How to order goods from China to Aliexpress in Russian in rubles: Step-by-step instructions. Online store from China AlExpress - Full version: Entrance, product catalog, Shopping rules

How to make an order

Today, many Internet users make purchases on the site Aliexpress. If you decide to join them and do not know how to register, then our article will help you solve all questions.

Register by Aliexpressnot at all difficult, and this is absolutely free. All you need is the Internet, email and a little time. So, let's analyze the process of registration and the features of the order of goods on Aliexpress.

Registration for Aliexpress in Russian: Step-by-step instructions

  • To start open the main page Aliexpress
  • Find the button on the right "Registration"
Registration for Aliexpress

Registration for Aliexpress

Registration form for aliexpress

Registration form for aliexpress

There are two ways to pass registration:

  • With the help of social networks
  • Through the standard filling of the form

Method 1. Registration with social networks

You can register through account Facebook. or In contact with. For this:

  • To the right at the top select "Log in ..."
Registration for Aliexpress

Registration for Aliexpress

Entrance via Facebook

Entrance via Facebook

  • You will fall on the page to enter the site
Authorization on Facebook

Authorization on Facebook

  • The window opens to confirm access
Request access

Request access

  • Choose "Allow"

Exactly the same situation and at the entrance through In contact with. The window will open to resolve access to the account. Also click "Allow".

Entry vkontakte

Entry vkontakte

Now you can use all the functions of the site and at the same time not to spend time on full registration.

Method 2. Filling a special form

So, the second method is in entering data in a special form. All information is indicated in English.

  • In the first line, enter e-mail address. You will receive warning about orders and promotions. Also mail will be used to enter the site.


  • Then specify your own Name and surname. Although the entire page is displayed in Russian, the data still need to write in Latin letters.
Name and surname

Name and surname

  • Come up with reliable password And enter it. In the next line, repeat it again.
Creating a new password

Creating a new password

  • Next must be specified code from the picture.
Enter code from pictures

Enter code from pictures

  • Be sure to check the box opposite the confirmation of free membership.
  • Now select the button "Creating a new profile".
Creating a new profile

Creating a new profile

  • By email, you will receive a letter to confirm registration.
Letter with reference to confirm registration

Letter with reference to confirm registration

  • Open it and click on the link.
Personal Cabinet Aliexpress

Personal Cabinet Aliexpress

That's all! Account confirmed and registration is completed.

Video: Guide to Aliexpress customers. Lesson number 1 Registration.

Filling the address of the delivery on AlExpress: step-by-step instruction

Let's first look at the example of the address already completed:

Example of the completed address

Example of the completed address

Now let's talk about each line separately.

  • First indicate Receiver name. In our example, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich - Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.
  • Select longer country - Russian Federation.
  • In stitching "Street, house, flat" Specify the appropriate data, for example, Ulica Kirova, DOM 18, Kvartira 55. If you need to specify the case, add the desired letter or digit with the word korpus.
  • Further select your area or republic.
  • In stitching "City" Choose, respectively, the city of accommodation.
  • Write in the next line index.
  • Further email your number phone for communication - Country code (Russia +7, Ukraine +380), city code and phone number.
How to enter a phone for communication?

How to enter a phone for communication?

  • Line "Mobile phone" You can leave empty if you have already written a cell number in the previous one.
  • Now select "Preservation".

How to find the right item for Aliexpress?

Search for Products on Aliexpress not difficult. For this you can use two simple ways.

Method 1. Search by product name

  • In the search bar, enter the name of the desired thing, for example, find the Xiaomi Redmi Note Phone.
Product search for aliexpress

Product search for aliexpress

  • As you see in the photo, except the main phrase, tips are displayed that help simplify the search.
Filters to simplify search

Filters to simplify search

  • Click on the magnifying glass icon to start the search.
  • You will see the results obtained.
  • Left there is a filter for sorting goods by various characteristics
  • Under the search string there is another filter. Here you can choose products with free shipping, most popular or cost.

Method 2. Search in the catalog

This method is more difficult. It looks more like an ordinary shopping trip where many different products are offered.

  • On the main page, find a list of categories.
Aliexpress categories

Aliexpress categories

  • Let's try to find a female green down jacket at a price of $ 100
  • So we go to the section "Clothing"
  • Further choose "Coats and jackets"
Section coat and jackets

Section "Coats and Jackets"

  • On the left you need to choose a green color
Setting color

Setting color

  • From above under the search - price up to $ 100
Selection of price range

Selection of price range

  • Sorting is automatically carried out, so after selecting the parameters you will see what you were looking for
Received result

Received result

Of course, there are other methods for finding goods, but these two are the most simple.

Video: Guide to Aliexpress customers. Lesson number 2 Product search

How to determine the reliability of the seller on the rating for Aliexpress?

Seller rating table

Seller rating table

When you choose a suitable product, you should not immediately rush to pay it. To begin with, it is worth determining whether the seller got good. For this, on Aliexpress a special rating system is provided that is formed from sales and reviews. When searching for goods, the seller was written under his name and drawn icons meaning its rating:

  • 1 Crown - the seller from 20 to 50 thousand good reviews
  • 2 diamond - 5 - 10 thousand positive responses
  • 4 Diamond - Buyers left 1 to 2 thousand good estimates
  • 5 medals indicate the presence of 200-499 reviews
  • 4 medals are assigned to 100-199 ratings

Check sellers on Aliexpress exercised through Real Buyers' Relations. They can be found in the detailed description for each product. Even immediately you can see the overall rating of goods and the number of stars.

Among other things, you will be useful to the following articles about checking sellers on Aliexpress:

Video: Guide to Aliexpress customers. Lesson number 5 Ratings and reviews

How to choose delivery to Aliexpress?

On the Aliexpress there are two types of delivery - paid and free. You can read about them in more detail in the article - "What to choose delivery to Aliexpress?".

We will talk about how to choose a suitable delivery method.

  • Select an interesting product and go to the detailed description page by clicking on it.
Delivery method in product description

Delivery method in product description

  • As you can notice in the photo, the seller sends orders via Finland's post. If you click on this line, the window opens with other delivery options.
All delivery options

All delivery options

  • The seller offers several ways to pay and free. The most optimal, nevertheless, turned out to be Finnish mail.
  • If you want to receive a parcel via EMS, select the company and click "OK".
EMS delivery selection

EMS delivery selection

  • Please note if shipping is paid, then its value will be added to the ultimate price.
Cost of delivery

Cost of delivery

  • At the payment decoration, make sure that you have the right delivery method. Sometimes you have to choose it again.
Check delivery method

Check delivery method

Video: Guide to Aliexpress customers. Lesson №4 Delivery

How to arrange the order for Aliexpress correctly?

  • Select the desired product and click "Add to Shopping Cart"and continue shopping
Adding goods to the basket

Adding goods to the basket

  • If you won't buy anything else, then click "Buy now"
  • Further check all the indicated data and, if everything is correct, then click on "Ordering"
Button Checkout

"Checkout Button"

How best to pay an order for Aliexpress?

The next step of the purchase is its payment. Actually this is the last stage. You can pay for purchases from a bank card, cash, with a mobile phone account or via electronic wallets. You can read more about payment in one way or another in the section "Payment" on our website.

Let's consider an example of payment from the card.

Payment from the map to Aliexpress

Payment from the map to Aliexpress

  • First select the payment system - Visa, MasterCard, Maestro
  • Further, specify the details of the card - the number, validity period, the name and surname, as well as the code of three digits on the turnover
  • If all right, choose "Pay"
  • You will be redirected to the bank page to confirm the payment
  • You will come SMS message with code
  • Specify it in a special line and select "Pay"

Video: Guide to Aliexpress customers. Lesson number 3 Payment payment

How much to wait for the parcel with Aliexpress?

Delivery on AliexpressAs we said, it happens paid and free.

The first way is good for its speed, as the parcels come no more than two weeks. Parcels sent by free ways are up to two months, and sometimes more, so consider this fact when placing an order.

If you encounter a situation that the package did not come or was defective, then learn the article - "How to make a dispute and lead it?".

Video: Guide to Aliexpress customers. Lesson # 6 Buyer Protection and Returns


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