Aliexpress - roller skates Baby and adults and wheels for roller skates: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, photos, sale, free shipping, Best sellers and shops

Sports goods

In this article we will discuss which roller skates for children and adults can be found on Aliexpress.

Roller skating is not just a way to entertain. With their help, you can maintain yourself in shape. You can attract to this interesting lesson and child. To spend a fun time without the rollers themselves can not do. You can buy them on Aliexpress.

If this is your first order on this site, then you should learn an article "How to make the first purchase on Aliexpress?".

How to determine the size of roller skates to aliexpress?

Before buying rollers, you must decide what size you need to buy. The fact is that the Chinese have dimensions somewhat different from our usual, and therefore if you make an order at random, you can get small shoes.

As a rule, dimensional tables are specified on pages with a detailed description of the product. But not always sellers write measurements, sometimes indicated only dimensions. You can see just different numbers, and what exactly they mean, it remains only to guess. To not be confused, it is worth saying that the values \u200b\u200bfrom 1 to 15 or 18 belong to American standards. It is on them that the bulk of the sizes of shoes is determined on Aliexpress. For adults, the table will be as follows:

Adult Size Table Rollers on Aliexpress

Adult Size Table Rollers on Aliexpress

It consists of 6 columns. For you, only three will be the first, the second and last one. For them you will be navigable when buying. Our usual dimensions are indicated in the second column, and the length of the foot in the latter. Thus, for a more accurate size determination, it is necessary to measure the length of the foot.

To measure this indicator, take a piece of paper, a ruler and pencil. Put the paper on paper, circle it and measure the line the most distant points from each other.

For children, the table is somewhat different:

Table of children's sizes of rollers on Aliexpress

Table of children's sizes of rollers on Aliexpress

Although measurements are carried out in the same way.

Children's roller skates on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

If you want to buy a child rollers, then Aliexpress will please you with a big assortment. Usually, children's rollers are made in bright colors and it is convenient to wear them. Before buying, it is worth finding out who made rollers that buyers say about their convenience, as well they are fixed, what is their weight and is it possible to change the wheels on the bearings.

Children's rollers on Aliexpress

Children's rollers on Aliexpress

Children's foot grows very quickly, and therefore buying new rollers for each season is quite ordinary. But today manufacturers have found an output and make sliding models, which can be enough for 3, or even all 4 seasons. Moreover, it is so convenient to increase the size that the child will cope with this task.

Among the whole variety is better to choose such rollers that have a retractable front part. They are much more convenient in the sock and you will not lose control with them. Remember that the volume of the boot should increase along with the size. Also control the folds inside the boot there are no folds, since the child can grasp the leg and will be inconvenient to ride.

The device of children's rollers

The device of children's rollers

Sliding models differ by the change mechanism:

  • Button. Roller is moved due to pressing the button
  • Screw with fixation. To increase the shoe, you need to unscrew it and fix on the desired value.
  • Kernel. It is attached on a special nut and to switch to the desired size it must be turned off and fix in a suitable position.

Girls will definitely like bright rollers with beautiful drawings or in colors.

Rollers for girls

Rollers for girls

For boys, there are also many beautiful videos. Often they have a blue-gray or red-black coloring with the addition of bright inserts for originality.

Rollers for boys

Rollers for boys

Training rollers are like ordinary three wheels, but the rear wheels are on the sides of the boot. This is done so that you can ride without any problems. When a child will already confidently hold on skating, then you can buy it ordinary and continue classes.

Children's training rollers

Children's training rollers

The roller-skate model has a removable blade so that it was possible to ride in winter on the rink. When purchasing such a model, you do not need to worry about buying rollers and skates, as everything is already needed here. In the main model 2 in 1 have a sliding mechanism, which means that there is not enough for one year.

Rollers-skates on Aliexpress

Rollers-skates on Aliexpress

See catalog

Videos: Baby rollers, roller skating, new suit Aliexpress

Women's roller skates on AlExpress: Catalog, photo

Among the variety of models of skates for women on Aliexpress several species can be distinguished:

  • For high-speed driving
  • For slalom
  • Freescate.
  • For fitness
  • With double wheels
Women's high-speed rollers

Women's high-speed rollers

Rollers for high-speed riding are distinguished by the fact that they have a shoe, the wheels are wider, and also increased the rinse. It's all in the aggregate allows you to make the ride very fast, but for beginners such models are not exactly suitable.

Women's rollers for slalom

Women's rollers for slalom

The rollers for slalom additionally protects the foot. The plastic shoe itself and has a frame less than 250 mm. Coloring in the catalog are presented a variety of. If you want to look feminine, then some models have a lacing bright girl tones. Be sure to take into account that to perform artistic elements, the size should be suitable for you perfectly, and the stop is to stand reliably and not move anywhere.

Freeskate rollers

Freeskate rollers

Freeskate is characterized by the fact that it is women's shoes in a bright coloring with decoration on the frame in the form of flowerfish or butterflies. Coloring for the manufacture are used brighter. The whole design consists of a rigid board and a narrow frame. By the way, such models are considered to Aliexpress the most popular in view of what is suitable and beginners, and professionals.

Rollers for fitness

Rollers for fitness

Fitness classes typically use rollers with soft shoes. They differ slight weight and convenience. Basically, in addition, such models have a brake, but it is still worth asking for the seller.

Four wheels rollers

Four wheels rollers

For beginners, four wheels are perfect for beginners. The boots themselves are usually leather or from its substitute. The lacing is made for sneakers or skates. If you love everything original, you can buy a model with backlit.

See catalog

Video: Unpacking parcel from Aliexpress (Bag, Sneakers - Rollers)

Men's roller skates on AlExpress: catalog, photo

Men's rollers on Aliexpress

Men's rollers on Aliexpress

Men's rollers are divided into the same types as women's:

  • For fast driving
  • For slalom
  • Freeskate.
  • With double wheels
  • For fitness

The difference between the models is that they have different models of frames and pads. Many of the products are intended for a universal ride, that is, Freeskate.

See catalog

Video: roller skates. Unisex. Aliexpress

Wheels for roller skates on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Sking Wheels on Aliexpress

Sking Wheels on Aliexpress

In addition to the rollers themselves, on Aliexpress you can buy components - wheels. In the event that if you break or you want to drive a backlit, you can replace them at any time. It is enough for you to type in the search string "Wheels for Rollers". On the right in the filters you can choose the appropriate option in size and color.

See catalog

Roller skates on Aliexpress: Sales, Discounts, Free Shipping

Not all newcomers know, but rollers on Aliexpress you can buy with an additional discount. First of all, it is worth saying about free shipping. It applies to almost all goods. To make you only free shipping in the search results, select the appropriate filter from the list, located above the catalog with the goods:

Free shipping with Aliexpress

Free shipping with Aliexpress

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Advertising on the Aliexpress main page

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Roller skates on AlExpress: Best sellers and shops

On the AliexpressAs you know, the same product can be found in many stores, but, unfortunately, not all of them work honestly. Although the site administration is actively fighting with fraudsters, but the risk to run into one of them still has. About how to choose the right seller to buy, we told here. Just below, you will find a list of reliable vendors who can be purchased quality roller skates:

Roller skates on Aliexpress: reviews

Victoria: For a long time I was afraid to buy rollers to Aliexpress, but the reviews were good, and the seller is reliable. Came the order quickly with a courier to the house. Rollers are good. High-quality boot, reliable wheels. I have not tried to ride until, but it seems to look good.

Yuri: Bought for skating in the park a child rollers. We liked everything! They are bright, comfortable, and even size can be enlarged. Upset a little strap on one boot - he broke. And so everything is fine.

Irina: Rollers super! Qualitative, reliable and beautiful. I am not a professional, but I liked to ride them. Now they plan to order a child.

Video: Rollers with Aliexpress | Is it possible to buy roller skates from China?

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