Aliexpress - video intercom for private house, apartments, wireless, color, case, inapproprous, with video, motion sensor: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, sale, photos, free shipping, Best sellers and shops

Household products

In this article we will talk, how to find and buy a video intercom on Aliexpress.

Video intercom is an electronic device with which the home is protected. It combines a simple intercom and video program, that is, you can see your interlocutor. You can purchase such devices on Aliexpress at competitive prices.

If on this site it will be your first order, we recommend learn an article "Registration and execution of the first order for Aliexpress: step-by-step instructions".

Video intercom to Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Video intercom on Aliexpress

Video intercom on Aliexpress

Aliexpress represents each buyer a huge catalog with video intercoms, so you will definitely find a suitable model for yourself. The design of products, as a rule, consists of a call button and a camcorder for the inlet door, as well as tubes with a button and display for home.

The classification of intercoms may be different, for example, depending on the installation location:

  • In the apartment. Such models are suitable for any home, but better if your span will have enough space and fencepred off with a metal grille. In this case, the perfect review will be ensured. Moreover, if desired, you can agree with the neighbors and put a video intercom with a button for each apartment.
  • In a private house. In this situation, the intercom is installed on a wicket with an electronic lock, which when you press the button will open. The set at the same time remains the same.

The image of video formophones can be colored or black and white, respectively, their cost depends on it. In addition, other types of devices are distinguished:

  • Wireless
  • Corps
  • Insurpose
  • With the function of the video
  • With traffic sensor

On the Aliexpress you can find any model at moderate value.

See catalog

Video intercom to Aliexpress: Sales, Discounts, Free Shipping

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The biggest shares pass at all often. To be more accurate, each of them goes only once a year. You can learn more about these sales in the article. "Schedule SALE FOR ALIEXPRESS".

Do not forget about the possibility of obtaining cachek. This is possible with the help of special services. We told about the most profitable and popular here.

Video intercom to Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

In addition to profitable shopping on Aliexpress, newcomers should be known about the right choice of the store, since not always sellers justify hopes and work honestly. Especially at least administration Aliexpressand trying to fight them, but there is still a risk. Learning to choose shopping for sale. Our article will help you "Seller's rating for Aliexpress".

Below we present you stores that are credited by buyers and administration Aliexpress and they can be purchased a high-quality video intercom:

Video intercom to Aliexpress: reviews

Svyatoslav: In Vladimir, the goods came in two weeks. Brought courier right to the house. Everything is fine, the work showed itself well. The setting is quite simple, but I asked the seller to immediately put the Russian language and instruction. The latter is not very necessary in principle, but information about the cable to the button will be useful. Item is chic, I recommend!

Leonid: I received a intercom a week after sending. A little mesme the box, but nothing is damaged. The kit completely coincides with the description. At the request, the seller sent the menu and buttons in Russian, as well as instructions. Buying your money worthwhile, especially in the store it would cost much more expensive.

Irina: The intercom is good, many settings, Russian menu and instruction. The build quality is high. Video shows not quite perfect, but the quality is worthy. The kit comes the power supply to 12V. I bought a separate MSC module to connect to the access door, and the tube removed. Looks beautiful, the sound is loud. Packaged package was reliably and reached quickly, somewhere in 5 days. By the way, before ordering, always write to the seller that you need Russian buttons and instructions.

Video: Best Intercom with Aliexpress

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