Aliexpress - a set to remove dents without painting by car


In this article we will talk, how to find and buy a set to remove dents on a car without painting on Aliexpress.

Sometimes motorists fall into the accident. There are both strong and not very, from which small dents remain. As a rule, the standard version of the correction of the problem is to replace the item or straighten it and paint it, but if the coating is not badly damaged, you can use special tools that allow you to remove dents without the need to paint. You can purchase special sets on Aliexpress.

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Set for alignment dents without painting for the car for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

The alignment technology of dents by car without painting is actively used for all possible body parts. The main thing is that the metal and paint coating itself are saved. They should not have breaks, cracks, chips and other damage. Although if there are small damage in the form of scratches, which can be removed by polishing, the procedure can also be carried out.

There are different types of sets to eliminate dents from cars in this way and all of them are presented on Aliexpress.

Levers and bumps

Levers and bumps

Levers and bumps

This tool is designed to equalize the metal from the inside. A pin or flat plank can perform as a lever. This technology is based on pressure drop.

The system is running simply - from the reverse side, a plot is squeezed with damage using a lever, premited in the process hole. When the material returns to its place, you can hear the appropriate click. It should be crushed gently and smoothly, as you can damage the material if you do it carelessly.

The inconvenience of the method is that it is necessary to penetrate the inside of the car, and, accordingly, the scope of application is not very big, as it will not work out to get to each site.


Set POPS-A-Dent

Set POPS-A-Dent

This is a special set consisting of an applicator, glue and mini-lifter. This kit is designed to exhibit metal outside. It has a bracket with two tips from rubber, glue, gun and nozzles.

  1. Before use, a damaged place must be degreed
  2. Next, the glue is heated and applied to the nozzle, too, degreased and install neatly circular motion clockwise in the center of dents
  3. Excess glue at the same time it turns out on the surface
  4. Now we have to wait a few minutes so that the glue managed to dry
  5. Next, the dent is pulled out with the help of a mini-lifter - a bracket is put on the nozzle and twisted with a lamb until the defect is spoiled
  6. After completion of the operation, the device for another 5 minutes remains on the surface. Then it can be removed and clean the remnants of glue

There are other tools to remove dents in the same way. For example, it may be pistons. They are also placed on a damaged area and exhibit dents with stretching.

Vacuum suckers

Vacuum sucker

Vacuum sucker

This technology is somewhat different than those presented above, since it does not need glue for work, and they are installed by a vacuum method.

First, it is necessary to clean the damage site, then install the suction cup and create a vacuum in it using a pump. After that, the hose from the pump is disconnected and the dent is pulled out. At the end of the work from the vacuum you need to get rid of, opening the valve and removing the suction cup. From glue methods, this method is characterized by the fact that the surface will not need to be cleaned of glue.

Set of levers

Set of levers to remove dents

Set of levers to remove dents

This equipment involves the use of PDR technology to remove dents. In the set you will find different hooks, building prices, gasket from plastic and Cyans.

  • Before starting work, it may have to first remove the inner trim and nearby the details.
  • The surface is cleaned and the metal voltage is removed from it in those places where there is bending.
  • After that, the damage is heated to 40-50 degrees.
  • The edges of the bend are slightly awesome by the paint, so as not to damage the paint.
  • Defect alignment is made by pressing damage to the place from the back. To do this, you need to choose the appropriate lever and enter it into the technological hole.
  • Next, scroll the handle to affect the surface.

In professional sets there are polymer wedges that are paired under the hooks not to damage the details.

This technology is more complicated if it is used independently, since it contains several methods of repair. As a rule, it is used to correct large and complex defects.


Magnet to remove dents

Magnet to remove dents

This tool is used to remove dents with pulling. Under the magnet there is a rag so that the coating is damaged. Magnet moves from the edge to the center of dents, slightly stretching.

Hairdryer and concise air can

Removal of dents with a hairdryer and compressed air

Removal of dents with a hairdryer and compressed air

The use of this set implies the thermal method of correcting defects on the body. It is based on the straightening of the metal under the influence of temperature. First, the damage plot is heated using a construction dryer, and then the air from the cylinder is directed to it. Thus, the metal is aligned. Moreover, the location is selected relative to the damage form.

For example, for dents of a circular shape, the points are located on the radius, and for oval - by narrow side. If the defect has hard elements, then work begins with them. By the way, sometimes you have to use the Cyans, because it is not always possible to get rid of dents completely.

Rubber Cyans and Anvil

Removal of dent rubber Cyans

Removal of dent rubber Cyans

Such sets are used to perform dents from the inside, and the anvil is applied outside so that the metal is fed as it should. The process begins with the center of damage and circular movements goes to the edges. The stream streams should be controlled as too much impact capable of thinning the metal.

See catalog

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Set for alignment dents without painting for the car for Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

When buying any product on Aliexpress it is important not only to read reviews and explore the description, but also to analyze the seller. It is necessary in order to accurately get a quality product and you have no problem. What exactly to pay attention to you will tell you "What seller is better to buy on AlExpress?". Below we collected for you stores where you can buy a high-quality set to remove the car dents on Aliexpress:

Set for alignment dents without painting for the car for AlExpress: Reviews

Anton: Good set, high-quality. Delivered very quickly, about a week. I liked everything, but while I did not have time to try. I think the tests will be held without problems.

Basil: I was looking for a set to eliminate dents to my service station. I got on PDR eyes and decided to buy. Honestly, I did not expect that everything that can be in the kit, and even in the work showed itself well. In our stores a set is two times more expensive, which cannot but rejoice. So the perfect quality ratio and price.

Semyon: Excellent set, I recommend! His price is quite low by the standards of our stores, and the quality is no worse. All devices have shown themselves well, so I will order more.

Video: Miracle Device for straightening dents on the bottom of the parcels

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