Aliexpress - Time Relay 12 Volt, 12 Volt Time Relay, With Shutdown Delay, Relay for Conversion 12 Volt in 220: Browse, Features, Price, Catalog, Reviews, Photos, Sale, Free Shipping, Best Sellers and Shops


In this article we will talk about the time relay 12 V, presented on Aliexpress.

Time relay 12V is a device that allows you to create an autonomous time delay, as well as streamline the operation of the entire circuit. Purchase this device can be on Aliexpress.

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Time relay 12 volts per aliexpress: catalog, photo

Time relay 12 volts per aliexpress

Time relay 12 volts per aliexpress

Time relays are usually used to create some delay in the electrical circuit. In addition, they are used when it is necessary to do certain actions not instantly, but after a while.

The main parameters of the device can be attributed to:

  • Safety is enhanced by 12-240V speakers
  • Depending on the model, the delay can be installed from 10 seconds to 100 hours
  • The device is possible support for WSWA, IP, II, ER, EWU, EWS
  • Availability of two transfer contacts
  • Relay protection installed IP40

Additionally, you can select the following functionality:

  • Generation of impulses, that is, from the moment of pause (BP). When applied U, the time begins to report. When it is completed, the device closes and start the countdown of the primary interval. After its end, it opens. This cycle is repeated until the power supply is stopped.
  • Turning on.
  • Delay when turning on and off with control pin.
  • Voltage must be constant. After the installed interval of the release relay closes. In this state it will stay until the control is disconnected.
  • Extraction of pulses to reduce control signals. The main difference is that when the interval is completed, a signal comes to the control contact. And the new cycle can be started only at the completion of the previous one.
  • Development of pulses on the rear of control signals and power supply.

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Time relay 12 volts with shutdown delay on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Automotive time relay 12 volts with a delay of shutdown to Aliexpress

Automotive time relay 12 volts with a delay of shutdown to Aliexpress

If you connect this power relay to the source, it will display its voltage. In fact, the device has 4 modes of operation:

  1. The shutdown delay is set in seconds and could be 0-999 seconds and the screen running time is 1-9 minutes.
  2. You can set the power and shutdown voltage. When one of the values \u200b\u200bwill be achieved, the relay will change its state. By default, the relay in this mode has a parameter "Turned off".
  3. The third mode is similar to the previous one, but at the same time the default parameter is " Included«.
  4. In the last mode, the relay state changes when the controlled voltage is released beyond the fixed limit, both in plus and in minus. The relay in such a state has the status "Included" or "Turned off" And set to flag "ON L" or "ON H" respectively.

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Relay for converting 12 volts at 220 per aliexpress: catalog, photo

12 volt relay at 220 per aliexpress

12 volt relay at 220 per aliexpress

Relay for converting 12 volts in 220 per Aliexpressyou can choose by directory that is listed below.

Relay  actively  used  in  telegraphtelephone  and  aviation  techniqueThey are  different  principle  actions  and  maybe Be mechanical, electrical, magnetic, and so on.

The standard relay is used in electrical devices. It consists of winding, yoke, anchors, contacts and a return spring. If we talk specifically about the model 12 V 220, then he has a few simplified assembly and it consists of:

  • Electromagnet.
  • Anchor.
  • Switch

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Time relay 12V on Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Every newcomer should know that Aliexpress not all stores work honestly, even though the administration with such sellers is actively fighting. To get a quality product, and in general it is possible, you should learn to choose sellers. How to do it, we told here. Slightly below are reliable stores to purchase. time relay 12V.:

Time relay 12V on Aliexpress: reviews

Anatoly: The goods came quickly in reliable packaging. The relay is working, the function is performed. Thank you!

Leonid: I received the parcel, the product is defective, and therefore does not work. Although the price is not high, but still upset, as it also had to wait three months.

Dmitriy: The relay is normal, working. Its functions quite fulfill that it pleases. I will buy more.

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1 comment

  1. Victor 12.12.2020 20:00

    Auto relay with shutdown delay 12V

    To answer

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