Shipping service Saver Shipping - Tracking and delivery of mailing and parcels with Aliexpress from China in Russian in Russia, delivery reviews. Saver Shipping - Time and Date of delivery with Aliexpress to Russia


In this article we will talk about a new way to deliver parcels with Aliexpress
Aliexpress Saver Shipping.

After changing the rules Aliexpressconcerning the delivery of goods delivery without track numbers to at least somehow leave prices at the same level, Aliexpress invented its own budget way called Aliexpress Saver Shipping.. Let's wonder how it works.

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Aliexpress Saver Shipping - What is the delivery?

Aliexpress Saver Shipping - What is the delivery?

Aliexpress Saver Shipping - What is the delivery?

Even before the ban's entry into force, it was stated that a method would be created, allowing you to send cheap items with tracking cheap. And called this method - Aliexpress Saver Shipping.. Either it is indicated as free - then the delivery is included in the price of the goods, or as a paid, but the cheapest one.

Send parcels through their own warehouse Aliexpress. Thus, at first the seller sends the order there, and then sorting and the package already goes to you.

On average, the delivery of goods takes about 15-20 days. Of the advantages you can allocate low cost. As for the shortcomings, the parcels actually do not have their own track numbers. Why we happen to talk a little later.

Each departure has a tracking number in an international format of the form: ZA123456789HK..

How to track the parcels of Aliexpress Saver Shipping?

Track numbers Companies are tracked in the Personal Account. Aliexpress and on the site Russian Post. At the same time, it is possible to follow it throughout the path of the following follows until admission to your branch.

Tracking parcels on the Russian Post Website

Tracking parcels on the Russian Post Website

You can also track delivery Saver Shipping.on universal tracking sites:

Disadvantages of Aliexpress Saver Shipping

And now it is worth talking about the shortcomings of such delivery, which can significantly ruin the impression of the purchase as a whole. The thing is that this project is developed together Russian Post and Aliexpress. On the one hand, you get from the seller monitored trackand you have the opportunity to watch where the order goes straight to your office. But upon arrival, difficulties are already beginning to appear.

Each product passes the same path:

Sort parcel

Sort parcel

  • First he enters the warehouse Aliexpress
  • Next, he passes the sorting and falls into a large bag with other parcels that go in one direction.
  • The package gets one trackon everything inside. That is, essentially it turns out one package of several and they go under one number, followed by which you will follow
  • When entering the department, the package is revealed and each parcel is prepared for issuance

It turns out that specifically, your product has no room. You can only find out what he lies in the department, and then it remains to wait for notice.

And everything would be fine, if the notice came in fact. And if it won't be lost, it will be very difficult to find your order.

For the reason that this way only sending a cheap product is carried out, then you should not be afraid of theft. Since it does not represent a special value. Although this situation is quite possible that your order will simply fall somewhere and lost. And how to find a departure that does not have track?

Undoubtedly, you can ask for employees to see if there is something in your name, but only according to the regulations they do not have to do this. Therefore, at the moment, people often face the fact that the notice is absent, and on the passport, employees are mostly searched by the passport. And at the same time they have the right.

Therefore, it turns out a strange situation. The parcel seems to have come, but it cannot be obtained without notice.

How to open the spore Aliexpress Saver Shipping if the parcel did not come?

Dispute on aliexpress

Dispute on aliexpress

In this case, opening a dispute You will not achieve anything, because in the opinion of the administration there is no weighty cause. Trackyou tracked, the parcel reached the post office and you need to pick it up. And why specifically you do not give her little interests. In this case, you will not return money and they will be listed in the seller, as he fulfilled his work.

The meaning of delivery Aliexpress Saver Shipping. lies in the fact that the playground itself has taken off all responsibility for bad work Russian Post. Parcels without numbers and previously lost, but only now it is the wines of the latter, and not Aliexpress. And all the consequences will be assigned to the buyer.

The joyful moment is that the expensive things are not sent in this way, therefore, in the event of a loss, the amount will be low. If you want the order to track normally, it is better with Aliexpress Saver Shipping. Do not mess around

I want to believe that gradually the situation will still be better and the parcel will stop disappearing, even if not quite, but at least less.

Why, when delivering Aliexpress Saver Shipping you have to pay for each unit of goods?

Why, when delivering Aliexpress Saver Shipping you have to pay for each unit of goods?

Why, when delivering Aliexpress Saver Shipping you have to pay for each unit of goods?

Previously on Aliexpressthere were products, the number of which did not affect the cost of delivery. That is, if you ordered 1 or 10 units of goods, then the delivery cost equally. Now how to be used Aliexpress Saver Shipping., such an opportunity disappeared. Either the delivery amount is summed. It turns out that when buying 5 units of goods you pay for delivery five times more. Why so it turns out?

In fact, everything is very simple. Here is the case in weight limitations and costs that are available Aliexpress Saver Shipping.. Buying should not weigh more than 2 kg and cost $ 5. Therefore, often two products or simply do not fit into this restriction. Basically, if you buy several pieces at once, then you are invited to choose another delivery, or you will receive several parcels on one unit. Therefore, it is necessary to pay for the delivery of each.

You will also be interested to know about other ways of delivery:

Video: Delivery of Orders Aliexpress Saver Shipping

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