Jenga - Board Game Tower with Cubes on Aliexpress: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, photos, sale, free shipping, links to the best sellers. How to play Gengu Desktop: Rules of the game, tricks


In this article we will discuss what the game of Jenga and whether it is possible to purchase it on Aliexpress.

Game Jenga A different thing is also called the "Falling Tower". The principle of the game is to build a tower and then pull out bars from it and put up. Such entertainment can captivate children and adults for several hours. You can buy this game on Aliexpress.

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Desktop game of Jenga to AlExpress: Review, catalog, photo

Play Geng very simple, and the number of players can be any, up to 10 people. The smallest set consists of 48 bars:

Jenga on 48 bars

Jenga on 48 bars

The rules of the game are as follows:

  • First, the tower of three pieces in a row is built out of the bars and the seeds obtained are laid out by each other. Thus, a turret is obtained at 16 levels. Usually, the kit additionally includes a cardboard guide, which allows to align the tower for its verticality and evenness.
  • After building the tower, you can start playing. Each of the players in their move pulls out any bar, and only one hand. According to the rules, it is impossible to maintain the design.
  • When the bar is taken out, it is placed to the top of the tower so that it can be built according to the rules on. At the same time, take parts from the top layer and impossible.
  • When the bar is laid, the move goes to the next player. The one whom the tower collapses is considered to be a loser and it all starts first.

In addition to the rules, there are several tricks:

  • First look for free bars. They can be in the middle (knocked out with a finger) or from the edge (shaped on the side).
  • Control the tilt of the tower. Sometimes she outweighs in one direction or another, and clamped bars are released.
  • You can make traps for other players, for example, stronger tilt the tower.
  • At least you can not use with both hands, but you can use several fingers. So you can pull the bars from the side of the index and thumb, and the average slightly stop it and warn the fall.

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How to buy Genga game to Aliexpress with discount and free shipping?

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Jeng to Ali Spress: Best Sellers and Shops

Game Jenga Very fascinating, and she will like not only to children, but also adults. For the purchase of you pleased with the quality, and in general, it is important to choose the right seller to make a purchase. Make it will help you our article "Seller's rating for Aliexpress"Or you can make a purchase in one of the stores below, which buyers and administration trust Aliexpress:

Jeng to Aliexpress: Reviews

Maria: Blocks are beautiful, for the child the most, and even the price is not bad. The size of the details is normal, so the child will not swallow. Play together no first evening. We like everything. Thank you!

Anton: The box contains 100 blocks. Look like in the photo - size, shape, and so on. Play her interesting. At first they did not understand how, because the instruction in English, but found on the Internet and slowly sorted out.

Valeria: Cool, fascinating, interesting game. The child is delighted, and I am the most interesting. The game quickly, somewhere in a couple of weeks. Thanks a lot!

Video: Desktop game "Jenga" (review of the goods saliexpress # 11)

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