Children's toys Robots - Transformers, Interactive and Radio Controlled on Ali Spress: Review, Catalog, Price, Reviews


For many years, transformers, robots and interactive toys are very popular in children. They enter the tops of the sales of any domestic toy store. But if you want to save and buy a cool toy for your child, it is better to do this on the site Aliexpress. In this article we will tell about the most popular models of robots and transformers on this Chinese site.

Purchases on Aliexpress quite simple. You need to register on the site, link your bank card and correctly fill out the shipping address. More on how to make the first purchase on this site we told in this article Our site. Also, we recommend reading memo Aliexpress For new buyers.

Children's toys - Robots Transformers for Aliexpress: price, catalog

The best transformer in any boys ranking is this Decepticon. The toy is designed for children over 7 years old. This transformer turns into a combat robot from Lamborghini Murcielago. The figure is made of high-quality plastic. The transformer can become an ideal gift for any boy who is fond of fantastic.

But, transformers can not only with autobobes, but also those who are folded with the form of a tank. One of the most popular tank transformers on Aliexpress is an model from Bigen Technology. This transformer is an interactive toy. He can change his form itself, attack obstacles and reproduce music. In our stores such a tank will cost an order of magnitude more expensive.

Tank Transformer

Tank Transformer

A good solution as a gift for a boy can be a transformer that is folded construction machine. You can use an excavator, concrete mixer, a crane and truck to choose from. The transformer is made of high-quality plastic. Details are firmly fixed on steel bolts. This toy will give a lot of pleasure to your child.

And of course, in the review of transformers with Aliexpress You can not get around Starscream. This deputy megatron elected its alternative F-16 Falcon Footing Footing Footer. The robot is made of plastic, the truth is not an original toy. But, this replica of a popular transformer is made quite well and is not inferior to the original in quality.


Catalog of transformer toys for Aliexpress

Children's robots toys for boys on AliExpress: price, catalog

Baby robots toys are put on Aliexpress In a separate catalog. Therefore, they are very easy to find. For boys will be very interesting model bB-8 robot. This device from the Universe of Star Warriors is an advanced model of the popular R2-D2 robot.

BB-8 robot

BB-8 robot

This spherical form robot holds equilibrium at the expense of the gyroscopes included in its set. And you can control the toy from the smartphone (not all models are supported) or included in a comfortable gamepad. This robot can ride in any directions. At the same time, the grace with which this device moves along the floor will delight any boy.

Robot, BB-8 is suitable for boys from 7 years. And for children who have not yet reached this age a good gift can become robot Huile.. This toy is suitable for children from 12 months. She has intuitive management. When turned on, it starts flashing, moving on wheels and sing. The design of this robot includes infrared obstacle sensors. Therefore, when the barrier is reached, it turns and goes to the other side.

Robot YIQU.

Robot YIQU.

Also on Aliexpress you can buy another interesting toy. The main function of interactive robot yiqu. Is dance. He can swing in the tact of music, twist head and glow. To move this toy around the room there is a convenient remote. The robot control functions are very simple and will quickly understand your child.

Catalog of toys Robots for boys on Aliexpress

Children's robots toys for girls on Aliexpress: price, catalog

Find on Aliexpress Robots for girls is quite difficult. The standard catalog contains only 6 products. Moreover, none of them can be attributed to robots. Therefore, the search for the restriction of the child is not worth it. And from the common catalog there is something to choose for girls.

For example, girls from 5 years will be interesting robot Transformer From the cartoon "super accryl". These bright toys will distract your fidget for a long time. And the price, in contrast to the original, Jetta airplane and the helicopter dysia, is not so "biting."

Heroes of the cartoon "Supercrira"

On the Aliexpress Very large selection of such interactive toys in the form of animals. One of the most popular is toy from Ebuy. This robotic dog can bypass obstacles, wag the tail, wink through the eyes and play dynamic music.

Also on Alisepress can also be purchased interesting robot. It moves on two wheels and can bring you water and flowers. Thanks to the infrared sensor, this robot easily circles obstacles. In addition, it has fun functions. It will be interesting primarily for a teenage girl.



Catalog of toys Robots for girls on Aliexpress

Children's interactive toys robots on AliExpress: price, catalog

The child's development largely depends on the environment. The older the baby becomes, the greater the parents of the crumbs need assistants in games with him. And such assistants can be interactive toys. On the Aliexpress A rich selection of such toys. They will help not only entertain the baby, but also accelerate its development.

Perhaps the most popular toy from this category is Ferbian. You can write a separate article about this toy. This original fur toy has a multitude of interesting features. It has integrated sensors that react to stroking or other types of touches.



This toy is easy to learn Russian. Even the learning process itself can become an exciting game. Ferbie will become for your baby a real pet. On the Aliexpress You can buy this toy at times cheaper than in the children's stores of our country.

Also pay attention to the fun gusya-Repeper from the well-known company Huile Toys. He reads, sings and dances. And if you interrupt him of funny classes, then goose will protest. If your child loves hip-hop this toy will become an excellent gift for him.

interactive doll

interactive doll

For girls on Aliexpress can be purchased interactive dollwhich can laugh and cry. Thanks to the sensors that are built into the sections of her body, it can respond to touch, stroking and tick. Doll drinks from the bottle and copes need.

Catalog of interactive toys for Aliexpress

Children's interactive robots toys - dog and cat on Aliexpress: price, catalog

All children dream of their pets. But, not every parent can afford the child to make a dog or a cat. But, thanks to interactive toys with Aliexpress Every child today can become a dog or cat owner. True, not alive, but robotic.

The most popular toy of this category is interactive dog - Hero of the cartoon "Puppy Patrol". This toy when stroking begins to vive the tail and happily barking. If you press a special button, it starts to walk and sing.

Cartoon heroes puppy patrol

Heroes of the cartoon "Puppy Patrol"

Another interesting toy of this category is dogwhich can publish five types of sounds. She sits, walks and sniffs the owner. Not all buyers are satisfied with the quality of this toy. But, all sticking threads and other flaws can be corrected at home.

For cat lovers, Aliexpress offers many different interactive "Murok". One of the most popular toys from this category is robotic cat from MWZ. It looks almost like real and can perform eight different actions.

And this cat Externally looks like a real robot. Maybe it is precisely such pets to take with them in the distant travel of astronauts-interplanets. As for the toy, it can perform all the necessary movements, play the melody and glow with different colors.

Robot cat

Robot cat

Catalog of interactive dogs and cats on Aliexpress

Baby Radio-controlled toys Robots - Types, Trains on Aliexpress: Price, catalog

Radio-controlled cars and the railway are your favorite boys toys from 5 to 50 years. Probably, every dad dreams to buy such a toy to your child. After all, he himself can remember youth and spend some time on managing such vehicles.

On the Aliexpress Very large selection of radio-controlled machines. There are even professional. Such with which you can perform at various competitions on the highway races and rally crossings under the auspices of the federation of self-similar sports.

The popular model of such a toy is Jeep from Chitoy. The machine is made of environmentally friendly shockproof plastic. This toy can be used both for travel along asphalt and off-road.

Radio-controlled jeep

Radio-controlled jeep

Very popular on Aliexpress buggy from Kedior. The peculiarity of this typewriter is that it can ride not only on a solid surface, but in water. Children and adults from this model will simply be delighted.

Also on this site you can buy a real professional radio-controlled machine with a gasoline engine. A very interesting model of this category is Monster 053220. from HAPPYMODEL. Such a toy will be able to make any treasure to nature very interesting and fascinating. And if you have an entrepreneurial veil, then with the help of this model you can even earn good money by renting it away.

Radio-controlled machine with gasoline engine

Radio-controlled machine with gasoline engine

Catalog of radio-controlled machines for Aliexpress

As for trains, this site offers models of such toys that are a few times cheaper analogs from our toy stores. For example, here such a set For the assembly of the railway in our country costs more than 10 thousand rubles. On Aliexpress it can be purchased 2.5 times cheaper.

Toy railway

Toy railway

For a child, you can buy a radio-controlled farrow Tomas. The kit also includes elements for the assembly of railway canvases, a car and design for its movement.

Catalog of radio-controlled trains to Aliexpress

Children's toys robots on Aliexpress: reviews

Kirill. Acquired son robot assembly setwho works on Arduino. Of course, this is not a toy. But, and son for 12 years. Punching to learn electronics with such a designer. Arduino is a programmable controller. This means that this fee can be used in various electronic gadgets. Robot he collected pretty quickly. This smart machine can move on a predetermined trajectory. There is a scanner that reads it on the black line that needs to be drawn on the way of the robot. Pretty interesting idea. I think now to buy something more serious.

Katia. Bought on Aliexpress dancing robot. This is a rather interesting interactive toy. Baby just right. True, the batteries quickly sit down.

Video. 5 best toys on Aliexpress

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