Aliexpress - USB Hub, USB splitter, USB hub: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, photos, best sellers and shops


In this article we will discuss which USB hubs can be found on Aliexpress.

The technique is constantly developing, and new devices appear, which must be connected somewhere. Of course, you can turn off one and connect the other, and then back, but it is not always convenient. Since many devices have USB output, then the need USB Hubov Pretty big. In this article we will talk about these devices presented on Aliexpress.

If you have not had to work with this platform, we recommend to study you an article "First purchase for Aliexpress: Step-by-step instructions".

USB Hub on Aliexpress: Model Overview

  • USB Hub Veineda.

USB Hub Veineda.

Such a pretty and funny person can serve you for many years. One such device costs 220 rubles. The model is plastic, made in white. At your disposal there are 4 ports on different limbs, and a cord is connected to the man's head, which is connected to a PC and a laptop.

See catalog

  • USB Hub Zhentianxia.

USB Hub Zhentianxia.

This device is not only small, but also inexpensive. He has 4 ports and is considered high-speed. Externally, the device is similar to the processor cooler. It differs in small dimensions - length and width of 10 cm, and the height is 5 cm. It is convenient, as you can take it with you. There is a choice of color. By the way, in the kit there is nothing but the device itself.

See catalog

  • USB Hub OnsursoCo.

USB Hub OnsursoCo.

This model is designed to connect 7 devices that can work simultaneously. Such a hub in the bag is definitely not fit, but for home this is a useful thing. The advantage of this model is that each port has its own switch. When the driver is connected, it is installed on your own, so you don't have to do this,

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USB Hubs by the type of interface to Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

USB Habs by the type of interface to Aliexpress

USB Habs by the type of interface to Aliexpress

When you are Aliexpresscome in one or another section, you can immediately see the left filters that are located on the left. They will allow you to choose the appropriate option for your needs and desires.

For example, on Aliexpress the Chinese shared their devices into several interface types:

  • USB 1.1.

See catalog

  • USB 2.0

See catalog

  • USB 3.0.

See catalog

USB Hubs by the number of ports for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

USB Habs by the number of ports to Aliexpress

USB Habs by the number of ports to Aliexpress

No online store has such an assortment as on Aliexpress. Moreover, in the heading you will meet more than 14 thousand different options, which differ in terms of cost and by external design. Thus, you can sort and by the number of ports. If you need a device with more than four ports, then you just have to set the filter and view the appropriate options. So, by the number of ports, the division is as follows:

  • 2-4 ports

See catalog

  • 5-8 ports

See catalog

  • More than 10 ports

See catalog

USB Hub on Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Find interesting things on Aliexpressit's not so difficult how to choose a store. Of course, the administration monitors the transactions and work of the stores, but one hundred percent warranty that you will not get to the fraudster, no one will give you. Detailed information on how to choose the right store Read in the article "Seller's rating for Aliexpress".

We will give you a list of sellers who earned them a decent rating and confidence of buyers:

USB Hub on Aliexpress: reviews

Fedor: Delivered in less than a month. Packaging reliable. Hub is beautiful, simple and reliable. In general, everything is done cheap and angry. I advise, since the seller is reliable.

Ivan: All three holes work and can function at one time. The design is weak, it is immediately clear that it did not last long, but still for a while it goes away.

Alexei: I walked the goods for almost a month before Dnepropetrovsk. Everything that this device is capable is to charge the phone or a table light bulb. The transfer rate is very small, there are jumps of voltage, and the cord is short. The seller has returned money without question.

Video: 7 Port Hub USB Hub 2.0 3.0 from China with Aliexpress

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