SKYRC IMAX B6 MINI is the most popular model. In addition to its small size, it has a large functionality and automatically selects the appropriate current for the connected batteries.

The charger looks like a small blue box with a LCD display and several keys. They allow you to control the settings and charging process. On the sides are all the necessary connectors. On the left is the port for power, MicroUSB to connect to a PC and a three-pin connector for the temperature sensor.

On the right there are two entrances to "plus" and "minus", as well as several connectors for connecting 2-6 batteries.

Low weight and sizes are beneficial iMAX B6.from his competitors. It is so small that it can be even worn in his pocket.

The characteristic of the device is as follows:

Characteristic IMAX B6.

Characteristic IMAX B6.

See catalog

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Charger IMAX B6 for car battery on AlExpress: reviews