How to reduce the price, the cost of goods on Aliexpress? How to buy at a reduced price for Aliexpress?

How to make an order

In this article we will talk how to buy on Aliexpress at discounted prices.

Aliexpress is a kind of market, and what is the difference between the market from a regular store? The fact that here you can bargain. Each buyer comes to this platform to save and nothing wrong with what I want to buy even cheaper. And on the other end, sellers are sitting, who understand that it is better to make a discount once again than losing the client, especially since the competition is huge.

If you are Aliexpress newbie and not even registered, then learn an additional article "How to order on Aliexpress?"To sort out all the features of the site's work.

How to buy goods at a reduced price for Aliexpress?

Discounts on aliexpress

Discounts on aliexpress

If you do not take into account the opportunity to bargain, you can buy goods on Aliexpress at the reduced price in the following ways:

  • Sales. Aliexpress constantly conducts various sales. Every day, goods at low prices are updated in sections - "Fast transactions""Liquidation of brands""Discounts of the Day in Molla""Almost free" and "Burning goods". In addition, promotions are constantly held in the section Tmall.. Their announcements can be viewed on the main page of the site. You should not forget about the major, the most advantageous sales that take place not so often, but on a certain schedule. You can get acquainted with him here.
  • Coupons. On the Aliexpress as discounts, sellers and the playground itself represent special coupons. To use them you need to make a purchase for a certain amount. You can read more about coupons here.
  • Mobile app. In the application Aliexpress just for making an order from the phone, additional discounts are provided. Still worth paying attention to the section "Freebie"where the goods can be won almost free as well as on Mobile Bonuses - Here for the collection of bonus coins you can buy coupons and various goods.
  • Cashbek. Another price is not only possible to reduce prices, but also need to use cachek. It makes it possible to return part of the funds from buying real money. To do this, you need to register with special service. The most profitable and popular are described. here.

How to reduce the cost of goods to Aliexpress?

Seller Discounts on Aliexpress

Seller Discounts on Aliexpress

You yourself can affect the cost of goods on Aliexpress. To do this, you need to ask the seller's discount. Of course, not everyone will give it, but it is still worth trying happiness.

You can try to ask for a discount in the following cases:

  • Big order. In this case, the purchase should be from several positions of goods or several pieces
  • Dear order. We like to buy more than 100 dollars you can ask for a discount.
  • Regular customer. With regular orders from the same seller, you can also count on a discount
  • Advertising. Sellers love when customers attract them and willingly make discounts

The more options you can offer the seller when you ask a discount, the more likely to get it. It is worth noting that communication is lined up in English, so if you do not know it, then use an online translator, such as Google.

Communicate with sellers politely and unobtrusively, they love it. If you require a discount or threaten, you simply ignore you.

If you are constantly doing the seller of the purchase, even if you are almost small, then you are almost secured discount. But even with the first purchase, you can agree. Tell me what you like the assortment of the store and you will buy in it constantly if you receive a small discount.

As for advertising, her Chinese love most. Competition on Aliexpress very big, so any mention of the seller or his product will only be plus. Advertising can be articles on the site, a story in social networks and video on YouTube..

Thus, you can additionally save 10-20% of the purchase. And this is usually a maximum. It is not necessary to think that the sellers will lose the price twice, since they have no benefit from it.

Start a discount to ask after adding goods to the basket. If the seller agrees, then wait until the price decreases and only then make an order.

Video: How to get a discount from the seller on (Methods and secrets, knock out a discount with Aliexpress)

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