Aliexpress - Infrared Soldering Station: Browse, Price, Catalog, Reviews, Photos, Sale, Best sellers and shops. How to make a homemade infrared soldering station with your own hands: video

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In this article we will talk about infrared soldering stations that can be purchased on Aliexpress.

Progress does not stand still and today the multiple electronics works on miniature chips. To create them and need infrared soldering stations. You can purchase such a device on Aliexpress.

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Infrared Soldering Station on Aliexpress: Catalog, Photo

Infrared Soldering Station

Infrared Soldering Station

Infrared soldering stations allow you to create chips that have a greater density of conclusions while maintaining the desired distance between them. Such cards are called BGA and are solder balls that are applied to the contact pads. When mounting the chips are installed on the printed circuit board and heated by the infrared soldering station. The balls melted and the necessary contacts are obtained.

IR soldering stations consist of several nodes:

  • Upper heater
  • Tripod
  • Laser sign
  • Thermostal heating fee
  • Temperature regulators for control of the temperature of the table and upper heater
  • Thermal sensor for temperature tracking
  • Pinzet for installation and extraction of the chip

See catalog

How to make an infrared soldering station with your own hands?

If you do not have a desire to buy a ready-made kit to work in an assembly, then you can create it yourself using the necessary parts. There are several ways to create a station with your own hands. One of them is presented in the video below.

Video: IR soldering station do it yourself

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Infrared soldering stations for Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Aliexpress it is a very popular site, it would still be, there are millions of transactions every day. Of course, it could not be without the attention of profit lovers. Yes, and when shopping on the Internet, there is always a risk of getting a low-quality product. To exclude such a situation, we recommend learn to choose sellers. This will help our article. "What seller is better to buy on AlExpress?". Just below, we collected several reliable stores to buy an IR soldering station without risk:

Infrared soldering station on Aliexpress: reviews

Edward: In general, a good station looks like nothing. Hair dryer for 250 degrees gives 240. The heating element works, on the contrary, in the most side and instead of 100 gives 120. The center has a small chip. The soldering iron grieved a little, issued only 150 degrees, no matter how I tried to do more. It shows a thermal imaging report. Not yet completely understood in the setup, the instruction is Chinese, but I still like it.

Nikita: The soldering iron is not very convenient and not quite high quality. When working it seems that he has little power or to the state of the state the warmth does badly. If you turn on the hairdryer to the minimum level, it blows quite strongly, which sometimes interferes. In general, a good apparatus for simple work.

Maxim: Reached the goods in 17 days from the date of purchase. Packaging Reliable, at least a box and was blocked, but inside all the whole. After unpacking, I advise you to tighten the mounts, as the manufacturer saved on the heels. Everything works, but the soldering iron is lying about the temperature, it is necessary to move the sting. In principle, this situation is observed in all cheap stations. Hair dryer and stove show normal temperature. The station stands his money, let her have small shortcomings.

Video: Ly IR8500 Infrared Soldering Station. Unpacking

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