How to cancel a request for the return of the goods to Aliexpress?

Buyer protection

In this article we will discuss whether it is possible to cancel the return of the goods back to the seller on Aliexpress.

When purchasing goods on Aliexpressyou always need to carefully look closely to the photos, carefully choose the size, as well as read reviews. Although sometimes inattention happens on the part of the seller, when he is intensely or specifically sends not the goods, color, size, a thing of poor quality, defective or not working.

You should not hurry to send a purchase back, as delivery can do even more expensive thing. In this case, it is better open dispute And specify how much you would like to return. It can be a complete refund or only part of the amount.

What to pay attention to when returning the goods?

If you want to send a purchase back to the seller, then consider the following points:

  • You need to send the goods back only after opening the dispute. At the opening stage, you must specify that you want to return money to yourself and the goods to the seller. If you decide to return only money, then choose "Return only".
Return of goods and money AlExpress

Return of goods and money AlExpress

  • Send the parcel back to China only at the expense of the buyer. Before opening the dispute, it is better to go to the mail and specify how much it will cost you, as usually the shipment is very expensive. Only after clarifying information, decide whether to send the parcel back.

If you still decided to make the return of the goods, then be sure to study the article - "How to return the product with Aliexpress back to the seller?".

Is it possible to cancel the return of the goods?

If you with the seller agreed to send goods back and your arrangement entered into force, then in a detailed description of the dispute, it will begin to count up 10 days. This time for which you must send the parcel and provide track number to track.

Cancel return to Aliexpress

Cancel return to Aliexpress

If you change your mind to send the goods back, then click on "Cancel return". It will say that you will not send the parcel and, accordingly, the money will not be returned for it.

The same situation will be at you if you do not send the goods under the agreed time.

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comments 5.

  1. Darya 18.01.2018 22:23

    What to do if this button does not "cancel the return" ????

    To answer
  2. Irina 23.10.2018 10:06

    There is no such button

    To answer
  3. Kseniya 20.02.2019 13:11

    I do not really understand what to do .. the dispute opened. The seller offered to wait again, I rejected it. Also was the bottom button - cancel the return request. I do not understand, it is worth it or not to press it ..

    To answer
  4. Tamara 17.06.2019 16:18

    I have such a situation, the seller has revealed protection twice, for the third time I made a refund and the law of meanness, the order came. How can I cancel the refund? The seller is good.

    To answer
  5. Galina 05.07.2019 17:44

    I can not pay cash on the payment code aliexpress. Please cancel my order.

    To answer

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