Aliexpress - nozzle scissors on a drill, screwdriver "Cricket" for cutting metal: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, photos, sales, discounts, free shipping, best sellers and shops

Household products

In this article we will talk about nozzle for cutting metal on a drill and a screwdriver - "Cricket", presented on Aliexpress.

Often for the power tools you have to buy additional nozzles for specific works, well, or just instead of the old one. One of these is nozzle for screwdrivers, drills and perforators "Cricket". You can purchase this device on Aliexpress at low price.

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Nozzle on a drill, Cricket screwdriver for Ali Spress: Catalog, photo

Nozzle on the drill, screwdriver Criccake on Aliexpress

Nozzle on a drill, cricket screwdriver on Aliexpress

Small nozzle with the name "Cricket" Designed for installation on power tools - screwdrivers, drills, perforator. It is capable of cutting sheet metal, which allows you to expand the tool functionality and perform them more operations than usual.

For the manufacture uses tool steel, which provides a tool high strength, and also makes it possible to work with most of the well-known materials. Moreover, carefully planned design provides low noise.

At the main device where it is installed "Cricket"The power must be at least 0.4 kW. This value allows you to effectively cut the metal without bending the metal edge. It is worth noting that such power is available in many household instruments, such as a drill and a perforator, as well as a screwdriver.

In length, the device is 180 mm, which allows not only to carry out work in workshops, but also in a limited space. The power determination mechanism is based on a shaft with six faces, which has excellent coupling properties and high strength unlike simple round shafts.

Thanks to the use of high-quality steel for manufacture Nozzle "Cricket" it is capable of cutting even thick metal sheets. For stainless steel, this indicator is 1 mm, and for soft alloys - 1.6 mm. If we talk about aluminum, the thickness can reach 2 mm. The nozzle makes it possible to make even round holes with a diameter of 11 mm and more. The features of the device can also be attributed to a small width of the cutting path - it has a size of only 1.6 mm. Thus, significant metal savings are ensured, which is not possible to achieve when using manual instruments.

Wemit «Cricket" 400 grams, so that it does not waste the instrument used too much. Additional pluses include a punch and replacement handle included, which make work more accurate.

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Nozzle on a drill, Cricket screwdriver on Ali Spress: Best sellers and shops

Aliexpress it is a huge online market where thousands of sellers lead their activities. Unfortunately, not all of them work honestly. Although the administration is actively fighting with fraudsters, the risk of getting a poor-quality product or even stay without it is still there. Therefore, it is worth learning to choose shops for purchase. About how this is done we told in the article "Seller's rating for Aliexpress". Slightly below you will find a list of reliable stores where you can purchase nazey "Cricket":

Nozzle on a drill, Cricket screwdriver on AliExpress: reviews

Fedor: The goods were tracked, came quickly. Packaging is reliable, the tool is good, but in the work I have not had time to try. And so much thanks!

Anastasia: The parcel went month. The tool bought for dad. I don't know myself, but it says that the tool is high-quality, normal quality. By the way, on the turnover of the package there is instructions for use in English.

Basil: In general, the classes of the thing, but it is better to disassemble immediately and pull out the lubricant, and then apply a new one, so what very little. This will allow the nozzard longer to last. Metal nibbles perfectly, but more than 1.6 mm is not worth it, as you break.

Video: Nozzle on the drill Cricket Aliexpress (parcel from China)

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