Rating robots vacuum cleaners with Aliexpress: Best models, review, catalog, price, reviews, photos. How to buy a cleaning robot vacuum cleaner to Aliexpress to 20,000 rubles?


In this article we will talk about the best robots vacuum cleaners that can be purchased on Aliexpress.

Daily people make many cases - go to work, prepare, clean, and often, with something sacrificed. Sometimes the floor cleaning is left for later. But I don't want to live in the mud, and therefore you have to sacrifice and get to rest. Either moms with little children have to constantly monitor the purity of the floor, which is very difficult. That was why smart robots vacuum cleaners were invented. You can purchase interesting models on the Chinese site Aliexpress.

If you have never made purchases on this site, we recommend to read our article - "How to make the first order for Aliexpress?".

Rating robots vacuum cleaners with Aliexpress: the best models

If we consider the rating of the best models of robots of vacuum cleaners presented on Aliexpress, then it includes the following models.

Ilife v7.

Ilife v7.

This model of the smart vacuum cleaner can perform wet or dry cleaning in the house, and on the planned route. Despite the big similarity with other models Chuwi Ilife V7. Very popular.

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Seeebest D720.

Seeebest D720.

The intellectual robot of the vacuum cleaner performs perfectly dry cleaning indoors and you can configure a specific route. The model has a remote control.

The advantage of the model is a model with two turbines, which increases the suction power by 1.5 times.

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Liectroux A338.

Liectroux A338.

This model is designed for vacuum cleaning of rooms, sterilization, sweeping and wet cleaning. The vacuum cleaner is distinguished by the presence of automatic recharge, the sensory LCD display, the virtual wall on both sides and the possibility of working on a schedule.

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SeeeBest C565.

SeeeBest C565.

This model has excellent performance indicators and is distinguished by the presence of a function that prevents drop and collision, the LCD display and the pallet filter.

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Another model of a smart vacuum cleaner, which is able to make wet and dry cleaning in a certain master time. In addition, he has an ultra-thin air filter.

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How to buy a cleaning robot vacuum cleaner to Aliexpress to 20,000 rubles?

Robot vacuum cleaner on Aliexpress to 20,000 thousand rubles

Robot vacuum cleaner on Aliexpress to 20,000 thousand rubles

If you want to buy a cleaning robot vacuum cleaner of a certain price category, for example, up to 20 thousand rubles, then you must look at Aliexpress. The process of searching for goods we will not describe, since all the ways are described in the article. "How to find goods to Aliexpress?".

To make it much easier for you to find suitable models, we picked up a catalog of robots of vacuum cleaners to 20 thousand rubles for you.

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How to buy a vacuum cleaner on Aliexpress?

Washing robot vacuum cleaner on Aliexpress

Washing robot vacuum cleaner on Aliexpress

The most important advantage of any robot vacuum cleaner is that it allows you to free your hands to the owner. If you are constantly busy, then as no other understand the value of time.

All owners of such equipment note that the corners and "blind zones" are always clean, since the robot spends several degrees of cleaning and even with a special singing.

In addition, in smart vacuum cleaners it is possible to plan a certain time of cleaning.

One of the disadvantages of all robots of vacuum cleaners is too small battery capacity, which is not always enough for washing the floors in a large apartment. Although, if the apartment is not so big, then you can not worry. If you have a laminate on the floor, which is not distinguished by water-binding properties, it is better to get a simple washing vacuum cleaner, because the high humidity will spoil the floor.

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How to buy a vacuum cleaner for dry cleaning and carpets on Aliexpress?

Robot vacuum cleaner for dry cleaning for Aliexpress

Robot vacuum cleaner for dry cleaning for Aliexpress

Robots Vacuum cleaners for dry cleaning are distinguished by the battery capacity, the volume of the dust collector, as well as the functional.

When choosing a vacuum cleaner for dry cleaning and carpets, the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises should be taken into account, where you plan to clean up, as well as at work time without additional charge. For example, if the vacuum cleaner on one charge works at no more than 30 minutes, then this means that it is enough for cleaning a small room, then it will take several hours to recharging. In big apartments it will be very uncomfortable.

Moreover, if the volume of the dust collector is completely small, then it will also be not enough to clean the large premises, as it is constantly necessary to be near and clean the dust collector. And this is completely uncomfortable.

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Robot Vacuum cleaner: Best sellers and shops on Aliexpress

On the Aliexpress There are many shops where you can find a robot vacuum cleaner. We present you a list of the best of all:

Robot vacuum cleaner: reviews

Tatyana: The parcel came packed in a double box, and inside her foam. Everything neatly printed, vacuum cleaner, a protracted station, instruction, remote control and charging cord. The kit includes 4 brushes and 1 filter. The seller is very good, all questions respond promptly. The vacuum cleaner turned out to be almost without charging, to quickly began to explore the apartment as soon as he was included. I am glad that he feels obstacles and slows down in front of them. The base was able to find quickly, but it was not immediately climbing.

Irina: I use the vacuum cleaner for almost two weeks and there is no limit to my delight! I turn on every other day, but the cleanliness is just perfect! If you do not include at all, then a lot of garbage accumulates a lot, and with such a vacuum cleaner it remains only wet cleaning and everything. Of the disadvantages - it is noisy works like a hairdryer, but in the evening after work is nothing. Charging grabs for two hours. Poorly looking at the legs of the chairs, sometimes knocking.

Darya: I drove a vacuum cleaner to me very quickly, the courier brings right home. After unpacking, they immediately set for charging and only then turned on. They were pleasantly surprised, since the vacuum cleaner is smart, quickly focuses on the ground, the furniture does not stumble.

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