How to find out your track-number parcel and order number to Aliexpress? What is the track number and order number to Aliexpress?


In this article we will find out what the track number is and for what it is needed.

Today, more and more people buy things in Chinese online stores in particular on Aliexpress And enjoy free delivery methods. And then daily check the box and wait for the alerts from the mail to pick up their long-awaited purchase faster.

If you are not yet registered in this service, we recommend reading the article - "How to make a right order for Aliexpress?".

When the parcel still comes, the postman brings a notification and throws into the box. Now you can go and take your order at the post office. But not every user Aliexpress He knows that usually after sending the goods is provided with a special track number to track the location of the parcel.

What is the track number of parcel to Aliexpress?

Parcel tracking with aliexpress

Parcel tracking with aliexpress

The track number, as you already, probably understood, is required to control exactly where your order goes. Suddenly he will be lost, or will stop in one place for a long time, then you always quickly find out and have time to open a dispute and request a refund.

What does the track look like on Aliexpress?

As a rule, there are letters and figures in the track numbers, but today codes are increasingly popular with numbers.

Two letters at the very beginning can tell about the type of departure, and looking at the letters at the end, you can find out from which country you are parcel.

For example, number CP235611343CN. Indicates that the parcel goes from China.

The first letter indicates the type of departure:

  • "BUT" - Small package without insurance
  • "R" - order weighing up to 2 kg
  • "V" - Small package of registered and with insurance
  • "WITH" - parcel with weight more than 2 kg
  • "L" - Package airfall up to 2 kg
  • "E" - shipment EMS more than two kilograms

The second letter indicates a way to send:

  • A, B. - airflower up to 2 kg
  • C. - Avia-Banderol (at customs such departures are drawn up longer)
  • T. - Envelope sent by flight
  • R. - shipping by train or ship
  • P. - kind of chinese class 1

As we have already said, the last two digits indicate the country of departure:

  • CN. - China
  • SG. - Singapore
  • GB. - Great Britain
  • DE. - Germany
  • US. - USA
  • Ru - Russia / Russian Federation

As for the numbers in the track number, the first 8 are a unique parcel number, and the latter is assigned to the program and is considered verification.

When do the track number on Ali Spress?


When the track number gives Aliexpress

When the track number gives Aliexpress

After the order is paid, most buyers immediately rush to look for track code and panic, if not. You should not worry about this, as the code is issued only in a few days when the seller confirms the shipment of the goods.

What is an aliexpress order number?

Some users of the system think that the order number and track number is the same. But it is not.

The order number is a unique set of numbers that all orders have and is assigned it during the purchase. It is also worth saying that the order number is not a product number. For example, if you buy several goods right away, then they will be assigned one number.

The order number is rarely needed, for example, if you have to seek help in the site support service.

Where to take a track number to Aliexpress, where to watch it?

Where can I see the track number?

  • Open the main page Aliexpress
  • Further go to the section "My orders"
My orders

My orders

  • Mouse over to "Track check" or click "More"
Track checking

Track checking

Page with detailed order data contains track number, as well as a link to the site to check the location

Where to enter the track number of parcel with Aliexpress?

The track number is necessary in order to monitor the passage. You can enter it on a variety of services. There are both universal and specifically for any service. Read more about sites for tracking of departures Read here.

Video: Track number. Why do he need and what does he mean?

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