Spare parts engine, fuel supply and cleaning of the car on Aliexpress - heads, cylinder blocks, safety valves, fuel and air filters, pistons, crankshafts, flywheels, fuel sensors, generators: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, photos, links


In this article we will discuss which engine parts and components can be purchased on Aliexpress.

The engine is the heart of any car, so it needs special attention. Regardless of the engine type used, with a gentle handling of it, the term of use increases significantly. Fully this item changes in rare cases, minor components are usually broken. If you do not want to overpay for the details of the intermediaries, you can purchase everything you need Aliexpressdirectly from the factory.

If you do not have experience working with this platform, we recommend learning you an article "Registration of the first order for Aliexpress".

Products for fuel supply and cleaning on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

It is an opinion that the Chinese collect details in the basements are unknown in what conditions, then you are very mistaken. Many details sold on the site are produced at factories in compliance with the norms.

The most reliable manufacturers are:

  • Beaks.
  • Ryanstar Racing.
  • IVOK.
  • Epman.

In the section with fuel goods, you can buy parts for fuel supply. For example, fuel filters require a replacement every 20-25 thousand kilometers, and if it is not time to replace them, then the power system and the car will lose the former power. On the Aliexpressfuelfilter Epman. It has a price within $ 5, so it makes sense to buy it until your current breaks.

Filter Epman.

Filter Epman.

By the way, many think that on the site you can find only Chinese parts, but it is not. Owners of American cars here, too, you can choose suitable products, for example, a fuel level sensor for $ 30. This is a low price, if you consider that in domestic stores it costs from $ 80.

Fuel Sensor IVOK

Fuel Sensor IVOK

See catalog

Valve mechanisms for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

This section presents devices without which the car will not be able to work fine. Bandwidth valves provide normal pressure inside the engine. These little details protect it from the emergence of extreme situations. That is why the valves need to be changed on time so as not to fall into an accident on the road.

On the Aliexpress you will find the valves of two types:

  • Safety valves
Safety valve

Safety valve

Though mostly on Aliexpressthe universal models are presented, during installation they still have to adjust to a certain car brand.

  • Bypass valve
Bypass valve

Bypass valve

Such products work constantly and timely reduce the pressure in the engine even with calm driving. Such a modification of the valves withstands high loads, and therefore the seller recommends purchasing it for sports cars with turbo engines.

Bandwidth original valve

Bandwidth original valve

By the way, usually all the way in sports cars stands out, even what is under the hood, and therefore the Chinese have to buy interesting details for design. Purple-colored bandwidth will look original inside the car.

See catalog

Cylinder heads for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

This spare part is the main in the entire motor system. It is here that the functional mechanisms are located - starting from the leaving valves and ending with the gas distribution mechanism. Select your heads under a specific car.

Selection of car brand

Selection of car brand

On the Aliexpress cylinder heads from different material are sold:

  • Aluminum
  • Alloyed cast iron
Head block cylinder

Head block cylinder

These devices are unlikely to be called budget, so usually sellers are given a guarantee for goods up to 1 year. Although to prove that the breakdown occurred not by your fault, you will need to send a photo or video that it was not damaged with an artificial way, for example, with poor installation.

See catalog

Creament mechanisms for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

The engine of each car consists of different mechanisms and one of them is a crank mechanism. If one of its parts breaks out, you will have to buy a new spare part to return the car to work. Many such details come through the courier, so you can't wait long.

There is no additional filter by type of spare parts on the site, so you will have to deal with yourself:

  • Piston - these are simple aluminum cylinders


  • Schituns - Forged connecting elements. They are set between crank and pistons


  • Crankshafts - new crankshafts are produced in Germany and come from there


  • Flywheels - When the car starts through the starter, these mechanisms are directly involved in this process. Very often today there are two-mask flywheels.


The rest of the additional parts, for example, washers, bolts, dampers and so on are in the same section.

Additional spare parts

Additional spare parts

See catalog

Cylinder blocks for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Not only solid parts are presented here, which combine all cylinders, but also separate elements - gaskets, piston rings, cylinder heads, and so on.

Cylinders blocks

Cylinders blocks

It is worth being attentive when buying, since not all the details are universal.

See catalog

Air filters on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Some may think that the air filter is not such a special detail to buy it in advance. If you ride without a filter, you will penetrate the particles harmful to work - dust, dirt, sand and so on. It turns out that in its absence, the combustion chamber will be clogged for several hours of driving. In addition, it is believed to be incorrect that when installing a very expensive and high-quality filter, the car will be protected.

The air filter and its additional details must be replaced on time, as the lack of due attention will lead to serious problems and buying even more expensive parts. It is better to buy a suitable filter in advance in China and then you do not have to urgently look for him a replacement when wear. This may be a whole kit or separate filters.

Salon filter

Salon filter

By the way, car enthusiasts have now began to give more preference to coal filters for the cabin. They are better kept inside the harmful particles and break less.

Coal cabin filter

Coal cabin filter

See catalog

Automotive generators for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Without the generator, you will not be able to start the car, as it gives the engine the main nutrition and generates electrical energy. Moreover, it continuously delivers the energy to the battery, so it is very important to monitor its performance. On the Aliexpressyou can order spare parts for generators of any brand of auto.

Be sure to consider that the weight of the generator is more than 5 kilograms, and it is unlikely to send you to you for free. And this is not necessarily express service. For example, for the delivery of the model for Great Wall It will be necessary to pay about $ 40.

Generator Great Wall

Generator Great Wall

Sometimes sellers make exceptions and send the goods by express services at their own expense. But this does not mean that the purchase will be profitable. Sometimes it happens more profitable to buy goods cheaper and paid delivery. If you think this is a divorce, then you are mistaken, since cheaper parts simply do not have factory numbers and certification, but at the same time they are guaranteed to one year.

Generator without factory numbers

Generator without factory numbers

See catalog

Engine spare parts and components for AlExpress: Best sellers and shops

The same product on Aliexpressthere are available from different sellers. To get a really high-quality thing without problems, you need to choose only reliable stores. How to do this will tell our article "What seller is better to order on Aliexpress?". We also compiled a list of reliable sellers with high rating:

Engine spare parts and components for AlExpress: reviews

Even if the seller has a very high rating and many orders, then this is not a definitive indicator of quality work. A lot of attention should be paid and reviews about the product. Of these, you can get not only information about the real quality of goods, but also the work of the seller.

The universal pump for $ 10 has already more than 700 orders and 98% of buyers are satisfied. The pump perfectly shakes gasoline and is suitable even for motorcycles. Although sometimes delivery takes too much time - up to three months.

Reviews of a universal pump

Reviews of a universal pump

Solochâtel Dyno-Freeshipping. Popular thanks to fast delivery and excellent filtering system. But some do not like oil leaks on the barrel, although it happens only with red filters, perhaps the plant simply released the defective party.

Reviews of the oilovitel Dyno-Freeshipping

Reviews of the oilovitel Dyno-Freeshipping

Oil radiator Epman. is another favorite among buyers Aliexpress. It is sent through express delivery services, but sometimes the seller forgets to send a set for installation or confuses the thread for fittings. Despite this buyers are still satisfied, but be careful when buying.

Reviews about Oil Radiator Epman

Reviews about Oil Radiator Epman

Video: Aliexpress Car spare parts. Buy Aliexpress car spare parts. Buy

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