Products for winter fishing from China Mail in the online store AlExpress: review, catalog, price, best sellers


In this article we will talk, what products for winter fishing can be found on Aliexpress.

Each person has its own hobby that allows him to relax and for a while to forget about everyday bustle. Someone like extreme sports, and someone is delighted with fishing at any time of the year. By the way, fishing is like not only to men.

Preparations for this important event occupies an important place, as it depends on the received catch. Each fishermen requires a lot of different trifles, gear and bait, so that time has been done qualitatively. On the Aliexpressa huge catalog with fishing goods is presented.

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Products for winter fishing from China Mail in the online store AlExpress: Review, catalog, price

Products for winter fishing on Aliexpress

Products for winter fishing on Aliexpress

If you have already come across such a giant at least once Aliexpress, then you probably know that you can buy absolutely everything, well, or almost everything. Buying things for your favorite classes has become even easier, enough to go online. To search for fishing goods, you can use several options, but we will tell about the best, in our opinion the variant.

  • Open the main page Aliexpress
  • Left there is a list of popular site categories
  • Choose above it "See all"
See all

See all

  • You will open a full directory with categories
  • Find section "Sports and Entertainment"


  • Further go through B. "Fishing"

You will open a full catalog all the things available on the site and fishing gear.



Many fishermen are more like winter fishing than summer. This is due to the presence of certain difficulties that men like to fight. At the same time, additional equipment is required for winter fishing.

See catalog

How to buy on Aliexpress for winter fishing tent, winter suit, boots: catalog, Price

Each fan of winter fishing, knows that at this time of year the weather is sharply changeable.

Winter fishing tent

Winter fishing tent

You can protect yourself from bad weather thanks to a special tent. It is not necessary that there are sleeping bags and a lot of sleeping space, a fairly simple double tent without mattresses. Although, if you are tuned for the night, then you will not yet do without additional equipment.

View catalog with tents

Important for winter weather and costume. Often suits come piece up, which allows you to keep inside the heat and does not shine movement.

Costume for winter fishing

Costume for winter fishing

Material for manufacturing is used waterproof, which is undoubtedly advantageous for any weather.

View catalog with costumes

In addition to the costume, you will also need boots. On fishing falls for a long time being on the street, and therefore many should be warm.

Boots for winter fishing

Boots for winter fishing

Special fishing boots are made of special materials, have several layers and therefore retain heat, even if you do not move.

View Catalog of Bowls

How to buy on Aliexpress for winter fishing Electroboles, bait boats: Catalog, price

Electrolecase is used to drill the moon in the ice. With such a device, fishing will only become a pleasant occupation, as it will no longer have a long time to drill the well.

Electro-collar for winter fishing

Electro-collar for winter fishing

Advantages of electric ice drum:

  • Small noise when drilling
  • No smell of exhaust gas
  • Permanent readiness for work
  • Small weight
  • The presence of a charger and an additional battery bundled
  • Can be drilled manually if the battery sees

See the Catalog of the Electro Owls

More Aliexpressyou can find bait boats. They allow you to deliver lures for a long distance. Of the advantages of such devices stand out:

Pitchard boiled

Pitchard boiled

  • High-resistant materials for manufacture
  • Electric motor control
  • The ship will not pick up with a high wave
  • You can use late in the evening or at night
  • The device can measure the depth of water and temperature
  • There is a backlight to attract fish
  • The ship management is carried out using a special console

View catalog of bait boats

How to buy on Aliexpress for winter fishing tackle - silicone, rods, cage, coils, torpedo, floats, fabric, fishing line: catalog, Price

What a fisherman without a fishing rod? On the Aliexpressyou will find an excellent directory of these devices. Each fishing is known that the rod with smaller dimensions is used for winter fishing.

Fishing rods

Fishing rods

The quality of the catch depends on the gelection of gear. On the Aliexpressyou can find rods with neoprene coating, handles from traffic jam or universal options.

View catalog with rods

In addition, you can purchase additional little things important in fishing:

Primaka for fish

Primaka for fish

How to buy on Aliexpress for winter fishing camcorder, echo sounder: catalog, price

To track the fish, it will not be superfluous to purchase an underwater chamber and echo sounder.

Camera for fishing

Camera for fishing

Underwater chambers are somehow resemble a video surveillance system. The main feature of such cameras is that they can be used under water. The kit usually includes a camera and screen to obtain an image. Many fishermen seems to be even better than echo sounder, but do not confuse, since they have a completely different appointment.

See fishing catalog

Echohotes, unlike cameras, allow fishing on open water.

Echo sounder

Echo sounder

These devices work as follows - they send a sound impulse that is converted into the image. That is, when hitting the bottom, fish or algae, the pulse displayed on the screen is sent. This process is repeated several times in a second, so you will always see a complete picture.

View catalog Eholeotov

How to buy on Aliexpress for winter fishing box: catalog, price

Each fish requires a certain snap, and if you decide to catch a specific fish, then the set will be minimal. But if you have not yet decided on those who you will catch, then you should prepare more carefully. So that everything you need is always at hand, special boxes have been created.

Winter fishing box

Winter fishing box

On the Aliexpressmany different boxes are represented. They are made from different material. Design and capacity directly depends on the cost. The smallest branches of the box, the one is cheaper.

See catalog

Best sellers for winter fishing on Aliexpress

On the Aliexpressthere are many different sellers, but scammers can come across among them. We allocated several stores that are already tested by time and buyers.

Stores selling additional accessories and bait:

Fishing Tackle Stores:

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Video: Top 10 goods for winter fishing. Best S. Aliexpress

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