AlExpress - DVR Xiaomi Yi Car Wifi DVR: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, photos, sale, free shipping, Best sellers and shops


In this article we will discuss the Xiaomi Yi Car WiFi DVR DVR video recorder, Aliexpress.

DVRs today are of great popularity among motorists. One of the remarkable models is Xiaomi Yi Car WiFi DVR. You can buy it on Aliexpress. Let's wonder what's notable in it.

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DVR Xiaomi Yi Car Wifi DVR on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

DVR Xiaomi Yi Car Wifi DVR on Aliexpress

DVR Xiaomi Yi Car Wifi DVR on Aliexpress

DVR   Xiaomi Yi Car WiFi DVR Made according to modern technologies and has excellent characteristics and high-performance processor. This allows it to record video as Full HD. And with a frequency of up to 60 frames per second. A large number of optics in combination with the function e-HDR Allows you to get clear and contrasting video even with poor illumination, for example, in twilight or frontal illumination.

It is worth noting that Xiaomi Yi Car WiFi DVR It can work not only as a video recorder, but also just cameras. The module has permission 3 mp. and diaphragm f1.8.. And despite such a low resolution, the camera is able to record rollers in FullHD quality.

The shooting is performed at a large viewing angle - 165 degrees, and the number of frames can be 30 or 60 frames. The recorder is built-in battery with a capacity 240 mAh..

The main feature of the gadget - 2.7-inch displaywho often lacks each registrar. Moreover, the camera can work with Wi-FiSo you can send video to the smartphone screen and control the camera from it.

The standard set has an angular cable. USB, Charger for the car, as well as decorative stickers.

The registrar maintains technology Adas.which performs the following functions:

  • Car Approximation Front Preparation
  • Notification of the intersection of your strip if it is on the road

DVR Xiaomi Yi Car WiFi DVR is an excellent companion on long trips, and the built-in gyroscope allows you to work the system Adas. With maximum accuracy and efficiency. Among other things, the device is supported by the memory cards, so you can record long trips in good quality.

Camera dimensions are relatively small and it has a very simple interface.

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DVR Xiaomi Yi Car Wifi DVR on Aliexpress: Sales, Discounts, Free Shipping

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DVR Xiaomi Yi Car Wifi DVR on Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Products Xiaomi. can be found in many stores AliexpressBut you should not buy a purchase in the first thing and at the lowest price. Choose the seller needs to be carefully guaranteed to get a quality product. What exactly to pay attention to you will tell you the article "Seller's rating for Aliexpress". Just below you will find several reliable vendors who can be purchased by the DVR. Xiaomi Yi Car WiFi DVR:

DVR Xiaomi Yi Car Wifi DVR on Aliexpress: reviews

Yuri: The seller did not send the goods for almost 2 weeks. At first gave the left track number, but then everything seemed to be fine. Also sent a memory card in a separate package. The box was leaning a little. The kit is such as in the description. The recording quality of the registrar is not perfect, the numbers are distinguishable only near, and even then, at low speed.

Alexander: Finally, my parcel reached. Packed reliably, in several layers of poultry. The device itself in the factory film, the whole functionality as in the description. A little upset shot down focus in the lens, non-working charge to and the backlash. Although in general, everything works fine and the charger is there.

Leonid: The DVR is convenient, the kit includes a detailed instruction. Packaged reliably. The characteristics claims multilinguality, but in fact English firmware. For me personally, this is not critical.

Video: Best video recorder 2K from Xiaomi Yi Car WiFi with Aliexpress Overview

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