All for carp fishing on Aliexpress - equipment, tackle, clothing, echo sounder, tent chair: directory, price. How to buy all the necessary products for carp fishing on Aliexpress?


In this article we will talk, which products for carp fishing can be found on Aliexpress.

Fishing on carp is very popular among fishermen. It is a very tricky fish and it is found in almost all reservoirs. Under favorable conditions and competent approach, you can catch a great trophy with a weight of 10 kg. That is why equipment and snap are so important. Many high-quality and necessary goods you will find on Aliexpress.

If you have never made purchases on this site, we recommend reading the article - "How to make the first purchase on Aliexpress?".

Aliexpress - clothes for summer and winter carp fishing: catalog, price

Clothes for carp fishing Aliexpress

Clothes for carp fishing Aliexpress

Modern fishing clothing provides complete comfort with any weather and at any time of the year. The most important thing is to competently approach the choice and then you will always be warm, cozy and comfortable. Of course, there are other moments distracting from a pleasant pastime, but after all, it is also not the best option to tremble from the cold or suffer from heat.

If you were going to catch a carp, then the clothes need to be chosen especially carefully, since the catch season occurs at the earliest time, as soon as the ice comes down and ends late in autumn. That is, throughout the season, the weather changes several times.

Moreover, the coloring of the clothes should merge with nature and not be bright. It is also important that the clothes have been comfortable and stopped moving.

On the Aliexpressyou will find any clothes for carp fishing:

Aliexpress - tackle, equipment, fishing rods, coils, carp fishing line: catalog, price

Fishing rod for carp rivbalki

Fishing rod for carp fishing

For catching a large and strong fish, an appropriate snap is required. Such type includes carp rods. They are made of strong materials and are intended for large fish. Such rods are large rings, and their length begins with 3.5 meters. In addition, the length of the handle also varies. It is recommended to select the equipment depending on the conditions of the fishing site.

See catalog

Karp fishing coil

Karp fishing coil

The next important element is the coil. For carp fishing should be in the presence of the system "Baytrans". It assumes the presence of two frictional - the main and additional. The first is configured to break the fishing line, and the second is needed for the free move spool.

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Fishing line for carp fishing

Fishing line for carp fishing

Among other things, it is important to choose the right line. Carp during the retraction period becomes far from militant, but the line is needed for it as thinner - 0.25 - 0.35 mm. Moreover, on carp fishing, there are often queries in the keys, under fake, in vegetation where it is very easy to cling. And during the discharge of the carp just seeks to get out there. Therefore, the fishing line must also be very strong.

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Aliexpress - tent, chairs, armchairs, umbrellas, clamshell for carp fishing: Catalog, Price


Carp fishing tent

Tents during carp fishing will help to escape from the sun, wind, rain and hail, since all this can spoil the process or at all, to make it refuse him. Tents create comfortable conditions that are never extra, in particular, in bad weather. In such a tent, you can put a chair, clamshell, table and other important items.

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Umbrella for carp fishing

Umbrella for carp fishing

Some fishermen prefer the use of awning or umbrellas, and not the purchase of a specialized tent. But, as practice has shown, they do not protect from the wind and cold, in addition, they are more fragile. But for sleep they are not suitable at all. Therefore, it is worth buying products that are intended only for fishing, since then they will satisfy all needs.

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Cleaning for carp fishing

Cleaning for carp fishing

If you are planning to stay fishing for the night, you will need clamshell. A special bed is always more convenient and quickly resting all the muscles that you have to strain during the day. Moreover, clamshells can always be customized. If you want to buy an inflatable mattress, then remember one significant disadvantage - at any time it can sneak. Even the smallest hole will make the mattress be blown away.

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Carp fishing chair

Carp fishing chair

Any fishing camp can not do without special chairs. It is worth choosing such that can be adjusted in height, legs. It is necessary to correctly build under the coast profile. It is desirable that the back of the chair can be adjusted, but if such a function is absent, it is not scary.

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Aliexpress -Signalizer, echo sounder, boats for carp fishing: catalog, price

Signalizer for carp fishing

Signalizer for carp fishing

For carp fishing, alarm device is very important. Modern gadgets are mechanical (visual) and electronic. All of them are very popular among carp fishermen, as they are able to inform accurately, there is something on the hook or not.

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Echo sounder for carp fishing

Echo sounder for carp fishing

In addition to the alarm, it is necessary to look at echo sounds. One allows you to know what is happening under water, and not only at the bottom, but also in the places of fish cluster. It is worth saying that the device itself is not able to find the device, but it can show the location of various types of objects, including fish. Based on the data obtained, you can find out where the predator hides.

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Caple for carp fishing

Caple for carp fishing

A boat for bait fish is intended for the provision of feeding in place where you have fishery networks. Undoubtedly, before such devices did not exist and they did not quickly produce by appearing. Today, production is fully established on Aliexpressa large catalog of fishing boats for the delivery of the proceeding is presented.

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Aliexpress - bags and drawers for carp fishing: directory, price

Bags and drawers for carp fishing

Bags and drawers for carp fishing

In addition to the main gear, you need some more little things that are difficult to systematize. So that all things are in place and remained affordable, special fishing boxes were invented. For carp fishing, you need to purchase a spacious box with large offices. It is better if it will open on the principle of the shelf.

In addition to the boxes, you can also purchase a bag that will have many functions. In principle, it is also convenient as a box.

See catalog

Aliexpress - Kits for carp fishing: Catalog, Price

Set for carp fishing

Set for carp fishing

Collect a full range for fishing Aliexpress. Here you can find everything that is only required by the avid fisherman. As we have talked above, the choice of equipment for carp fishing should be approached with special care, since the carp is picky.

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Video: Snap on Carp | Carp fishing | All for carp fishing

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