Delivery Service - Tracking parcels with Aliexpress to Russia. Does the parcel come to Russia sent with Aliexpress by delivering WedoExpress?


In this article we will find out what is a WedoExpress service that is used by sellers on Aliexpress.

As a rule, after ordering on Aliexpressdecorated, then the most interesting process begins, and to be more accurate, then order tracking. In this situation, such as, when choosing a purchase, nothing depends on you.

If you have never been issued orders on the site, then you will also be interested to read the article "How to make the first order for Aliexpress?".

In this article we will discuss what kind of delivery WedoExpress. And how to track such parcels.

What is the shipping WedoExpress on Aliexpress?

What is WedoExpress?

What is WedoExpress?

Undoubtedly, after the parcel is sent by the seller, he must specify which postal service is driving your order and provide track number tracking. When sending goods through WedoExpress., on the Aliexpress sellers indicate it as Sellers Shipping MethodThat is, the service selected by the seller. Sometimes the method of sending can be indicated and China Post.But in this case it will be completely unlike reality, especially if the seller does not even give a link to tracking.

WedoExpress. Positioned as a simple Chinese delivery service. Such logistics firms in the country are many, and they all work legally and cooperate with Aliexpress.

But this is not the situation.

Unlike other services, WedoExpress. I did not invent something my own and make your track codes, but a little changed the international and copied the platform for tracking from Aliexpress.

WedoExpress Track Code Format

As we said, WedoExpress. disguised its numbers to track under the usual format UPUAs in the international postal union.

For example, for China Post. With this format, two letters are indicated at the beginning - RJ., RC And so on and at the end - CN.. And between them is attributed to 9 numbers, which are a unique tracking number.

In case of WedoExpress. Two letters are prescribed first WD.. It turns out that the track code looks like this:


Thus, it turns out that the difference with the rest of generally accepted formats is minimal.

How to track parcels sent by WedoExpress with Aliexpress to Russia?

To start tracking the parcel with Aliexpress to Russia, you need to go to the site Wedo., Register the obtained track and click on the search.

As can be seen in the screenshot, the package is on the way and everything is fine, it would be even better if it really was. Although many buyers no seconds doubt the authenticity of data.

Position status

Position status

Typically tracking statuses look like this:

  • Opening. (This means that the goods are exported)
  • Collection (the parcel is on sorting)
  • China Departure Scan. (order is processed)
  • China Awaiting Packaging (Processing is expected)
  • China Order Entry Processing Center (parcel in processing)

Do not tell in detail that WedoExpress. It is a deception, sufficient that the service is complete fiction.

Will it come to you by sending WedoExpress with Aliexpress?

Does you reach you sending WedoExpress?

Does you reach you sending WedoExpress?

No matter how strange sounded, but she will really come with Aliexpress in Russia. Often everything ends well, although sometimes the opposite occurs. The meaning is that the goods are sent through the cheapest postal service, and so that the buyer does not worry, then such a fake track number and the site for tracking it are provided. Outwardly, everything looks truthfully and most are not suspected that they were deceived.

The average delivery time is 35-45 days. Sometimes you can get the goods and after 20 days, but it is rare and mainly refers to small packages.

Ultimately, nothing complicated with parcel tracking WedoExpress. No, but the utility here is also no. Data on such a move can simply calm you, but it will not affect the movement of the parcel.

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