Secrets of finding good goods on Ali Spress. How to find goods, things, men's, female and children's clothing for Aliexpress?

Product search

You are novice on Aliexpress And do not know how to find a good product? Our article will help you deal with this issue.

Aliexpressin essence, it is not a simple online store, but by a whole market, since thousands of sellers lead their activities and they can sell the same thing. Accordingly, someone asks for the price more than others.

In connection with the big competition, the cost of things here is underestimated, so you can always find something more profitable. How to look for good goods on Aliexpress?

If you have never made purchases on the site, we recommend reading the article - "How to make your first order for aliexpress?".

Secrets of finding good products for Aliexpress

Every experienced buyer knows how to find a good product and buy it even cheaper. Let's analyze several secrets of competent search for goods.

Use filters and settings

When you have an open directory with goods, you will see a few sucking under the search line.

Filters for configuration

Filters for configuration

Here you can choose to display goods only with free shipping, high rating and a certain price.

On the left will find filters according to the characteristics. For example, you can choose color, size, style and so on.

Choose clothes for Aliexpress

Choose clothes for Aliexpress

Learn the product description and reviews for it.

When you found a suitable product, then click on it and its detailed description will open.

Product Description Aliexpress

Product Description Aliexpress

Carefully examine the specified characteristics of things so that you will not stay disgruntled. By the way, some sellers are asked to write suitable characteristics in a personal message. We recommend doing it otherwise you can get at all what was counted on.

Not excessive will be the study of feedback.

Reviews about the product for Aliexpress

Reviews about the product for Aliexpress

More precisely, learning from it is necessary. Please note that they write in bad reviews, as it will help you find out what flaws are in the goods, perhaps it is not worth buying it at all.

Watch the seller's rating

Seller rating

Seller rating

The seller's ranking is also an important factor in finding a suitable product. The higher the rating, the better. It is measured in the ratio of good feedback to bad. If the seller has less than 95% this indicator, then it is better to find another.
Moreover, if you see a mark called a store with text "The best seller", you can buy in it without thinking, since such an indicator says that the administration Aliexpresstrust the seller.

Use a mobile application

Filter only in mobile aliexpress

Filter "Only in Mobile" AlExpress

There is another secret. If you put a mark in the filters "Only in the mobile"You will be displayed for goods that are sold in a discount app. But in the usual computer version of the site, the goods will already have the full cost.

Participate in promotions and sales

As known, Aliexpress often sells sales. There are always presented good products with big discounts. In principle, you can order here without special pondays, as only good goods from proven sellers who administration are allowed to sell Aliexpress trusts.

Search for goods and things for Aliexpress for the price

If you want to find goods on Aliexpress with a certain cost, then you need to do as follows:

  • On the main page of the site in the search bar, enter the name of the desired product, for example, phone
Choosing a range of prices for Aliexpress

Choosing a range of prices for Aliexpress

  • You will open a directory with phones
  • At the bottom of the search string, find the filter called "Price"
  • Now specify the minimum and maximum cost of goods and click "OK"
  • Now you will display goods only with a given value.

In addition, you can make a sort of descending or price increase. To do this, click on the line "Price«.

How to find goods, things, men's, female, children's clothes on AliExpress?

On the Aliexpress presented a lot of different clothes. How to find it?

  • On the main page of the site on the left there is a list of popular categories.
  • Click at the very top of this column. "See all".
See all

See all

  • You will open a detailed directory with site categories.
  • At the very beginning there are sections with men's and women's clothing.
Clothes for men and women on Aliexpress

Clothes for men and women on Aliexpress

  • Slightly lower in the category "Goods for kids" There is children's clothing.
Baby clothes

Baby clothes

  • If you are interested in a specific thing, for example, a T-shirt, then specify in the search string, for example, "women's T-shirt" And you will display a catalog with female t-shirts.
Women's T-shirts on Aliexpress

Women's T-shirts on Aliexpress

  • On the left, find a list of characteristics for which you can perform sorting, for example, you can select the size, color or suitable style.

How to look for cosmetics to Aliexpress?

Beauty is important for every girl, and where like Aliexpressbuy cosmetics at a low price and high quality? Let's look at how to find cosmetics.

  • To start on the main page on the left, hover the mouse to the section "Health and beauty"
Search for cosmetics for aliexpress

Search for cosmetics for aliexpress

  • The very first category here will be "Cosmetics"
  • In addition, here you can choose specifically cosmetics for the face, lips and so on
  • Depending on what kind of cosmetics you want to find, choose the appropriate category
  • We click on "Cosmetics"
  • Catalog with cosmetic products
Catalog with cosmetics

Catalog with cosmetics

  • On the left you can choose specifically - mascara, lipstick, shadow and so on
  • Select the appropriate category and view the catalog
  • By the way, on the left you can adjust the sorting, for example, to display shadows with a glitter or waterproof mascara

How to look for men and female clock on Aliexpress?

Under the watch Aliexpress the whole separate category is assigned.

  • On the main page, click "See all"
See all

See all

  • Lower the page slightly lower and find the section "Clock"
Clock on Aliexpress

Clock on Aliexpress

Here are the following categories:

You can choose one of these partitions, or write in the search bar, which one you are interested in the clock.

For example, you need Golden Watch. Write this phrase into the search string and the system will automatically select the results on your request.

Golden clock on Aliexpress

Golden clock on Aliexpress

How to look for phones to Aliexpress?

Buying phones by Aliexpress today it is very popular, as the TU presented many models from famous brands! And Chinese here are full, but this does not mean that they are bad. In order to find the phone, there is nothing complicated.

Mobile phones on Aliexpress

Mobile phones on Aliexpress

  • Choose "Cell phones"

You will be displayed a directory with all phones on the site. You can choose a specific brand by selecting the brand icon under the search string.

Collect Brand

Collect Brand

You can still configure the display of phones with specific characteristics. To do this, use the filters on the left.

Selection of characteristics

Selection of characteristics

By the way, there are only well-known manufacturers in the brands, so if you want to see the models of Chinese brands, you can write in the search bar "Phone China" And you will see the phones from Chinese manufacturers.

Chinese phones on Aliexpress

Chinese phones on Aliexpress

How to look for portable radio receivers on Aliexpress?

To find a portable radio receiver use the search bar.

  • On the home page Aliexpress specify in the search "Portable radio"
Portable Radio for Aliexpress

Portable Radio for Aliexpress

  • Click on the lupus
  • You will be displayed with the results with the goods you need.
  • To purchase the receiver cheaper, select Filter "Free shipping"
  • It is also desirable to customize the cost range.

How to look for sneakers, shoes on Aliexpress?

Sneakers on Aliexpress It is not difficult to find at all. Also, as in the case of previous goods, use the search bar or the general directory.

  • Select on the main page "See all"
  • Find a section with shoes
  • Press "Sneakers for men"
Sneakers for men

Sneakers for men

  • As you probably noticed, there is no section with female sneakers. It can be found through a search line by writing "Female sneakers"
Women's sneakers for Aliexpress

Women's sneakers for Aliexpress

How to look for sex products for Aliexpress?

Separate attention should be paid to the search for sex products on Aliexpress. By the way, this section can only get from 18 years. To do this, you must specify your credit card data and confirm that it is really yours.

Adult toys, like other goods, are in a separate category. How to find them?

  • On the home page Aliexpress mouse over the row "Health and beauty"
Intimate products for Aliexpress

Intimate products for Aliexpress

  • In a swimming window, click on "Intimate products"

New window will open, where you will find the following types of goods:

How to search for men and female Adidas products for Ali Spress?

Adidas is a famous world brand, and on Aliexpress it is forbidden to trade with such things or their copies. Although the Chinese still found the exit and calmly sell such things, you just need to know how to look for them. To date, the administration Aliexpress allowed to indicate the names of the brands in the name of the goods, so it became much easier to look for.

  • Write in the search bar "Adidas"
Adidas on Aliexpress

Adidas on Aliexpress

  • Left Find a filter called "Related categories"
  • It can choose a suitable category.
Category selection

Category selection

  • In addition, you can add to the word "Adidas" Name of a concrete thing, for example, "Sneakers Adidas"
Sneakers Adidas

Sneakers Adidas

  • In this case, the system will display you a catalog with sneakers

How to search for TVs to Aliexpress?

TVs on Aliexpress presented a lot, although it is worth saying that you will not find popular brands here, but still, there is something to see.

  • To find a directory with TVs, select on the main page "See all"
  • Further in the section with "Household electronics" Choose "Home audio and video"
Homemade audio and video

Homemade audio and video

  • Further on the left, find the section "TV"


  • You will open a directory with the TVs available on the site.
  • As for the option you can write in the word search string "Television" And you will also display the desired catalog

As you can see, search for products on Aliexpress not at all difficult. The main thing is to know how to look for and where.

Video: Aliexpress - How to find the right product?

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