How to find out the rating of the seller for Aliexpress? What seller on Aliexpress is better to order on the rating?

Seller rating

In this article we will discuss how to correctly appreciate the seller on Aliexpress And do not run into a fraudster.

Aliexpress it is not just a store, but a huge trading platform where thousands of sellers lead their activities. Accordingly, there is very high competition, so the goods are sold for the sulking pennies. As a rule, new sellers for earning and attracting buyers, set the lowest price itself.

Of course, on Aliexpressthere are not very honest vendors. Although it is rare, but it is quite realistic to get to the deception. That is why a special rating system was developed. It is formed on the basis of customer ratings and reviews.

If you are not registered yet on the site, we recommend that you read the article - "How to make the first order for Aliexpress?".

What seller on Aliexpress is better to order?

How to check the seller on Aliexpress?

How to check the seller on Aliexpress?

Surely you saw that Aliexpress one product can be purchased from dozens of sellers. What to buy? And what to pay attention to?

  • Cost. This is the first thing you have to watch. And this is quite logical, since the same product has a large price range, sometimes even the lowest price is three times less than the maximum. And this is a very big scatter. Do not buy the cheapest option, because you can stay without a product and without money.

As a rule, fraudsters are counting on the inexperience of the buyer and put the lowest prices. As a result, the user spends money, and the purchase does not receive.

  • Delivery. See to be free. Otherwise, you will not save anything. If the seller adds a greater shipping cost, then in reality, the purchase will cost much more than that has free shipping.
  • Rating goods. If the goods were purchased many times, then the stars pointing to its rating will be displayed. It consists of assessments of other users. If the product rating does not quite, it means that while no one got him and then evaluate his quality will be difficult. If the rating of things is quite small, then it is not worth buying it.
  • The number of orders. This is one of the main criteria for which you must navigate. Everything is quite simple. If many users have ordered this product, then it is one of the best.
  • Reviews. Always read reviews of other people, especially supplemented, as it happens that at first glance everything is fine, and after some time problems are detected.
  • Work time on the site. This is also an important parameter. If the seller has been working for several years, then this is a kind of guarantee that he is not a fraudster. This is one of the best checks of sellers for reliability.

Well, of course, you need to always look at the rating of the seller itself. We will talk about it in more detail.

How to determine a good seller on Aliexpress by rating: Table

It is worth saying to immediately say that the rating is assigned not to every particular product, namely the seller or shop. The rating shows the reliability as a whole. If you bring a mouse to the product card, you will display a rating in the form of medals, diamonds or crowns. What does all this mean?

Aliexpress seller rating table

Aliexpress seller rating table

These characters talk about the number of transactions held. Than more, the better. But points are given for each successful deal. In addition, the shipping rate and the degree of customer satisfaction takes into account.

Another interesting criterion is the best seller icon.

Best seller on Aliexpress

Best seller on Aliexpress

If it is, then you can, without thinking, acquire a product in this store, as it has already proven his reputation.

Extension for Aliexpress to determine the rating of sellers

Today, to determine the rating of the seller and its reliability was much easier, there are special programs. They automatically check and show the full characteristic of the seller. On how to install and enjoy programs, read in our articles:

Black list of sellers alikexpress

There is another useful resource - site Alitrust.where people themselves collect a black list of site sellers Aliexpress. There can be any complaint here, or find the seller of interest in the database.


If the seller is in the blacklist, it is worth thinking well, is it worth contacting it at all?

Moreover, there is another similar service - Alimonitor. It works on the same principle. Or you can install a browser extension

Video: How to quickly find the rating on Aliexpress?

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