Aliexpress - power supply 12V 5 A: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, photos, sale, free shipping, Best sellers and shops. 12 volt power adapter diagram: Photo

Household products

In this article we will discuss the power supply of 12 B 5 A, presented on Aliexpress and its work scheme.

On the Aliexpress you can find almost everything. 12V 5A power supplies are widely used to power various devices. These are simple devices that differ in low cost and efficient work.

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Power supply 12V 5A per aliexpress: catalog, photo

Power supply 12V 5A on Aliexpress

Power supply 12V 5A on Aliexpress

The power supply is supplied in a simple box of cardboard in white without any inscriptions. There are different models of devices. Each of them is characterized by parameters and sizes. On the side of the product applied a sticker, where its main characteristic is indicated.

The parameters of the block are as follows:

  • Input voltage 100/240 Volt +/- 15%
  • At the output, the voltage is obtained 12V.
  • Maximum current level - 5A.
  • The biggest power is 60W.

The block also has a warranty sticker that goes on the side to the top. If she is torn, then this suggests that the power supply was opened.

The dimensions of the device are not very large and constituted 110x78x60 mm. All wires are connected to one terminalHidden under the plastic ling. The lid is not so easy to open and close. For this you need to make some effort. Therefore, the lid itself will definitely not open.

On the device there are five terminals. Two of them are designed to connect wires, one - for grounding and two more to connect the output wires. On the side of them there is a rapid resistor, which allows you to adjust the final voltage.

The resistor is located a green diode, which glows when connecting the block with the network.

In the rest of the externally, there is no remarkable block. It is made of solid casing capable of Protect the current from impact. Upstairs the block is all in the holes. This ensures heat dissipation. Moreover, the cooling system is passive, since there is no fan for these purposes.

Inside the power supply looks quite well. Elements are located on the board smoothly and neat without empty seats. The main elements from which the device consists are:

  • External power transient
  • Power straightening diode

Both of them during work are heated, in fact, because the entire block is heated. So that there is no overheating, all elements are installed together with radiators to which they pressed with metal plates. For a more efficient heat dissipation, the thermal paste is used.

When you turn on a rosette on the device, a green light lights up, indicating that everything is fine. During the work of "Ceing" with a voltage, it does not occur, which is quite good.

This power supply is a very good solution for use in domestic purposes.

See catalog

12 volt power adapter diagram

12 volt power adapter diagram

12 volt power adapter diagram

The power supply circuit is quite simple and there is nothing specific in it. It has protection from K3. and smooth adjustment of the output voltage.

  • On the diode bridge and condenser C2. Installed rectifier
  • Chain C1 VD1 R3. - This is the stabilizer of the reference voltage
  • Chain R4 VT1 VT2. - Current amplifier for power transistors VT3
  • The protective mechanism is on the transistor VT4. and R2
  • Management is carried out by a resistor R1

If you decide to make a power supply BP 5A.You can help you with its assembly video below.

Video: 12V power supply. Do it yourself from the block from the old computer

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Power supply 12V 5 A on Ali Extress: Best sellers and shops

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Power supply 12V 5 A on AlExpress: reviews

Basil: The power supply does not have an adjusting resistor. The source is set to 12.2V, and I need 12.8V, and when replacing the jumper R7, the output voltage decreases. I had to recalculate the specifying divider on R3 + R7 and R4, as well as to have 600 ohms. I also do not like that the network fuse is almost oppressive to the casing. A little bent him paved the polenta.

Ruslan: A good adapter. Voltage is adjusted without problems. The price is much lower than in Russia. Before Khabarovsk, the goods went three weeks. A little blocked box during transportation, but everything is in working condition. Thank you!

Konstantin: Excellent power supply. Connected to it 5 lamps with a power of 35W. During operation, the block is not noise. Before Moscow, the parcel went 2 weeks. Packaging reliable.

Video: Pulse power supply 12 volts. Sending from China. Aliexpress

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