Aliexpress - cycle-computer Sunding SD 563B, SD 548B: Browse, price, catalog, photos, reviews, sale, free shipping, Best sellers and shops. How to set the Sunding cycle computer?

Sports goods

In this article we will talk about Sunding SD 563B and SD 548B velocomputers presented on Aliexpress And their setup.

Modern technologies have long been developed enough to record various data. This technique is created for cyclists. Computers for bicycles are able to determine the speed, pulse, pedaling indicators, descent and rise angle, temperature and height above sea level.

There are two types of cycomputers - wired and wireless. Buy a computer for a bike at a bargain price AliexpressBut we will discuss only the two most popular models from the brand Sunding - SD 563B. and SD 548B..

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Sunding SD 563B SUNDING SD 563B cycle computer: Catalog, photo

Bicycle computer Sunding SD563B.

Bicycle computer Sunding SD563B.

This waterproof computer for the bike is intended for those who are professionally engaged in cycling. This device has many features and allows real-time to receive all the necessary data on training and cycling.

A small compact device combined the functionality of the speedometer and odometer. It is an ideal solution for those who love long-term cycling and helps make classes easier and comfortable. Little weight and protection against shocks make a computer with a reliable assistant in any situations.

This gadget will show you the speed of driving passing path, as well as the duration of the trip. Moreover, before your eyes there will always be a thermometer and clock.

The computer is distinguished by the presence of protection against water, which allows you to play sports for any weather. It is important if you like to travel. He will notify you on time that you exceeded the speed, how much the charge remains and when it is time to replace the oil.

The tuning of the cycomputer is very simple. It reliably and easily fixes on the steering wheel. For these purposes, you will need a special fastening that is included.

At night you can always turn on the backlight. This device has an LCD display with bright illuminated green color. Therefore, the bright image will be at any time of the day.

Cycle computer Sunding SD563B. it has the following feature set:

  • Displays the current speed
  • Odometer
  • Distance traveled
  • Maximum speed
  • Calculation of medium speed
  • Total travel time
  • Ride time
  • Show current time
  • temperature sensor
  • Notification of exceeding and reduced speed
  • Setting the circumference of the wheels

See catalog

Bicycle computer Sunding SD 548B on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Bicycle computer Sunding SD548B.

Bicycle computer Sunding SD548B.

Sunding is a moisture-resistant bicycle computer of small-dimensional control. Despite the fact that the manufacturer talks about the moisture-resistant building, it is not recommended to use them into the shower.

The cycle-computer will not just satisfy your interest about how much you drove and at what speed, but will also help develop an athlete, controlling your results and establishing new records.

Among the existing functional are allocated:

  • View current speed
  • Countdown of bike run
  • Showing the current distance
  • Maximum speed level
  • average speed
  • Total travel time
  • Current Time
  • Sequential display mode multiple indicators
  • Notification of exceeding or reduce speeds higher or below average
  • Saving current parameters

See catalog

How to set the Sunding cycle computer?

Before using a cycomputer, it must be configured for myself. Although there is nothing complicated in this process, but still newcomers often have questions. Clear the settings and install your video below.


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Bicycle computer Sunding SD 563B, SD 548B on Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Each purchase on AliexpressYes, and in general on the Internet, you need to make carefully. Moreover, a lot of attention should be paid to the selection of the store on the site. What exactly cost to watch we talked in the article "Seller's rating for Aliexpress". A few reliable stores are presented in a slightly below, in which you can purchase a high-quality cycle computer:

Sunding SD 563B Sunding SD 563B, SD 548B: Reviews

Anton: The largest distance from the transmitter to the computer is 80 cm, and therefore it will not be possible to place it on the rear wheel, and the shock-absorbing sleeve interferes on the front signal. Therefore, it is inconvenient that the computer is wireless. No computer sleep mode, so the battery is spent just if it is not used. All other functions are in order.

Vyacheslav: There was a parcel month. It seems to me that she would have come much faster if it were not stuck. The computer turned out to be with a defect, and the factory - the bar with numbers does not work. Although it is not critical, but still unpleasant. The seller promised to invest a new one with the second order, now I am waiting, but I do not know, it will come or not.

Denis: The parcel came in three weeks. Packaging and box are not damaged. All at workable condition. The battery is also included, but I got a pretty pod, since the computer all this time was turned on. To change miles to kilometers, you need to restart the device - get it back to insert the battery. Everything is attached to special ties, and the computer itself on the rubber ring. I like everything!

Video: parcel with Aliexpress. Bicycle computer with illumination Sunding SD-563A. Starstart. SD-563B.

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