

Gyro carcases Aliexpress: Review, catalog, photo

On the Aliexpress you can find gyroscuri from different brands. There is even a device from a popular Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi..

Xiaomi gyro

Xiaomi gyro

These mini-devices Different with beautiful design and bright colors. But the main feature of their distinctive feature is the possibility of connecting to a smartphone through Bluetooth. The reserve of the battery is enough to travel by 15-30 km.

Also here you can find gyroscurists Avatar. On the Aliexpress there are no original models, but replicas are represented. They are not inferior to the original, but at the same time they are an order of magnitude cheaper.

Gyro carcutters Smart Balance.having 10 inches wheels too Aliexpress. But again, these are high-quality replicas. This gyroscur is made of aluminum alloy and durable plastic. It is withstanding the load up to 120 kg, and the capacious battery allows you to move without charging about 25 km.



LIKE BIKE. Also one of those manufacturers who do not sell gyroscurists on Aliexpress. But you can find analogue. For example, such a device with ten-wing wheels is considered analog Like Bike I10x.:

Analog Like Bike i10x

Analog Like Bike i10x

See catalog

Mini gyroskuters on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

W. mini gyroscuters Small size and small battery stock. These gadgets You can even use the apartment. The best on Aliexpress rightly considered a gyroscur from Shenzhen Samezone Hi-Tech Co. , Ltd..

Mini gyroscuter

Mini gyroscuter

It is managed by the usual way or through a smartphone.

See catalog

The cheapest gyroscuter on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

The most inexpensive gyro model on Aliexpress is a device Koowheel. Its cost is about 13 thousand rubles, but only delivery will cost more than half of its price.

The cheapest aliexpress gyro

The cheapest aliexpress gyro

Gyroscurists unlike many busy models on Aliexpress different weights. Therefore, it is quite difficult to find free shipping. But even if you are lucky and you will find such a thing, then it will certainly be in the price of a gyroscutor.

Therefore, it is worth Choose the cheapest option, and it is better to look at the delivery method. The most optimal is to send from a warehouse in Russia. She, as a rule, is free, more precisely, the seller sends the goods at its own expense, and fast. Moreover, you save time, as the goods do not need customs clearance and it moves within the same country.

See catalog

White, red gyroscures on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Practically everyone gyro carcutters on the Aliexpress there are several colors. You can choose the color you can choose when making a purchase. To do this, open a detailed description of the product and click on the desired color.

Color selection

Color selection

Some sellers place several different designs that can be chosen in a similar way.

See directory:

Children's gyroscooters Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

For children, it is better to buy gyroscurists in which the wheels are less than 5 inches. The most striking representative of this category is a gyroscur from Easones. Its housing is made of plastic and has a little weight.

See catalog

Handle with wheel on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

As we said, the gyroscures are made according to sigveev, only without steering. But today there are models with a wheel. Let them differ not with such oversized sizes, but they are more maneuverable.

Handle with a wheel on Aliexpress

Handle with a wheel on Aliexpress

To find a similar device in the search for Aliexpress write "SIGWAY". Almost all the models found will be the steering wheel.

See catalog

Gyro carcases Aliexpress: Sales, Discounts, Promotions

Aliexpress it is famous for its grandiose sales. The largest are held on certain days, find out what, you can from the article "Schedule Sales on Aliexpress«. Smaller are held regularly and called "Fast transactions", "Discounts of the Day in Molla", "Liquidation of brands", "Almost free" and "Burning goods".

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Today, many online stores cooperate with services cashbeckwhich allow you to return part of the funds for purchases in the form of real money. The most popular services are described in the article. "Top 6 cashbek Services on Aliexpress«.

Gyro carcases Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Gyro carcutters are expensive goods, so it is important not only to choose a suitable model, but also the seller. How to do it, we told in the article "What seller is better to buy on Aliexpress.

We also present several stores where you can purchase a quality device without risk:

Gyro carcases Aliexpress: reviews

Kirill: The gyroscur was waiting for the month. Tracking was only in China. In the first consideration, it discovered that the headlight came inside. Already thought that the thing was defective. But it turned out to be unhappy, so nothing terrible. When testing found a pair of problems - during braking, the device compatible, but it turned out to be a batch battery, and the second problem is bad control. I wanted to sell, but found on the forum instructions for calibration work and everything became normal.

Eugene: Long searched for a gift for the nephew. I decided to buy a gyroscur. I chose a long time, but found the appropriate option. Delivery turned out to be free, but the birthday came. The gift was the best. The child quickly learned to be managed and rides with pleasure.

Video: the cheapest aliexpress gyroscur, review, review. Aliexpress.

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