Aliexpress - Soldering tanks with temperature and soldering iron standing: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, photos, sale, free shipping, Best sellers and shops

Household products

In this article we will talk about soldiers with a thermostat on Aliexpress.

In each house, an indispensable device is a soldering iron. This autumn is a convenient tool, and sometimes it is simply impossible without it. Soldiers with a thermostat were created for the production of work with different power, that is, such models can choose the heating temperature. You can purchase such devices on Aliexpress at a bargain price and free shipping.

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Soldering iron with temperature adjustment for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Rarestone with temperature adjustment

Rarestone with temperature adjustment

The soldering iron is a tool that is designed to heat the parts for their subsequent compound, melting and making liquid solder. The model with the thermostat is distinguished by the fact that they can work from the network and are equipped with a ceramic heater.

Soldiers for household needs are a thin tube of metal, on the one hand there is a handle for holding, and on the other - a replaceable rod or "sting". The inside of the tube is built in the heating element, which can be made of nichrome or other alloy with high resistivity. "Sting" is usually sharpened under a certain angle by 30-40 degrees, and the working edge is rounded. The form, size and mass of the desired device is determined depending on the type of work planned.

To use the soldering iron, you need to enable it, configure the desired temperature level using the regulator on the device housing and wait for heating. Before starting the memory, apply flux to the location. As such, you can use, for example, rosin.

It is worth noting that, depending on the temperature, the complexity of the work changes. Solders with a thermostat, a maximum value can be 200-450 degrees.

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Stand for the soldering iron on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Stand for the soldering iron

Stand for the soldering iron

If you are tired of constantly planting different things under the soldering iron so that he does not spoil you anything, then you should purchase a special stand. It is distinguished by stability, so if you accidentally get a soldering iron with your hand, it will not fall. During operation, the device strongly heats the air around him and so that it is fluently climbed up, the holder is made in the form of a spiral.

At the bottom of the stand there is a deepening for a sponge cleaner. Many sellers have one such a sponge included.

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Rarestone with temperature adjustment for Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

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Soldering iron with temperature adjustment on Aliexpress: reviews

Artem: Everything came, but the marking of the temperature is exhibited incorrectly - it shows 2 divisions less, that is, if you turn to the right to the right, then only 400 degrees are set, and there are no numbers in a minimum. When heated to 200 degrees, the stood was shot, and at 400 - smoke it became of the holes near the housing and the metal part became dark. Maybe this is just because the first heating. There is a ground wire.

Konstantin: Soldering iron is good. Checked performance in all modes. Heats quickly. I bought a friend on the recommendation, he enjoys such a long time ago. Do not use it at the maximum temperature, as they break quickly. Otherwise, the soldering iron copes with its functions. I am satisfied!

Victor: Good soldering iron. Heats quickly, slowly cools and keeps the temperature. Plastic parts do not heat. The paper showed himself to the best side. It is a pity that there are no replaceable stuff. Delivered quickly, everything was tracked.

Video: bought a soldering iron with Aliexpress! With temperature adjustment 60w [Overview, comparison, refinement]

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