Aliexpress Premium Shipping: What is the delivery method? Aliexpress requires passport data for Premium Shipping: Why is it necessary for passport data?


In this article we will talk that for the delivery method - Aliexpress Premium Shipping on Aliexpress.

Another popular delivery method is Aliexpress Premium Shipping.. What does he represent? And how to track the parcels sent by this way? Let's find out.

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Aliexpress Premium Shipping: What is the delivery method?

Aliexpress Premium Shipping.

This is your own shopping method on Aliexpresswhich is used in Russia, Ukraine, Estonia and many other countries. If you want to get your order in this way, then it will come for 7-15 days.

Delivery is carried out according to the following principle: the seller produces design and dispatch, the order is transported to the warehouse where it is processed, and then he is already accomplished to the courier so that he takes the goods to the buyer.

The great advantage of the method is the global tracking service, which allows you to make customer service easier, especially if disputes occur.

Each parcel when sending gets a track number starting with Ro., and ending on EE.

Aliexpress requires passport data for Premium Shipping: Why is it necessary for passport data?

Passport details for Premium Shipping

Passport details for Premium Shipping

Many users when ordering delivery Premium Shipping. Note that it is necessary to provide passport data. Undoubtedly, anyone cannot be provided with them, and therefore many can rented by receiving a letter asking for data. Moreover, what is needed by anywhere on Aliexpressnot reported.

In such a situation, you should not worry. The company engaged in the shipment of goods has its own privacy policy. Place on the network or transmit data to third parties there is no point. Data is needed only for customs control.

Usually, postal services are sent letters, where they report, why they needed passport data. The topic of the letter states that the data is needed for the Federal Customs Service. There is a link where you need to log in to specify information. As soon as the order passes customs clearance, it will be possible to start watching.

IMPORTANT: Passport details are made without a space between the series and the number.

Aliexpress Premium Shipping: Mail Tracking

To check tracking data, open detailed order details. The information will be provided only in 5-7 days after sending the parcel.

  • Open "My orders"
Transition to my orders

Transition to my orders

  • Follow B. "Details"
Read more about the product

Read more about the product

  • Location data Parcels are in the block "Tracking of shipments"
Tracking information

Tracking information

Here as the status and movement updates are updated, current information will be displayed.

Moreover, you can track the goods on the site Omniva-Estonia Post.

Search for parcel

Search for parcel

The delivery time of orders is from 15 to 45 days.

Aliexpress Premium Shipping: delivery reviews

In general, this is not much different from other ways. It is not the fastest, but not the worst. Indeed, embarrassing can the need to provide passport data, but it is not necessary to be afraid, as they are under reliable protection.

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comments 3.

  1. Vladimir 30.06.2017 15:42

    Fill in passport details, the number and series does not accept why

    To answer
  2. Diana 04.02.2018 22:23

    Does not accept passport data. Writes: macstimal number of numbers 10. And what numbers do not understand

    To answer
    • novel 02.04.2018 12:57

      Need to write without a space

      To answer

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