Track mail and parcels by mail Finland ITELLA POST with Aliexpress to Russia in Russian


In this article we will discuss the way to deliver parcels with Aliexpress called iTella.

What changes do not occur on Aliexpress. What is just one of the company's output to Russian buyers, but we will talk about one not quite new method of delivery of goods. Everyone knows that the main part of the shopping with Aliexpresssend through China Post. and Hong Kong Post.But there are many more interesting courier services. One of these is considered to be Finnish Post - Itella. Let's figure it out in the question of tracking the parcels sent by this service.

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Itella - what shipping?

Shipping iTella.

Shipping iTella.

At first, China and Findland can be thought at all are not at all connected, because they are on different sides of the world, but here the transport logistics tied them. The fact is that in the state Chinese mail most of the orders are processed and it works for wear. In the sorting shops, it is never empty, and in front of the large holidays, a full chamber is formed, in connection with what the delivery is delayed.

Therefore, a good was found, but at the same time a very strange delivery method - sending goods through the service Itella. Each departure after reference is recorded and the unique tracking number is assigned. It looks like this: RA123456789FI., where R. suggests that the parcel is ordered and registered, A. - indicates the lack of insurance, and Fi means the country, that is Finland.

Itella - the official website in Russian: how to track the parcel from China with Aliexpress?

After receiving the track number, a logical question arises - how to track the parcel Itella? The best way to use the official site finland Posti (Posti). In addition to the version for the Finns, the site is translated into English, so you will have problems with him. If you have a smartphone iOS or android, you can follow the parcels on it.

Tracking on the POSTI site

Tracking on the POSTI site

Let's look at the example of the recently sent sending and check its status on the site. So, after entering the track number, except for data on movement, you can see the weight of the departure, which company is delayed, as well as the type of departure and destination with the index and the country. On the right you will see the path of the parcel and many, many status.

Data on sending

Data on sending

How long is the parcel sent by mail Finland?

Delivery times iTella

Delivery times iTella

As a rule, sending this method several times faster than through China Post.. Although always take into account the place where you live. If you live in the central or western part of Russia, then for you it will be the most optimal option. If, for example, you live in Novosibirsk, then you should not hope that you will get the parcel quickly. In such a situation it is better to use Hong Kong Post. or China Post.. But for those who live in St. Petersburg, Itella it will be an excellent option, since it is not close to Finland. Residents of Belarus and Ukraine parcels come much faster.

Usually, Itella delivers the goods to the maximum for 35 days. If you expect some thing and noticed that the transaction will soon end, then it is worth opening the dispute and ask the seller to extend the order protection.

What are the restrictions on the sent goods through ITELLA?

Everything would be fine, if all goods were accepted by the sending service, but the company has certain limitations. Not accepted to ship:

  • Electronics - Phones, Tablets, Charger, and so on
  • Food, tea and fast food
  • Cosmetics

For this reason, it is best to deliver things through the Finland, shoes and another trifle, for example, children's toys, dishes, decor and accessories. But, if you live in Central or Western Russia and at the same time the seller is not against sending you an order through Itella free, be sure to agree.

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