Aliexpress - a black mask and a black mask film for cleaning the pores from black dots at home: price, catalog, reviews, photos, sale, best sellers and shops. How to use a black mask with Aliexpress?

Products for beauty

In this article we will talk about the popular "black mask" (Black Mask), which can be purchased on Aliexpress.

Acne and black are the problem of many people, but today the decision is found. There is a special mask, called "Black Mask". Since the appearance, it immediately became very popular. You can purchase this miracle tool Aliexpress.

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Black Mask (Black Mask) on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Black Mask on Aliexpress

Black Mask on Aliexpress

Black dots on the face are open commemorals that appear when closing the follicles of hairs with skin fat and horny cells. From them and eliminates "Black mask"The means of deep action.

Masks in the form of a film exist for a long time, but only recently a preparation has been created superior other efficiency. This is Black Mask. - Means for combating skin problems, in particular with acne and black dots. Using it, you may not worry that skin defects will appear again.

The main advantage of this tool is that it has a natural composition, easy application and instantaneous effect. In addition, it has other advantages:

  • Cleans the skin from pollution
  • Displays slags, toxins and decay products
  • Deep penetrates the subcutaneous layer
  • Eliminates black points
  • Gives the skin the necessary food
  • Stimulates the work of the sebaceous glands, which eliminates the shine of the skin and does not give to appear new acne
  • The skin gradually becomes soft and elastic
  • Skin surface and its color becomes smooth
  • Exchange processes in cells are activated
  • Eliminates swelling and pulls up the second chin
  • Tones skin

Basically, skin problems arise due to its poor cleaning. Many funds are not able to deeply penetrate the skin and do not eliminate pollution. This is capable only "Black mask".

See catalog

How to use the black mask (Black Mask) with Aliexpress?

Instructions for using Black Mask

Instructions for using Black Mask

  • To begin with, you need to clean the skin. Watch your face with tonic. Special attention is paid to the forehead, nose and chin.
  • Immediately after that, a thick layer impose a mask on the face. Be careful so that it does not get into the eyes and on the lips. Also, if there are wounds or hairs on the skin, then you should not apply a mask.
  • After 30 minutes, remove the mask. It is not difficult, as it is removed like a film. This time is quite enough for the active substance to penetrate into the skin and it cleared.
  • Rinse the face with warm water.
  • After 15 minutes, apply a moisturizing cream.

It is recommended to use the mask 2-3 times a week and make an additional pilling scrub to remove the damaged skin. So that your skin has always been smooth and velvety, applied tools regularly.

Black Mask (Black Mask) for Aliexpress: Sales, Discounts, Shares

Discounts on aliexpress

Discounts on aliexpress

Acquire such a mask on Aliexpressit is cheaper than it is. To do this, look to look at the sale. The largest are held in specific dates. They are described in the article "Schedule SALE FOR ALIEXPRESS". Regular stocks are carried out often and relate to them: "Fast transactions", "Almost free", "Liquidation of brands", "Burning goods", "Discounts of the Day in Molla".

Do not forget about mobile application Aliexpress. For one purchase from the phone, you can get a discount within 50%. It all depends on the generosity of the seller. Also here you can collect bonus coins And raise "Money Tree". They will bring you coupons and discountson goods. Additionally, you can take part in the draw "Having goods" In a special section. If you are lucky to become a winner, then you will get a purchase for just 1 cent.

The possibility of obtaining cachek will delight all shoppers. After all, this way can be returned about 10% for the purchase of real money. The most profitable services are described in the article. "Top 6 cachek services for AlExpress".

Black Mask (Black Mask) for Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Any product for beauty should be high quality not to damage the skin and not get other problems. Therefore, it is important to carefully choose the seller. How to do it, we told in the article "Seller's rating for Aliexpress"So, in detail on this we will not stop. We present you several stores where you can buy high-quality Black Mask (Black Mask):

Black mask (Black Mask) on Aliexpress: reviews

Maria: I used a mask to the whole face. Just washed and decided to try. I applied my finger, though it was barely laundered. I was waiting for half an hour, I didn't go anywhere and did not scratch. Sitted it hurts, of course. A little bit on the hair, I advise you to clean right away. If we put a mask finely, then it remains pieces that are easily removed to remove makeup. The face was very clean. The mask after removal became similar to Kiwi skirt. Very much dirt retired. The effect is satisfied, thanks!

Olga: Delivered in 16 days. Ordered two tubes. Packaging is a regular package and paper envelope. I tried the day after receiving. First, 15 minutes disarmed the face. Applied the middle layer of the mask. After 20 minutes, he took off one flap. The effect turned out to be awesome. Mask and the truth is suitable for cleaning the face, but before that it is necessary to unpiring the face.

Lyudmila: Mask is excellent, removes black dots with a bang! Fast delivery, packaging reliable! I will buy more! Thank you!

Video: Black Mask Overview from Black Points with Aliexpress Black Mask from China

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